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"Are you sure you'll be okay with Lottie?" Louis asks quietly, running his hand through Harry's hair. Harry smiles and nods, leaning up and pecking Louis' lips.

"If he even kicks the wrong way I will call you," Harry assures. "Go talk with Eleanor. We'll be okay for a few hours."

Louis can't help but smile. "Okay, okay, I'll go. I love you."

Harry beams. "I love you too," He stands on his tiptoes and presses a kiss to the tip of Louis' nose. "Now, go."

So Louis pecks Harry's lips one last time before getting into his car and preparing to drive to Doncaster. His Mum had suggested going to see Eleanor more often, as it might help with the grieving. It's hard, his hands are shaking the whole drive there, but he manages.

He approaches the familiar headstone, biting his bottom lip with his hands folded in front of him.

"Um, hi," He squeaks, leaning his head back a bit and taking a deep breath before continuing. "I think I'm going to start making these visits more often. But, um, can I...can I talk to you about Harry? I read something about bringing a...a late partner and your current partner together being good for, like, closure? So, I want to tell you about Harry."

Louis slowly sits down in front of the gravestone, inhaling shakily. "He's tiny," He blurts out, laughing at himself as he stares down at his lap. "I mean, like, not as much anymore, I guess, because he's nearing seven months along, but his height and his hands and literally everything except his tummy and his heart are tiny. He hit, like, a pretty big growth spurt sometime last week, and when he stood up he almost fell over because he couldn't balance," Louis giggles and looks up at some pink peonies rested right at the gravestone. "I just want to be around him all the time. It hasn't even been an hour since I kissed him goodbye and I miss him so much."

Louis rests his cheek in his hand. "He talks to the baby all the time, too," He continues. "We're having a boy, and he calls the baby little love and talks to him all the time. Sometimes when I'm right there, but sometimes I catch him when he thinks I can't hear him. I wish I could talk to the baby all the time, because I want that bond with the baby as well, but I feel silly. Harry shouldn't, because the little one is literally attached to him, but I just feel awkward doing it in front of Harry?" Louis twists his mouth and looks down at his lap once again. "I hope he's okay with Lottie. As he's gotten more and more...pregnant, I guess, he's started to get more separation anxiety when I'm not there. You don't know how many times I've been caught texting him in class because he needs me to talk to him."

"I used to get separation anxiety when you'd leave for a few days to compete in dance competitions, remember?" Louis bites his bottom lip again. "You had to fly back a few times because I was having such a rough time without you. I'm sorry for that, by the way, I really just missed how you'd take cheese toasties for me," Louis teases lightly, heart full and smile wide.

"I have never seen anyone need curly chips so much," Lottie teases, giggling when Harry glares at her. "Now, let me take a picture of you with that baby grow to show Louis."

"Fine," Harry huffs, but he's smiling slightly as he reaches into one of the shopping bags and pulls out the baby grow Lottie made him pick up, claiming Louis would appreciate it.

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