Chapter 7- Oh, you again?

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Hey loves! Here's the new update for the book no one reads! It's been a day since I updated but that's okay because I update twice on Sunday. Also if you read this and like the book, it wouldn't hurt to advertise it would it? Please? *puppy eyes* Hahaha...... Also, the audio is nightcore dark horse cause Katy Perry is da bomb. Also, who do you guys think that girl who looks like Ace is? Any predictions? I'm trying to drag things out a little, my only expectation for each chapter is for it to be more than 1000 words don't judge meh ;-; Anyways, Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl


Lucy's POV: 

"What do you mean it made her vanish?" I asked flatly, the dark aura still surrounding me like a second skin. Some of Ace's skin was returning to its normal color, but he still glared at me in a wary fashion, not that I cared. 

"I mean that a few days after Nova triggered that power, she vanished in front of me. Gone like thin air. First her skin started randomly shimmering. We were on I thought she was pranking me but I guess not. The panic in her eyes was evident." He stopped and gulped. I nodded and looked away so the shimmery tears in my eyes could vanish, just like Nova.

"So why do you want me?" I asked flatly, averting my eyes from his. The dark aura had completely vanished now, the reminiscing of Nova pushing it back to its home inside me.

"Your personality reminded me of her. Also you were pretty cute and it seems that puberty hi[t you like a TRUCK young lady." He smirked and my stomach doubled over. 

"WHAT THE FLIPSTERS!?!?!" I cried. He darkly chuckled and then scoffed, as if that had never happened and he was starting a new. This time when he looked at me, the laughter in his eyes had faded and instead, anger glinted in its place.

"It's time we finish this once and for all." He growled. He looked up and started running like faster than a cheetah. Shit. I don't have enough time to pull out the dark aura again. By instinct, my hand reached my belt and out came the key for a specific lion.

"Loke!" I cried, and a bright glowing light emitted from the key as the familiar orange haired lion emerged from the clouds of smog now coating the forest floor. Loke smirked as he slightly shifted in his suit. I bet he could sense the powerful aura Ace was out putting. I cracked my whip out and crouched into a fighting pose, my eyes and stance already weary. The dark aura had already drained most of my magic, and the bare minimum I was left with was only enough to keep me standing. 

"You asked for it, hon." Ace exclaims silently as he pounces onto Loke. Loke easily dodges, but didn't notice Ace had hid a image of himself, a clone perhaps, behind the tree, waiting for Loke to jump into his clutches. Loke let out a gasp as he spotted the hiding Ace. The clone presented himself from the shadow and with a faint punch, he took out Loke, sending him back to the spirit world with a poof, leaving me speechless. Ace smirked at me, and I looked to the ground in shame. I didn't have enough power to summon another spirit, and Ace was closing in on me. 

"Kya!" I gasped as my knees buckled and I plopped onto the floor, my legs unable to move a muscle. Ace grins and moves slowly and menacingly, savoring this moment, along with the priceless face I was wearing at the moment. 

"So much for being able to beat me, eh hon?" He asked, clearly enjoying the scene unfolding in front of him. To him, this was all a game. I send him as many death glare I can, but before I notice, he's in front of me, smiling down on me like an idiot, his shadow fully covering my body span. 

"You won't win, Natsu will come." I rasp, gasping between each breath for air. Geesh, stupid god damn aura. His smile faded for a moment, but just as soon as it dissipated, it appeared again, even stronger and evil than before. 

"Nah, Prudence is keeping him occupied." He muttered. Who was Prudence. He must have read the confusion on my face, for he cared to expand.

"Prudence younger sister. You've seen her before. She was the maid who escorted you out here before. She isn't a real maid though, she was just faking to get close to that Salamander." He mumbled while treading his hand through his straight purple hair. I scowled at him. So that's why the maid was acting like she wanted to practically eat Natsu. 

Mental note to self: kill Prudence and claim Natsu as your husbando....

"If you're going to kill me, do it now.." I rasped to Ace. Ace looked genuinely taken back for a minute. Then a grim frown spread across his face and he pointed his fingers and me, and flicked me in the head. I gasped and glared at him, but he just giggled while ruffling my hair.

"WHAT THE FRICK MAN YOU JUST MESSED UP MY HAIR!" I screamed at his legs. He smirked and picked my drained limp body up with his right hand before quickly throwing my at a tree, sending me dancing through the wind as I landed into the tree face first with a holler. Shit that hurt. I fell the ground, my face facing the blue sky above which was decorated with small white buttons. I concentrated not on Ace's approaching footsteps, but on the memories that clouded my brain from when I was a child. I knew trying to rejuvenate the dark aura was not exactly the best idea, considering my state, but it was my only working defense against Ace right now.  

"Aww are you really trying to bring the aura back hon?" A pause filled the still air. "Well it ain't going to work, love." I tried to concentrate, but his voice was too loud and the anger wasn't enough. The world around me started swimming and the world blurred as I struggled to take in feeble breaths of air.  Then something changes.

The leafy floor beyond us stars shaking, like really bad. Ace, who is towering above pulls and pushes me against the tree in a sitting position. Now that I could study my surroundings better, I noticed all the trees falling, and suddenly the sky above us, which was a clear blue, becomes a dark lilac with splotches of black here and there. I watch in awe as a random hole appears in the sky, its perimeter exceeding the length of our guild hall. Ace stares at it, his eyes widening at the sight of the crack in the sky. He stared at me, his eyes accusing me of hole that now decorated the sky. I simply shrugged and gasped when a single shadow erupted from the hole. It came flying down to the ground....right to where I was sitting.

"Ace!" I screamed, not knowing what else to sputter as the shadow came and rammed into the tree I was slumped on. I quickly rolled to the side, huffing and puffing at the effort. Then I took a better look at the shadow that stood right in front of me, next to an unconscious Ace. I gasped. Standing in front of me, blue and purple, tall as the tree residing next to me, was a dragon.

It looked down at me, and smiled, the dark light from the sky glinting onto its blood filled teeth. Oh shit, I'm so dead.

"Hello Lucy Heartfillia, we've been waiting."

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now