Chapter 8- Dragon attack!

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Hey loves! I haven't updated in like three days because I had homework, I was busy, and I had a district concert in where I had a very unique solo, which ended up destroying my vocal chords. I am now waiting for Athena to comment on that.....Anyways I have a lot of homework like a stupid one pager, and yes I have to do it because apparently I am my teacher's favorite student. Yesterday I was texting Athena, and she made the most beautiful mistake ever. She called Zeref, zerefa. LMAO. Anyways we are almost at 100 views, so let's keep on keeping on! The audio is pillow talk and yes is nightcore. It has some mature language, so please do not mind that! Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

"Dragons.." I muttered, hypnotized the creature's beauty, oh and its ferocious blood coated teeth, did I mention that yet? Well now I did. The dragon in front of me, currently glaring at me looked like it wanted to eat me.

"Lucy Heartfilia" It muttered once more, lost in its thought. WAIT DID IT JUST SAY MY NAME?

"How do you know my name?" I asked, flinching when the dragon attacked me with all of its attention once more. The dragon stared at me for a moment before presenting me with an answer.

"Alma Muerta..." It said quietly, and I had to strain my face to hear its words. It wasn't done talking though.

"Your aura reached us all the way in Etioles. At first we thought it was a fault, but then we felt the tremor of your power a second and third time. I was sent to investigate, and here I am." He said flatly as if he was scolding a child. On the other hand, I had like a hundred questions roaming my mind, more incoming.

"What's the Alma Muerta?" I asked softly, most of my body already knowing it's something I don't want to know. Using the education I was given back in the old days, I kind of figured that Alma Muerta meant dead soul in Latin. I closed my eyes and sucked in my breath while concentrating. Was Alma Muerta the dark aura? I open my eyes and bit the side of my cheek as the dragon glared at me, like he was trying to decipher my entire existence. 

"Are you ready to go then?" He asked flatly, with a hint of impatience added in. I stared the dragon hard. He expected me to go with him? Hell no! I had a life here.

"I don't want to go.." I trailed of when the dragon growled and reached out his scaled hand, which gripped around me, squeezing the air out of my lungs. I gasped as I struggled to take in air. The dragon smirked and held me higher in the air, inspecting me all over. 

"Stop.." I rasped as a wave of heat reached me and a familiar pinkette raced through the leafy bushes into the clearing. One look at the dragon and Natsu froze, emotion swarming his face. Then he slowly dragged his gaze to my petrified one. He managed a soft gasp and his face hardened in fury. 

"Natsu!" I cried out. His face was wavering and from the bushes behind him, and Prudence emerged, leaning her weight against a tree. She purred something at Natsu, who cringed, hardened then looked back at me. 

"Luce, good bye. I'll miss you...." He muttered and my body broke into panic. My eyes widened and my mouth parted in confusion. 

"Natsu..what's wrong?" I rasped, the dragons grip tightening. Natsu wasn't looking though,  instead he strolled to Prudence, who flashed a smirk at me before they both walked away back into the forest.

"NATSU" I hollered, using all of my remaining strength. But he never came back. Tears streamed down my face as the dragon muttered something about humans and heartbreaks before he jumped up, and I gasped we floated towards the closing portal in the sky. Ace's body was laying perfectly still, as if he was statue. It didn't matter though. I watched my tears decorate the sky as they dropped to earth as I entered the portal.

They left me

He left me

The man I loved left me

I hate you Natsu Dragneel.


"Lucy dear are you okay?" a voice cooed. I looked up, tired of watching the tears being drained from my eyes. My eyes held bags underneath them and two red lines had formed on my skin where the tears kept on flowing. Nova was standing above me, her brown hair complimenting her brown crop top. He green eyes were brimmed with concern and passion.

"Nova" I choked, my tears clogging my throat.

"Lucy dear, stop crying please it hurts me. It seems the dragons have taken hold of you. They have discovered that you have awakened your Alma Muerta." She mumbled the last part, which made me perk my head up.

"Nova be truthful. Why does Ace say the Alma Muerta made you vanish..?" I asked, my voice cold from not speaking for who knows how long. Nova looked conflicted, but she spoke anyways, love and sorrow entering her eyes as Ace's name reached her ears. 

"Lucy....Ace he wasn't lying dear. After using the Alma Muerta many times, the dragons detected me. That day I was on a date with Ace.." A small blush creeped to her cheeks. "Then my body started shimmering and vanished. When I opened my eyes, I was in Etioles, the world of the dragons. They tried to take my power away...and in their experiments, I was killed." My breath hitched at her last sentence. Tars brimmed both of our eyes and a new set of tears fell from my sore eyes.

"Does that mean they will try and...." I asked, stopping when Nova averted her eyes from mine, sorrow twisting her face. I immediately understood, but waited anyways for her to confirm it.

"They're going to kill you have to escape, please. You're special to me." She said and she looked away as tears rolled down her clouded green eyes. I nodded and gulped.

"But why do the dragons need this power anyways?" I questioned. Nova looked back at me and shook her head sadly.

"That's what I was never able to find out. You have to find that out Lucy, please. I have a feeling the dragons aren't going to do something good with have to save us all." She said, her eyes pleading with me.

"I'll be appearing very frequently from now on wards in your dreams, so please heed my warnings. Make the dragons your allies to gain more time. I have to go dear" Nova said flatly as her body shimmered, probably like how it shimmered the day of her disappearance.

"No Nova!" I exclaimed, my hand brushing against her as she faded from view.

And the the floor beneath me vanished. 

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now