Chapter 18- The Fight Rages On

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Hey loves! I really want to update again because the last chapters have been short and you guys have really inspired me! Thanks for all the votes, comments and views! The song is invincible and it's an amv for persona 5, a great game and new anime. Please watch the anime and play the game, and also do the same for the persona 3 and persona 4 series! And yes this chapter is fairly long ayeee. Geesh I need to hurry and update so that I can go read some fan fiction ;( I have nothing to say so please as usual vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

I opened my sore eyes to a world of gray and black. I blinked a few times before staring around, trying to understand where I was being held. My hands and ankles were sore, the burn marks of the shackles chaining me reminding me of all the mistakes I made. The crying outside had halted, Celeste was gone. I was proud, a smile broad on my face; Celeste had escaped and she was going to live. Unlike me.

I already felt the magic eating me from the inside, I was drained of power and everything about me was dead from my skin to my features. I looked dead. The three dragon people whispered around as they hurried through the lab, getting the preserving crystal ready to cage me, just like Nova. This is how it's going to end. No one would come out for me, Natsu probably told them horrible things about me, they hated me. Tears threatens to fall but nothing came out, I was probably dried of tears even though the red team stains covered my face.

"Do you see this?" One of the dragon men asked. The lady walked over to the man and examined the screen they were eyeing. It was snap of the palace. I had learnt that all the blue dots were the dragon people, however they were all in the west wing of the building. I was isolated with these three and Nova in the south wing. Well I was isolated until know at least.

"There's a disturbance at the entrance of the Jail hall where Erin died." The man spat, eyeing me with disgust. I looked away but kept my ears out for more information. "Alright then we'll have to deal with the intruders." The woman started. She turned toward the man, "Amon you go deal with them, Nick and I can deal with our, guest." She said sweetly, smiling my way with her sharp teeth. I gulped and looked away. Was it fairy tail coming to save me? I shook my head. I couldn't hold any hopes. It could be someone coming to kidnap me like the dragons. No hope, no hurt. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the power inside me, I was still going to fight until I died.

Natsu's POV:

"WAIT THEY GOT LUCE?!" I cried, upset. I though she was like invincible or something, then again she was pooped according to this Celeste child.

Celeste nodded and looked down. "They tied me and threw me out but I escaped. I have to save Lucy sis!" She whined and we all sympathized with the small child who had fallen for Lucy. I held her shoulder and she looked up at me with tear stained small face and my heart warmed up. "We'll get her back!" I exclaimed and the girl's face lit up like a light bulb.

"Thank you, Lucy sis is lucky to have a boyfriend like you!" she happily said and I choked on my own spit. Gray and Erza started laughing and the others giggled or smirked. "I-I'm no-not d-dat-dating L-Lu-Luce" I stuttered, a deep blush covering my face. Celeste visibly deflated and pouted, "Aw, okay." she said sighed. Damn Mirajane would love this girl! 

"Alright let's get a move, we have a blonde to save, so show us the way Celeste." Prudence pronounced while dragging Ace ahead. We all got up and followed as the gray haired girl walked past the hallway, where her father was murdered by the girl she now called 'sis'. 

I was about to walk further when I noticed a disturbance in the air, someone else was here. What was I kidding, it could be freaking the dragon king whoever he was. "Guys, there's someone watching us." I said loudly and the others nodded, they already knew. Erza was fondling with a strand of her hair, probably figuring out what battle outfit to use. I myself readied my magic, the fire burning deep in my body. Suddenly a flash passed us and a scream echoed through the stinky air.

"Wendy!" Gray hollered as we turned to find Wendy lying still, her unconscious body gripped in the hands of another guy, probably one of the dragon guys that lived here. Anger fumed through and I clenched my fists, first Luce and now Wendy, no thanks. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Amon." the guy said. He was probably in his thirties, standing at, at least six feet, with orange short slicked back hair and dull black eyes. He smirked, showing off his sharp teeth. Erza cursed and Gray readied himself for attacking this Amon guy. 

"Let me introduce myself as well, I'm Dragneel and I'm about to kick your ass and make you wish your parents never fucked." I stuttered, my teeth clenched and my nails dug into my skin, I was boiling as I saw Wendy, a sister like person to me, being captured in such filthy hands. And from what Celeste said, this guy helped take down Luce. He was dead, so dead.

Nick's POV:

"Maya, we might be in trouble." I said softly, trying so that Lucy Heartfilia would not hear us, she's dying but she's smart, we can't have her eavesdropping. The lady walked over to me, carefully watching me as if reading my face would tell her what had happened. She nodded for me to continue in a hushed whisper, Lucy was watching us from her caged perch, eyeing us with disgust.

"Zeref knows about the girl, he's detected her magic." I said calmly, trying not to make a scene even though this was really really bad, the boss, or our kind, might have to interfere if the infamous black wizard was going to pay us a visit.  

"Well if Zeref is going to pay us a visit,it seems that we'll have to let boss know, get some preparations done as well." she said smirking. I nodded smiling and walked out the door, the crystal was almost ready. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day in fact. 


Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now