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"Okay, but, Betty is controlling," Louis argues, head in the space left of Harry's lap because of his belly. Harry is switching between petting his swollen tummy and Louis' hair, a tired grin on his face.

"But Jughead needs her, Lou," Harry argues sleepily, leaning against the headboard with his eyes half shut. "Like I need you. You're my Jughead."

"You are much sweeter and much prettier than Betty," Louis assures very seriously, making Harry giggle.

"You might be hotter than Jughead," Harry hums, giggling again when Louis glares at him over-dramatically. "I'm just kidding. Of course you are."

"I love you," Louis says with a smile. "You tired?"

"I love you too," Harry mumbles. "Yeah, 'm tired, but we can keep watching this."

"No, no, love," Louis assures, shutting the telly off before standing up off the sofa and in front of Harry. "Let's go to bed, yeah?"

"Okay," Harry huffs, letting Louis help him up. Louis' noticed it's gotten increasingly harder to help Harry up over time. "Joshua hasn't kicked all night, 'd y'think he's okay?"

"That means he's probably coming soon, baby," Louis explains softly, smiling when Harry's eyes widen. "You're four days overdue, H, why're you so surprised?"

"I-I just," Harry shrugs, gripping both of Louis' hands tightly. "I didn't expect it. I don't know."

"Harry, bub," Louis soothes. "Calm down. Lets go to bed, yeah? You haven't even gone into labour yet or anything."

"Lou, Lou," Harry's hands are shaking. Louis furrows his eyebrows, but he wraps Harry up in a hug and rubs his back.

"Hazza, love, let's go to bed and cuddle, okay?" Louis says gently, kissing right below Harry's jaw. Harry just nods, letting Louis grab his hand and squeeze it before leading him out of the lounge, shutting the telly off on their way out.

Harry wakes up with an almost frantic kick to his ribs, slowly sitting up by himself and glancing around the dark room sleepily for Louis' alarm clock. He sees it, looking over Louis' sleeping body that was curled around him and seeing the time. 3:07. Fabulous.

Harry starts to ponder what woke him up in the first place before he feels a foot at the top of his belly. Right.

"Hey," Harry hisses toward Joshua, wrinkling his nose at the baby's sudden movement. "I was sleepin', bub, c'mon."

Joshua doesn't stop. Harry sighs, pouting before gently covering Louis' closed eyes with his hand and turning on the light. Louis lets out a sleepy huff while Harry softly strokes his cheekbone with his thumb, using his other hand to rub his eyes.

"Hazza," He can hear Louis whine softly, words slurred with drowsiness. "Why'd you turn the light on?"

"Don't worry about it, love," Harry coos softly, Louis wrapping his arm around Harry's waist and nuzzling his nose into the side of his belly. "Just go back to sleep, okay?"

"Lay down," Louis whines, and just as Harry is about to turn off the light and obey, he's hit with pain that washes over his whole belly, spreading to his hips and thighs to. He gasps, and that causes Louis to practically shoot up.

"What? What's wrong?" He asks frantically, hand going up to Harry's face as Harry wrinkles his nose, the discomfort leaving as quickly as it came. "Haz, did you just have a contraction? Are you okay?"

"I-I don't know," Harry whimpers, quickly reaching over and grabbing Louis' hand out of fear. Louis, still half asleep with almost no idea what to do, stands up quickly and sprints out of the bedroom, leaving Harry shaking in the bed.

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