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"Is something going on between you two?"

Louis looks up and furrows his eyebrows. He can feel his cheeks turn warm. "What? No, Mum." He says, picking up his rucksack. Jay smirks and shakes her head, patting Doris' back as she tries to burp her.

"I've seen that look, Lou," Jay reminds. "I can tell when you're smitten for someone, you can't hide anything from me."

Louis sighs and looks down at his shoes. Shit, she caught him. "Okay, yeah, but Mum, I don't know if I'm going to be able to be in a relationship like that again."

Jay's expression softens. "C'mon, Lou, there's not going to be another Eleanor. It was more than a year ago, love."

"Maybe I have this affect on people!" Louis points out. "Maybe I give people the urge to make careless decisions! I can't let that happen to Harry, he's too important."

"Louis," Jay says softly, giving her son a sorry look. "You can't let her ruin you, love. It happened, and we moved here for you to get a fresh start, yeah? Harry is your fresh start."

Louis exhales. "I just don't think I can do this. Not yet," He admits. Jay sighs and nods, still patting Doris' back.

"I'm right here with you, love," Jay assures. "Whatever you need."

Louis smiles gratefully and nods just as Harry comes down the stairs, wearing one of Louis' jumpers and a pair of leggings.

"Hey," Louis greets softly, picking up Harry's lavender rucksack and handing it to him. Harry smiles gratefully and thanks him quietly, putting on the rucksack. He had a spout of morning sickness earlier, but he had gotten better.

"That's a nice jumper, Harry," Jay says with a smug smile only mums seem to possess. Louis blushes while Harry just giggles.

"Well, um, we better get going," Louis says with a glare to his Mum. Jay just continues to smile, smiling wider when Doris burps.

"Cheerio," She says. "Have a nice day at school, boys."

"We will," Louis grumbles, and Harry smiles and waves at Jay as he and Louis walk out to the driveway.

"How can you even argue that Nutella is better than peanut butter?" Louis shakes his head, but he grabs a container of Nutella from a high shelf Harry definitely can't reach and sets it in the basket. Harry pouts, a mischievous look in his eyes as he grabs two more containers of Nutella from a lower shelf. Louis sighs. "Harry, no!"

"Harry, yes!" Harry counters. "I need Nutella, you don't understand."

"Oh no, I understand that," Louis corrects, leading Harry away from the aisle so his entire life savings won't go to twenty containers of Nutella. "I just don't understand how the fuck you can even begin to argue that Nutella is, in any way, better than peanut butter."

"It's like desert on bread!" Harry exclaims, shrugging. "It's amazing. I want to marry the creator of Nutella."

"What if it's a girl?" Louis asks, and Harry shrugs.

"I'm not going to label my sexuality," Harry responds, tugging at the jumper he was wearing and grabbing a package of Keebler cookies from the shelf. Louis raises his eyebrows, not knowing what to say. Harry looks over to him again. "I want to go to the park."

Louis shakes his head. "It's freezing," He points out, leading Harry toward the self checkout. He's so whipped for Harry he swears he almost goes broke every time they go to a supermarket.

"But the snow is so pretty!" Harry whines, sticking out his bottom lip and batting his eyelashes. "It never snows here, we have to see it while it lasts!"

Louis sighs. He scans their food and shakes his head again, looking back over to where Harry is giving him a pleading look. He gives in.

"Fine," He huffs, tossing the cookies and containers of the damned Nutella into a plastic bag. "Fine, wanker, I'll take you to the fucking park."

"I am truly blessed," Harry gasps sarcastically, receiving a glare from Louis in return.

"This is going to end with one of us getting pneumonia," Louis grumbles, kicking a piece of ice with his black Van shoe and making it slid across the cold pavement. "And, with my luck, it'll be me. Speak at my funeral, will you?"

"Oh, shut it," Harry says with a giggle, hands in his coat pockets as Louis leans over and zips the white winter jacket. "Look at all the snow, we almost never get this much. 'S beautiful."

"'S something, I'll give you that," Louis mumbles, reaching over and pulling Harry's hood over the shorter boy's curls. Harry giggles again, looking up at Louis with sparkling eyes that make him almost melt.

And Louis can tell Harry wants to ask. Ask about Eleanor and about his feelings and about where they were going, but he kept his mouth shut, and Louis was grateful. He's not ready, he doesn't know when he will be ready.

"I'm a good listener," Is all Harry says, taking his hand out of his pocket and grabbing Louis'. He squeezes his hand, and Louis gives him a sort of scared smile.

"Noted," He replies, and the two of them continue to walk down the pavement, staring at the snow that littered the ground.

Q: What do you think happened with Eleanor? What's so bad that Louis can't recover, even more than a year later?

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