Chapter 12- And we're dead

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Hello loves! I was pleased that we are at 980 views and 100 votes so I decided to update again yay! We are now at the climax of the book, and it will soon be ending although then second book will be out after I finish a few of the drafts I have, I really want to release them so please don't rush me in that. I might make a really sad cliffhanger, who knows muahaha. Anyways the audio is nightcore (duh) and the song is called Mercy which I love and is one of my hundred favorite songs. I wanted to make this the audio for the last chapter but I had to put the image of Celeste instead because I'm a visual person and it might help ya'll! Anyways please read and enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

"Where do you think you're going." A cold but familiar voice boomed. Oh shit we were so dead meat. I turned around slowly, met face to face by Erin's cold menacing eyes. Erin latched his arm onto my waist and smirked. My face slowly turned into a face twisted in pain as a shooting pain spread through my abdomen, quickly entering my other body parts. I screeched, the pain unbearable and through my right ear I could faintly hear the gasp of Celeste, probably disgusted at how cruel her father could be. Erin stepped back and I fell to the floor, Celeste kneeling next to me in an effort to catch me. I hugged into her arm as she sobbed into my neck, her warm tears dripping down my neck. I heaved in and out for air, my chest drastically inflating and deflating at a rapid pace. Celeste whimpered loudly and Erin's sneer was heard booming across the room. Weren't any other creature inhabiting this building? Erin crouched low, his cape resting on the ground and he pulled his daughters curls, the girl screeching in pain as she was lifted from the ground. I reached out, my arm stretching to hers, my blood boiling. My eyes flashed red and a memory sprawled itself along side my brain, my eyes flashing white with no irises for a few seconds.

"Mommy, why is Daddy beating me and screaming at me?" Kid Lucy cried, bowing down at her mother's photo, the only thing Lucy still cared about. But the photo just portrayed a smiling picture of the late Layla Heartfilia, not moving and perfect. Kids Lucy's tears slowly dripped to the ground, creating tiny splashing sounds that were lost in the the foot steps that echoed down the hall. Kid Lucy looked up and her irises contracted in fear as she caught sight of Jude, her abusive drunk father striding down the hall straight for the blonde. Kid Lucy backed up against the picture of her mother which seemed to fade a bit. Jude smirked and pulled Kid Lucy up by her short blonde hair causing the latter to holler out in pain. Jude grinned and threw Kid Lucy at the wall, Lucy's blood spurting onto the shiny wood floor. Kid Lucy moaned as she quietly laid down on the bloody floor, Kid Lucy's and another scratch added to the collection all over her body. Jude wasn't done though, he stalked over to the poor child and once again began tormenting her by repeatedly kicking her all over, the blonde sobbing and screeching out.

"Daddy stop please!" The child cried, the body aching as more blood decorated the shiny floor, causing Jude to kick harder.

"Why should I? I'm not your father you little brat, go die!" Jude exclaimed, Kid Lucy nearly unconscious. Kid Lucy moaned one last time before her eyes closed and she stopped screaming, the tears on her cheeks staining her cheeks red. Her face was swirled in pain even as she rested. Jude snarled one last time before leaving the poor child there, and turning, running back to his room to drink more alcohol. The photo of Layla seemed to be frowning, her face imitating her young daughter's. 

Lucy gasped and opened her eyes from the horrendous flashback. Her blood boiled and her fists clenched tightly as Celeste screamed out her pleas to her father. I felt my chest heave more and a familiar darkness creep into my chest. I didn't care if it would kill me, right now I had to save Celeste. If I died, killing Erin and saving Celeste, I would feel perfectly fine about that. My strength swirling back in me, I cautiously step back up, gaining the attention of Erin as his slit pupils turned to me, making a clicking sound with his tongue. 

"How can you treat your daughter like that? I questioned, venom spraying from my mouth. Celeste stopped to stare at me, why? Even Erin seemed to pale a little. The confusion on the face was evident to them as Celeste pointed to the mirror standing low behind me. I turned around and let a rouge gasp slip from my mouth.

My irises were black, with no trace of brown and my hair had become black as well, the blonde gone as if it never existed. My skin was way paler than before and I had black studs and a black necklace on. Black eye shadow creeped onto my eyes and I had wings with eyeliner dancing on my paled face. My dress was a black sun dress with the ends longer, sweeping the floor. I had two black bracelets hugging each hand and black flats on. How did I not notice this again? This never happened the other times I used Alma Muerta, now what?

"So your memories trigger that form eh?" A voice from behind me called. I faced Erin, my eyes cold and pale.

"What form?" I asked quietly and Celeste ran from her father, jutting her chin out as she took her place by my side. Erin squinted his eyes at me, but returned his gaze to me, interest swimming through his dark eyes. 

"That form is the ultimate from of the Alma Muerta. Nova turned into that before vanishing." He smirked and Celeste gripped my hand. He continued.

"It's called the Seal of Death." He said coolly. Wow it seemed like I had just awakened a new power, I'm so awesome.

"It seems you'll have to die now."

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now