Chapter 21- Battles Fought

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Hey loves! I'm back with another update for all the people reading ;) THANKS FOR 9K VIEWS I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME! THIS WAS MY FIRST WATTPAD, IMA GO CRY I LOVE U ALL SOOO MUCH...  Thanks you for all the votes as well! The song is light em up x radioactive mashup since I couldn't really think of a song. I've decided that for 10k, I'll post an amv that I'm in the process of making ;D Anyways as usual please vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Grays's POV: 

Happy flew ahead, carrying the weak Wendy and Prudence and I raced, tracking down the source of dark magic, and to be honest it felt a hell lot like Zeref. I glanced at Prudence; she wasn't ugly, that was an understatement. In fact she was very pretty, she almost resembled Ultear with her dark purple hair, except she had midnight eyes. She looked at me, and I quickly looked away, no need to trouble Juvia with another 'love rival'.

"I think we're near." she said and I nodded, fastening my pace. I glanced up to check on Happy, he was under a lot of pressure, being away from Natsu, and carrying Wendy as this fast pace. "Happy, I can carry Wendy if you like!" I exclaimed, but the exceed just shook his head firmly.

"It's okay, I'm fine!" he chirped back and I managed a smile. Concentrating back on the gigantic palace and magic, we took a sharp right, swerving to make sure we wouldn't crash into anything. 

"Where are the other inhabitants of the palace?" Prudence asked, voicing my doubts. "To be honest I don't want to find out, it'll cause us more time and trouble." I reasoned and she said something back in approval. Suddenly Prudence stopped a few meters ahead of me and I stopped too, my hands on my knees as I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath. 

"What's wrong, did you sence anything?" I asked the girl. She seemed deep in thought and held a hand up to me, stopping me from talking. I concentrated on the dark magic, it was definitely Zeref. Now that I thought about it, the magic was always near us, it was always big wherever we were. My eyes lit up and I looked back to Prudence who was nodding at me, "He's following us." I concluded and turned around.

"Come out Zeref, we know you're here and we know everything." I said loudly, watching and waiting for movement. A few minutes passed and then shuffling sounded behind us. We both promptly turned as Happy too settled in a corner with Wendy. Footsteps were aimed toward us and then a figure approached, all black. He smiled evilly at us and I couldn't but help as a shiver passed through me as I stared at the most powerful infamous black wizard. 

"Well hello Gray Fullbuster and..Prudence." he said, jolly but serious and to the point. I clicked my tongue and lowered myself into a fighting pose however Prudence inserted her hand in front of me, stopping me from further actions. "I'm sorry Gray." she said sadly. "What?" I said, scared and unsure. 

"Gold arts: golden cage!" she said loudly and suddenly a golden cage chained in my spot restraining movement. The same had happened to Wendy and Happy. "Hey what are you doing!" I screamed angry and frustrated. Prudence ignored me and walked up to Zeref, standing face to face with the now intrigued man.

"Leave them alone and I'll tell you where Lucy and N-Nova are being kept. I know you can't sence their magic since they're crystallized. That's why you followed yes? So you could find them." she said and it made sence to me, but my eyes widened. "NO DON'T TELL HIM!" I cried out and Prudence shook her head sadly. "They have no hope of living anyways." she said and lowered her head. Zeref smirked at me and lifted Prudence's chin to his face. "Smart girl, now tell me where they are and I'll leave your 'friends' alone." he said mockingly and Prudence clenched her fists. 

"Take a left from the hallway and keep straight, then take a right and enter the lab room." she said and I felt a tear fall, she gave him the correct address. Zeref assessed her face to see if she was lying, then satisfied he vanished, his magic going to exact way Prudence told him to go. The magic was cast of and I was standing by myself. For a few minutes we all just stood in a shrouded silence. Then my anger kicked in and I strode up to Prudence and slapped her tightly across the face. She looked shocked at me, and she too looked angry.

"What the hell Gray! I just saved your life! If I gave him the wrong place he would've come back for us and ki-" "You sold them off." I interrupted, my hair covering my eyes. She sighed and touched her cheek where I had beaten her. "Look I'm sorry, but you have to trust them to take care of the two. And I wasn't lying, those two are going to die and you kn-" I slapped her again, not because she was lying. I knew what she said was true, they would die, but I didn't want to hear the truth. I wanted to live in the illusion that Lucy and Nova could be saved and everything could go back to being normal. Prudence was trying to destroy that, yes she was the problem. If I took care of her, everything would go back to normal.

I looked back at Prudence with a new light in my eyes as my hands closed around her neck, her eyes suddenly widening in surprise and fury. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" I cried because it was, right! I would kill her and make everything back to normal!

Erza's POV: 

Amon was harder than I had estimated. These dragons sure were on another whole league of their own, and plus I wasn't a dragon slayer. I couldn't kill the dragon, the worst I could do was knock him out or cause a little damage. Natsu or Wendy was needed, Natsu was busy and Wendy, well wasn't present. Bringing Gajeel would've been helpful, however we had already brought more than five, a rift could happen, bring anymore and a rift was confirmed to kill us all even before we even reached the palace.

"That's it, I'm going full out on you." I sneered to the worn out Amon, I had done some damage. He panted and smiled, "Let's see what you got." he said while chuckling. Suddenly his eyes went wide and blood drawled from his mouth and eyes, dripping to the floor. I stepped a few paces back in shock; what happened? Amon's dead body fell forward to the ground, revealing another figure behind him. My eyes became bigger than the guild hall as I recognized the walking person.

"Z-Zeref?" I said quietly, my body shaking. I forcefully stood taller and put a grim expression as the smiling mage made his way toward me, stopping a few feet away from my position. The air was so filled with tension that I could probably slice it in two. I looked around for Gray, Wendy, and the others, but didn't see them or feel their magic in the vicinity. 

"They're alive, in fact it was that Prudence who told me where to find you all." he said mockingly. I clenched my hands in anger, she betrayed us? She better have a good reason when I get to her. 

"Kindly move aside so that I can take the two girls, I do not wish to have any deaths today because of me." he said kindly but still had that evil glint in his eyes. "You plan on killing Lucy and Nova though." I pointed out, irritated and quite surprised that I was here talking to the most feared mage of all time. He tilted his head to the side and looked at me questioningly, "They will die anyways, I will put them out of their misery of being alive but not able to move or do anything." he said as if he was a savior. I crouched down low into a battle position.

"Nope, you're not getting anywhere near them while I'm alive and breathing." I said coldly, glaring at him. He sighed and shifted in position before looking at me again, smiling in a demonic manner. 

"I guess I can allow myself to have some fun then, prepare yourself Erza Scarlet, for you are playing with death itself." 

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now