Chapter 27- Confessions

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Hey loves! Another update because you guys are awesome! Thanks for all the views, comments and votes :D This book will be over in another one to two chapters. I have a lot of books I want to publish and I have to finish Count Down for me to continue the series so yea sorry. The audio is Despacito nightcore. As usual, please vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Nova's POV:

"Wakey wakey sleepy butt." I said in a cheesy voice while slapping Lucy's face. I had woken up early and remembered Zeref's request to come down early. Not wanting to die, I hastily shook Lucy until she bolted upright, staring at me weirdly. "GO GET READY SO OUT BUTTS DON'T GET FRIED" I cried and she covered her ears.

"Damn is butt your new favorite word or something?" she whined while racing to the bathroom, afraid of the same thing as me. I laughed and sat on the bed, waiting for Lucy to finish. Ten minutes later, Lucy sprinted out the bathroom and stopped before me, panting. "Come on." she said and pulled me to the main hall where Zeref sat in the same clothing.

"Does he ever wash his clothes?" Lucy whispered to me and Zeref glared at us. "I'm not deaf." he said and I chuckled. "I'm not near you, how'd you hear us?" Lucy prompted and Zeref tsked. "Eat and hurry, we have A LOT of training to do girls." he said and motioned to the food on the table. We both gulped it down and expectantly watched Zeref.

"Shall we proceed then?" He asked and we both nodded. He got up motioned us to follow him as walked outside. Lucy and I both gasped as the sunshine hit our faces and the grass tickled our ankles. The blue sky decorated with marshmallow like clouds. How long has it been since we saw something like this? How long since we had been outside. Tears dotted my face and Lucy wiped her own tears while smiling brilliantly at me.

"I think we're on earth" she quickly said, her face changing. I looked around as well. We were on earth. So we could sneak away and somehow get back to Magnolia then? "This is not earth, if that's what your thinking." Zeref said and we both tilted our heads at him. His stood in front do us his back to us, but her tutored his head so we could we part of his face as he grinned. "We're in Tartarus." He smiled and we both gasped.

"This looks nothing like how the underworld should look like!" Lucy exclaimed and Zeref smirked. "Everything you are seeing right now is a barrier. The sky and everything is a wall around my castle so that you cannot get out. "Come here and walk straight" he said to Lucy and she did. She walked a good half mile before bumping into the sky and falling to the floor. "That is my wall. An illusion." He laughed and tears sprouted once more. "Behind my walls is the real Tartarus. However no one can see my wall because it's invisible on the outside. Smart right! No one will come to rescue you!" He cried while laughing. Lucy had came back and sat next to me, burying her head into my shoulder and I hugged her and comforted her.

"You really are evil." I spat and Zeref turned to me, looking amused. "I know, now shut up and get over here so we can start our training." He said and I nodded. I pulled Lucy with me and smiled at her. We would both train, get stronger together and then take down Zeref. Lucy seemed to know what I though, she smiled and nodded.

"First off, since both of you have the same power, and are so close with each other, you both are able to talk to each other from your minds. You can communicate without speaking." He said and we both nodded, that was true. "Now we can't start off with your powers because you are still healing, but we can help heal faster." He said evilly smiling. "How?" Lucy asked and Zeref smirked. "Let me take care of that.." Zeref said as he stepped towards us.

Natsu's POV:

I walked into the guild, yawning as Happy landed on my salmon colored hair, mumbling about how we needed to restock on fish. I sighed and strolled to the bar, waiting for Mira to appear and ask for my order. But she never came. The guild was already busy but the main members were no where to be seen. What the eff? I sniffed the air and widened my eyes as I smelled them near in the vicinity. Carefully taming in the second floor I sneaked close to a room where whispering was heard. I rested my ear on the door as Happy and I listened in on their conversation.

"From what Jellal has told us, Lucy and Nova are with Zeref in his palace." A deep voice boomed and I deemed it to be Makarov. More groans and gaps were heard throughout the small room. I stained my ears, trying to listen in harder.

"Where is his palace?" A proud voice called. Yup that's Erza. "Not many know this information, but Zeref lives in Tartarus, the underworld." Gramps finished just as more gasps echoed. Hey why wasn't I invited to the secret meeting, damn you all!

"Shouldn't we include Natsu San as well?" A small voice called, probably Wendy. God bless you Wendy! "No child, of Natsu knew, he would go running into Tartarus to find Lucy. We don't know anything about his palace though." Grandpa finished.

Damn straight I'd go after her. And I will right now. No one is stopping me this time. I ran down the stairs with Happy as discreetly as possible. I panned around the room and spotted a wild Celeste. Quickly picking her up, I sprinted out the guild hall, Celeste in hand questioning what I was doing. I shushed her with pleading eyes and sprinted a few miles from the guild before placing her down from her perch on my shoulder.

"I found out where Lucy and Nova were taken." I said and her small red eyes widened. "She's in Tartarus." I said and Celeste's eyes narrowed. "I can teleport us there." She said and I nodded. That's why I had brought her along. "Then let's go." I said and she nodded. Is it just me or is she a little different. "I'm going to get back Lucy sis" she said determined and I smiled.

"I'm coming Luce!"

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now