Chapter 2- His what?

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Hola, how are you all? I have homework to do so I am going to try and make this quick. I am in love with cryptic_eyes books and you HAVE to read them! I really like the intertwined fates series too *fangirls* I had pajama day today and it was lit asf and then we had this readathon thingy and bitch I am a book worm so it was mah paradise. Anyways, here's the update even though no one reads my shitty stories ;0 Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl


Lucy's POV:

He was my mother's murderer. I stared daggers into his black evil soul as he smirked at me, enjoying my reaction to his flabbergasting stunt. From my peripheral vision I took note of Happy and Natsu stirring a little, pulling the blankets onto their heads as if they were about to hurl. A disgusted face painted itself onto my skin as if I was a canvas. I went back to glaring at the assassin who took a stand in front of me. I snarled and I was pretty sure a dark aura started making its way out of my buxom body. 

"Aw what's wrong love?" He spat, sarcasm dripping from his dark voice. Then his face suddenly started paling as the aura around me became stronger. He took a step back and gulped before he stopped and seemed to regain his composure. I took lead and smirked that I was actually somehow frightening him, although the aura was scaring me myself, I had never witnessed the darkness I was feeling in me now. It made my chest feel heavy and made me feel many years older than my real age.  

"Oh, I see. It seems I've hit your soft spot. So that's what triggers it, eh?" He scratched his head victoriously as if he had just figured out the deal of the century. I though, clearly expressed the confusion I was witnessing on my face. He smirked before closing his eyes. 

"What are you talking about? What did I trigger?" I asked, the words flowing out my mouth with a hint of caution. 

"Are you dumb? Are you not feeling well, different per say?" I nodded at him and he made a grunt symbolizing that's what he was fussing about.

"But what exactly is it? I've never felt this kind of magic?" The aura had retreated back into my body, but the anger and fury still clung to the humid night air. The man seemed to think about this before running a hand through his coarse hair.

"It's because you ha-," He took a brief pause before continuing. "You know what, I've already said too much. I must go now honey, but I will be seeing you again." He smirked and started walking to the exit of the moving train.

"Wait! What's your name" I spat, the only question coming to mind. He turned and flashed a grin at me before jumping out the train, his cape flashing a wind as he vanished from plain sight. But I had still heard him whisper the word, which the wind had gently carried through the breeze towards my strained ears.


What kind of retarded name was that? Had he named himself? Or was he jesting? I know that's not his real name. Sighing I pout and whip my attention towards my two partners as I worriedly glance out the window. He'll be back? Why? I squinted out the barred windows and into the field that presented itself to my seeking eyes. 

Finally I felt the train come to a stop and I looked at the scene. Spring Flake looked like any normal town. Except for the fact that it looked pretty much deserted. Were they so scared that they really hid themselves in their houses? Was the situation that bad? I quickly dragged Happy and Natsu off the train and onto the lush green grass, hoping that when Happy woke he wouldn't fill Natsu in on what happened on the train. 

I took out the pamphlet with the mission information when I heard a yawn and turned to find Natsu up, wiping his tired eyelids. The purple had completely left his handsome face and I gently grinned at him. He returned the gesture and I pulled him up as Happy also got up. I gave Happy the 'spill and you die' glare and he gulped as he nodded firmly. 

"Oi, Lucy, is something wrong? You smell different, like you reek of someone else. Did anything happen last night on the train?" Natsu growled, and Happy sweat dropped. 

"No Natsu, now shut up and lets go help the poor people who need us!" I stuttered the whole way through. He nodded at me but still eyed me suspiciously, going back to sniffing me. I awkwardly chuckled and started marching onward towards the mayor's house. I read the map like a book, ignoring Natsu's complaints about food, food and oh, food. 

I stop in front of a three story tall building that was splattered with a light blue color. I open the doors and lead Natsu up the stairs, as we near the mayor's room. I move to push the door open when I hear some incoherent mumbling. 

"Ya......assassin....the mom.....I get it...." He took a sigh before continuing his speech, or at least whatever I could hear.

"Hmmmm...Fairy problem....yes..girl"He stops and I assume that the call is done. I remember to investigate about the phone call, and then signal Natsu and Happy to enter the door with me. We quickly enter and find out selves met by a plump man in his 50's with gray hair and a button up shirt and a tie. He peeks at us and smiles with whatever teeth he has left.

"Why hello Fairy tail. I've been waiting!" 

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now