Chapter 16- Excited!

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Hey loves! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO ME!!! Also I'm super inspired to write right now so wahoo! The audio is Moana again yay and I gotta find some new nightcore ;-;. Please show some love and support to my other book and as usual, vote, comment and...Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Levy's POV:

My heart faltered for a minute as Loke's words sunk into my brain. L-Lu chan was dying? "No I won't accept it!" I exclaimed, resulting in the rest of the guild looking at me with a look of pity. Ace scoffed and Prudence rolled her eyes. Everyone turned to the twins, confused with their actions.

"We can still save her, even though she was an idiot and probably used the Seal Of Death, she has a few hours left not counting the hours she can live if she fights the magic from the inside. We just have to find a way to Etioles." Prudence stated with a blank expression. Ace nodded his head in approval while Erza and Jellal went back to hardcore thinking. I glanced over at Natsu who was sulking in a corner, his eyes full of tears as he trained. My face immediately softened. He missed her, he was controlled; he loved her.

"Levy we need help!" Erza called and I nodded as I sprinted to the table. "We found a way to get to Etioles but it will take three strong dragon slayers." Jellal finished ad I nodded. "NATSU, GAJEEL, WENDY!" I hollered and three heads perked up. I signaled them over as Gramps observed our progress from above. The dragon slayers stepped in front of me, their faces determined. I smiled and walked them to an awaiting Erza.

"Alright guys there is a way you three could single handed open a portal to Etioles, but it's gonna need magic. A lot." Erza pronounced and Jellal nodded from behind her shoulder. Natsu smirked, his hands lit with fire. "Then what are we waiting for?" He cried happily. Erza sulked, "There's one condition though." Natsu's sweat dropped and even my eyes darted to Erza, awaiting her answer.

"Only seven people can enter the portal before it closes. Us humans aren't even supposed to be in Etioles so if more than five enter, it would create a rift in time." Erza said worriedly. "So we have decided for Natsu, Erza, Gray, Happy, Wendy, Ace and Prudence to enter the portal." Jellal concluded with a blank expression. The rescue team nodded as the twins sat with a surprised expression. 

"Why are you sending us after all we did? We could turn on you once we reach Etioles." The twins exclaimed in unison. My face quivered but then softened. "It's because you need Nova and she needs you; we're trusting you to help them, Lucy and Nova." I responded and they nodded in understanding.  

"ALRIGHT THEN DRAGON SLAYERS PLACES! LET'S SAVE LUCY AND NOVA!" Erza hollers for spirit and the guild roars back. I smile and make space for the slayers, who were memorizing the chant, magic already swirling around them. When they were ready, they stood in a triangle and stared at each other. Wendy nodded and the trio closed their eyes, the rest of the guild members watching from a safe distance. 

"PORTAL ARTS: ETIOLES KINGDOM" They all screamed in unison.

"ROAR!" They all chanted as a blue miasma of magic grew from them, and twisted, landing a few feet away as a blue oval, a weird shuffling noise being emitted from the device. The slayers collapsed before huffing in fatigue. 

"Alright team, let's go take back our family!" Master cheered and the guild hollered in response, cheering the rescue team as they one by one entered the portal. A tear escaped from my eyes and fell to the floor as Natsu stared at me while placing him foot into the portal, he was the last to go.

'Bring her back' I mouthed and he nodded, a grin plastered on his face. And then he was gone, and so was the portal.

Lucy, please come back safe.. 

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now