Chapter 24- Promises

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Hey loves! Another update for you :D Sadly this book is coming to the end, but that means the start of the second book! Remember, 10k means an amv! I wish this book would get more views on each chapter like every other book. Which is why I think I'm going to update only when each chapter reached at least more than sixty to seventy views, sorry I just don't like updating when the last chapter on has two views. Please advertise and tell others to check out my book >///< The audio is nightcore policeman, I don't really like that song bet eh.. As usual, please vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Levy's POV:

It was midnight, everyone was at home, other than me, Gajeel, Mirajane, Laxus, Juvia and a few others who were willing to wait for the rescue team. Worry and hope both etched themselves into my heart, but I had faith. The clock ticked to 12:30 am and Laxus sighed.

"Maybe we should just-" he was interrupted by a brilliant light that shone in the middle of the guild. On cue, eight bodies fell out of the portal. My heart jumped in joy, eight! That means that they got Lucy back! However I stopped as a frown decorated my face; it should be nine people, since Nova was coming as well, right?

"Damn at least we didn't die in a rift." Happy sighed, however no one from the rescue crew made a peep. A sence of dread entered me as I noted that the eight person was a complete stranger. Neither Lucy and Nova were to be seen. The crew got up, dusting themselves and that's when we saw how deep and bad their bruises were. Natsu looked at me, at my hurt eyes before quickly looking away. He broke the promise.

He quickly strode up to me and fell to his knees as my feet. I looked down with tears threatening to fall. "Zeref took them." he said and I suppressed a gasp. He looked me in the eye, tears bubbling in his own eyes. Everyone's eyes were on us. "I promise that I will bring her back this time." he said solemnly, but can I believe him? "If you don't?" I asked. He stared me right in the eye and spoke,

"Then I will quit Fairy Tail."

Natsu's POV:

Levy covered her mouth with her hands and the others gasped or stood dumbfounded. "If I don't bring Luce back, then I'm quitting-" "But Natsu san!" Juvia interrupted. "No. This is my choice, and my promise." I said and Juvia looked downcast, much to Gray's irritation. "Keep your promise." Levy stated and I nodded, getting up.

I looked behind me and signaled for Celeste to come over. She slowly did, her footsteps making small sounds in the silence of the night. "This is Celeste, she tried to help Luce escape and stood against her own kind. She too is a dragon, however is in human form. She'll stay with us; I know we can trust her. She loves Lucy like a sister." I said and the others slowly nodded. Today was in fact not a good day.

Gray had woke us up and Wendy slowly healed us all. When we were ready, Wendy and I put more magic in since Gajeel wasn't there to help us use the spell. We were lucky that no rift killed us even with the added weight.

"I'll get the guild sticker then." Mirajane said and slowly ran away. We all stood awkwardly in silence, gawking at each other until Mira came back and kneeled to Celeste's height. "What color sweetie?" she asked sweetly and Celeste pointed to the right of the collar bone, "Gray please." Mira nodded and sadly placed the mark there. Wow, we now had a dragon in the guild. My eyes widened and I turned to the girl.

"You never told me what your power was." I said and she seemed surprised, intriguing the others as well. "Oh, me? It's not useful or anything, but I have two powers, it's rare but some dragons get both their mother and father's powers. I was lucky, so I'm the dragon of teleportation.." she seemed to pause and fear shown on her face. "And what else?" Erza prompted.

"And destruction."

Lucy's POV:

"Um so how is this supposed to help?" Nova asked, irritated. "Easy, you pretend to be sick, so Zeref will come and then I summon my Alma Muerta and boom, we get out!" I say, marveling my idea. "You like it don't you?" I asked Nova. Instead she sighed.

"No I was surprised at how stupid it was." she said coolly sighed. I too sighed and supported my chin with my elbows. "I know, I'm out of ideas and we could give it a try." I pleaded and she sighed. "Fine."

And that was why Nova was now rolling on the floor acting sick, and damn she was good at it, while I screamed for Zeref to hurry up. The door opened and Zeref barged through, tick marks on his forehead. "Yes?" he said, trying not to kill us on spot. "Aw did we disturb your beauty sleep?" I teased, surprised at why I wasn't scared that I was mocking the most powerful mage in existence. Nova gave me the look that said 'DON'T VEER OFF PLAN' written all over it but I just smiled evilly, I wanted some fun!

"Don't test my patience young girl." he said and I thought really really hard for a roast. My eyes lit up as I remembered that Mavis and Zeref were once lovers. "Remember Mavis? What do you think of her?" I asked innocently. Nova had sat up to watch the show, seeing that the original plan was off. Zeref's eyes twitched before he responded, "An idiot." Ha, he's fallen right into my trap. "She's been called worst." I said and Zeref tilted his head at me, "What?" he asked. Oh this would be fun. "Your lover." I said, trying not to laugh and Nova, even though looked amused, also looked horrified. A dark aura spread from Zeref and he walked up to me.

"What did you say." he said and I nervously chuckled, okay maybe I went a little over the line. "H-Hey admit it, it was pretty good roast." I said and he tsked. He looked at me in the eyes and I'm sure I peed myself. "Try something like one more time and I will make sure no one will no what ever happened to you." he said and I gulped. "The bathroom is down the hall, get ready and come down to the dinner hall, we will speak." he said and walked out, leaving the door open. Nova checked that he was gone, looked at me, and started laughing. Like laughing real bad, she was rolling on the floor with tears in her eyes.

One glare from me, and she immediately shut up. "Let's go shower, I fear that I've peed my pants." I said nonchalantly and left the room with a very confused Nova.

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now