Chapter 22- More Trouble

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Hey loves! Another update coming right up XD We're close to 10k which means soon I'll upload the fairy tail ship amv I'm working on! The audio is gasoline rock style nightcore even though the normal version is better. I think the story is starting to get spicy wouldn't you agree? However it is coming to an end since I have to start the cover and everything for book two. As usual, vote comment and Enjoy! 

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Natsu's POV:

I sent one last blast to Maya and she went flying into the wall, creating a blood crawling screeching sound as well as a hole in the wall. I smirked as I walked up to her, careful. I was quite knocked up as well, every moment my insides would churn and I would have to quicken my attacks to make sure she couldn't kill me.

"I'm going to finish you off." she said in a creepy voice, her silky brown hair dripping onto her face from its original braid. She was quite pretty for her age, but that didn't matter. She had hurt my Luce, and now she would simply pay for her actions. I smiled and prepared another attack, aiming my anger and rage at her. 

"Water dark arts: Mixture pool!" she chanted quickly as a churning began in me. I fell to the floor, my hands over my stomach as it whirled around like a whirlpool. Maya looked up at me triumphantly from her low perch on the ground. Blood dripped onto her teeth but she still looked scary and yet beautiful. I groaned in pain and felt the liquids rising up to my mouth, I covered my lips and clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the worst to happen so I could beat her ass.

But nothing ever came. Instead, a strangled cry was heard and then silence. The churning in my stomach came to an abrupt stop as well. I opened my eyes and stopped the fire wall around me. Maya was lying on the floor, her eyes rolling up and her mouth slightly parted. I looked next to her to find Ace standing with his hair standing covering his eyes and his hands neatly lingering at his sides. Maya looked the same, so Ace used his magic?

"What did you do?" I asked. "Used my magic, isn't it obvious." he said in a depressed monotone. "Thanks man." I said thankfully and he nodded at me, walking back and slouching near Nova's body. Celeste was still near Lucy, pawing at the crystal as if that would help. I'd have to ask Ace what his magic was later, right now he was in no condition to talk. I glanced back at Celeste, trying to distract myself from the emptiness inside.

"You're a dragon, right? What's your magic?" I asked suddenly and the little girl looked at me with bloodshot eyes. "Yes, I just don't like to use my magic unless it's necessary. I'm the-" A loud shout was heard from outside, and we all turned out heads that way, cringing as a sudden burst of magic hit us.

"Let's go!" I screamed as I ran out the lab room, my mouth parting as the sight presented in front of me sunk in. "ERZA!" I screamed as Erza was thrown into the wall none other than by Zeref himself. Erza fell to the floor, next to Amon's dead body as she panted heavily. Zeref turned out way, squinting at us.

"Ah Natsu how are you today?" he asked casually, increasing my anger. "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL MAN" I hollered and Zeref chuckled, roughing up his hair. "Ah don't worry since, you are here and are so important to me, I will not kill the girl named Erza." he smiled and I snorted. "Who am I to you then?" I challenged and he looked surprised. "You will learn your true identity in time. For now though, I am here for the girls, step aside please." he said sweetly and flashed another smile however I was ready. "NO WAY" I hollered and went rampaging as I ran towards him. However he easily dodged and kicked me into another wall. I fell with a thud and groaned as he picked Celeste up and flung her to the side.

I raised my hand, attempting to stop him however I was too weak. What happened to me? I failed everyone.. 

Then everything went black.....sorry Luce. I love you...

Ace's POV: 

I walked out to see everyone on the ground unconscious. I looked to the right to see Zeref inspecting me. I turned to face him and stood with a withered nonchalant expression. "You're here for them aren't you?" I asked, sighing. He nodded and walked up to me. "You have a very rare magic, do you know that?" he asked and I nodded. "Give me your magic, even a small portion will do, not all of it." He said and I looked at him curiously. "Why?" I asked and he clicked his tongue, loosing patience.

"Your powers could help heal the two girls." He said and my eyes widened. "You're lying?" I asked, hoping that this wasn't a joke and the my love Nova could be brought back to life. Zeref smiled and nodded his head. "I'm telling the truth." he said. I smiled but the frowned and stepped back. 

"I-I don't trust you, you c-" but Zeref had lost it, He flashed in front of me and smirked. "If you are not willing to give, then I will have to take. He placed a hand on my chest and smiled, "I will only take some of your magic, be grateful." and then I blacked out.

Wendy's POV:

I watched anxiously as Gray started strangling Prudence, his hands strong and mad. Something was wrong about Gray though, he was being driven by madness and at this rate, he was going to kill Prudence!

I wearily stood up and smiled at Happy, "Thanks Happy chan!" I proclaimed before sprinting over to Gray's body. Prudence was starting to black out, I had to hurry. 

"Healing arts: Mad Drive!" I cried as a yellow spiral flew from my open palms into Gray's back, the yellow absorbed into him. He stopped and let go of Prudence who fell to the floor, gasping and panting, eyes crazy with fear. I turned Gray around and hugged him, stopping him from moving any further. Ha had to calm down. I felt him shift and then stop altogether. 

"Are you fine?" I said looking at Prudence. I was mad at her, really mad for betraying Lucy and Nova, but I couldn't let Gray kill her. She nodded and I asked Gray as well. He fell to the floor and sobbed.

"I-I'm sorry..Prudence and Wendy." he said, wiping his few tears as he looked Prudence in the eyes. Prudence nodded, "It's my fault too, I'm sorry as well." she said and they stared at each other for a few moments in welcome silence. "Guys, what about the others! Zeref must have gotten to them by now!" I cried as the other flickered their heads my way.

"Let's go then! We have to save them!" Happy cried as we all set off, running in the hallways, not caring how much noise our movements made. We rounded the corner to see absolute destruction. Everyone was lying on the floor, knocked out. 

I carefully walked past them, tears falling and looked into the open lab door, my heart shattering into millions of pieces. Inside the room it was dark, pitch black, why you ask?

Because the light of the crystals were gone.

Because Zeref had taken them.

Because we had failed. 

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now