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"Dude, your girlfriend is a groupie, she just tryna get innn," Harry sings loudly as Louis checks the time on the dashboard. About two minutes until the next contraction. He should enjoy Harry's energy while it lasts. He'll take Harry singing Post Malone over Harry crying. "Sayin 'I'm with the baaaaand'."

"Going well over there, H?" Louis asks fondly as he glances at Harry, seeing him text someone with a small smile.

"Going great, L," Harry replies, glancing at the clock and wrinkling his nose. "For now."

Louis twists his mouth and holds his hand out to Harry, using his other hand to steer. Harry takes his hand, the music still playing loudly as Harry's breath hitches. Fuck.

"Remember to breathe," Louis reminds softly, feeling Harry's hand tense inside of his. "Breathe through it, love."

"Lou," Harry whines, wrinkling his nose and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. Louis frowns and gives Harry's hand a small squeeze. "Lou, it hurts really bad."

"I know, baby, I know," Louis coos, Post Malone still mumbling in the background. "We're almost there, you can get an epidural if you want it."

"Y-You'll let me?" Harry manages to get out through his whimpers. Louis furrows his eyebrows, turning onto the street of the hospital.

"Of course I'll let you, honey," Louis assures, stroking the back of Harry's hand with his thumb and turning into the parking lot of the hospital. "You're the one getting him out, I don't care how you do it as long as you're comfortable."

"I love you," Harry sniffles, wiping his eyes again. Louis just brings Harry's hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it.

Louis parks the car and hops out, grabbing Harry's bag before walking over to Harry's side. He holds his hands out to Harry, who just wipes his eyes and shakes his head. This is a time Louis would usually get frustrated, but since it's Harry he just grabs both of Harry's hands.

"What's wrong, love?" He asks softly. He notices Harry's legs are trembling. "You want me to carry you?"

"You don't have to, I just-" Harry sniffles. "My legs are fucking burning. I don't-"

"I got it, babe," Louis assures soothingly, slinging the bag over his shoulder and lifting Harry bridal style. He's heavy, yeah, but he's still tiny in stature and he's easy to carry with the bag.

Harry's literally trembling in Louis' arms. Louis frowns and kisses Harry's forehead. "I love you," Louis mumbles sweetly. Harry just leans his forehead into Louis' chest, arms around his neck.

Louis walks into the hospital, the receptionist looking up and giving him a sympathetic look. "M-My boyfriend is in labour," Louis stutters almost timidly.

"Did you call beforehand, love?" She asks soothingly.

"No, I-I'm sorry," Louis didn't know when his bottom lip started trembling, but he tells himself to suck it up, because he has to be an adult now.

"Oh, no, it's okay," She assures. "You're Jay's son, yeah? I remember you, we have a private room available."

"Yes please," Louis replies to a question she didn't ask. The receptionist picks up the phone on her desk and says something into it Louis can't hear over Harry's whimpering.

A nurse comes out with a wheelchair Louis gently lowers Harry into, Harry starting to weep into the sleeve of his shirt. The nurse motions for Louis to follow her, and he thinks he can hear the receptionist wishing him luck behind him, but he's so focused on watching Harry closely now that he's not in his arms.

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