Chapter 1- Welcome to Fairy tail!

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(A/N) Hola! I'm Lunar chan and yes if you have noticed I have deleted all my stories and am starting a new. This will be a series hopefully.... Um I hope this book goes better than the other ones hehehehe. Anyways I hope you enjoy and I recommend listening to the music when reading fan fiction. It always helps the mood ;0 ITS PAJAMA DAY TOMOROW IN MAH SCHOOL AND I AM FIRED UP MUAHHA YOU WILL ALL FEEL THE WRATH OF MY SHEEP PAJAMAS *chokes on spit* anyways please read and enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl


Lucy's POV:

Another day of life. I yawn as loud as a bear and wipe the water collecting itself at the peeks of my eyes. I quickly get up and shuffle into my bathroom, getting ready to march to the guild before Erza comes banging on my door. After finishing my bath, I inspect my clothes and settle with a blue tank top and white shorts, leaving my gold waist length hair down to its full glory. Satisfied I walk out the door and lock it tight so that those pesky raccoons won't be able to get into there again. I jog over to the big building that has become the home to my family. I breathe in, testing out the word. 

Family. A word that could bring such warmth and hope to my heart. I clutch my chest, and stroll on to the guild while humming a song my mother used to sing to me in her melodic voice. I bite my lips when I get to the part of the song were my mother stopped singing. Not because she voice cracked or something petty like that. It was because at that moment, there was a sword stuck into her chest, the blood spurting out onto the cement and my baby face, while both our faces were twisted in horror and grief; we both knew what was going to happen even as she was rushed to the hospital and the guards starting chasing the dashing murder. I still remember my mother's last words that pierced holes in my aching heart every time I recollected it.

"Lucy, listen well my love. I already know I do not have much time left. So don't mind me, and try not to grieve for me. Once I am gone, things will change greatly for you. Don't be brought down by the sudden changes. Rely on your strength. Make trust worthy friends who will protect you with their lives. And remember, that murderer, he will be coming for you too one day my dear. His name, and remember this well, is-" 

But that's all I could ever remember because after that, she was gone. She was never coming back either. My heart wretched all over in pain when I recollected the face she had on as she struggled to take in her last breaths. She was correct though. After she left, my whole world started to change. My once loving father became an alcoholic and soon after started abusing me with a whip every day. All my friends left me and I was alone, alone in the ruthless world that had started to reject me. But I could never give up. I hung onto my mother's dying words which is why I'm still alive now. But everyday, till this day, I've been beating my self about the same thing, over and over again. I just couldn't seem to remember the name my mother half whispered before dying. I know she said something, but I never did find out. 

"LUCY" I opened my eyes, being ripped from my thoughts, as a pinkette approached me, his onyx eyes ablaze and dancing in mischievousness. I smile and he performs one of his signature lop sided grins which made him unfairly attractive. He strides up to me and mumbles a greeting before shoving a yellowed piece of paper into my face. I snort and snatch the paper, and turn to inspect the mission.


I go down and read the details stating the people's reports about seeing a 'monster.' They seemed pretty sure this wasn't a prank or some rouge wizard playing a few tricks. I pursed my lips and held the paper in my hands tighter. Then wrinkles appeared on my forehead as the monthly rent aspect of life came into view. I silently growled and faced the bored looking pinkette. I nod at him and we walk over to Mira and confirm the mission. She sends me a smile and Natsu and I walk out the guild, accompanied by a familiar blue cat.

We reached the train station quickly and all I could do was try and sit far from Natsu as his face exploded into many colors and his lips were pursed. Happy was busy munching contently on his pack of sardines that Mira had supplied him with. I sighed and looked out the window and out to the horizon. The yellow big round ball we call the sun had sunk into the green lush grass and the moon stretched above us, taunting us that we would never be able to reach the stars. My heart burned at not being able to touch the stars, to be kept away from their magnificence. 

"Lucy, what are you staring at, hm?" I turn to see a single man, wearing a long purple cape standing in the aisle. His dark purple hair is trimmed short and his blue eyes send a wink my way. Normally I'd be squealing that a REALLY hot guy just sent some words my way. But this time my brown orbs widened in fear and my lips quivered as I took in the sight before me. Happy's neck was stitched between the mans clutches. Happy's furry head was rolled back, his eyes white, with no trace of his pupils. 

He was out cold.

I hopefully glanced at Natsu but the hope burned down when I took notice that Natsu was out cold too, his face purple from the dire motion sickness. I looked back at the man, and swallowed. I opened my parched mouth but nothing came out. I closed my lips just as the man licked his lips and he threw Happy who landed with a soft thud on top of Natsu, causing Natsu to make a squeal. 

The man faced me again, his blue eyes gleaming in the following moonlight. He smirked and I swallowed my reaction.

"Ah Lucy Heartfilia, it's been far too long." he says, his voice dripping in ego and arrogance. I let a breath out. He knew me?

"Who are you, what do you want?" I breathe out. He smiles casually and shrugs.

"Do you think I would tell you? Cause I don't most certainly plan on it. All you should know is that changes are to come, my dear." He says his last part of the sentence, imitating a voice I haven't heard for years, but could recognize it even in my sleep. 

"Mom" I say slowly, testing the word I haven't said in a few several years. I realization flickers through my mind and fury paints itself on my face as I suddenly know who this guy is. 

"It's you" I spit, my voice carrying a bucket load of venom. He's him. The one I've been searching for my whole life. The one I've been preparing to meet since that dreadful day. He was the one who had ruined life, who had taken what was most precious to me away. The man who controlled my nightmares and my dreams. I could never forget the day he smiled that way, or the way he waved as he ran from the guards. He might have dyed and cut his hair, but it was him, and I could see that as clear as day. It was him.

The murderer of Layla Heartfillia, my mother.

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now