Chapter 14- Erza and the others!!

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Hey loves! I plan on updating regularly so aye! Also please go read vote and comment on Count Down and the book I finished in two days, Feel my lust, (nalu lemon)! Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying this story and I'm so proud of myself and I LOVE U GUYS I MEAN THX FOR 2.6K VIEWS, 166 VOTES AND 54 COMMENTS! But do you guys have any suggestion to get more support other than posting regularly? The audio is Poker face and it's the first time that it's not nightcore aye. Anyways please show some love and support to my other books! As usual, vote comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


(A/N): Here's a little recap from when Erza and the others last talked since it's been some time, they were last in chapter 10 >_<

Erza's POV:

"What happened?" Natsu asked innocently. I gasped and then smirked, Levy's magic had worked. I knew he was under control of someone the minute he walked in without Lucy, and it seems that that Prudence was behind it, watching from somewhere like a shadow.

"Where's Luce?" Natsu asked softly, still recovering from the spell that had brought him to his senses. Levy shook her softly and sighed.

"You were taken under control by Prudence so you didn't save Lucy from the dragon that kidnapped her." Levy stated sadly. I looked away, so I didn't have to witness the heartbreak on Natsu's face. We all knew he had a crush on Lucy and so did she, but they were too dense to see that. Still, how did dragons get in the picture, and what did they want with her? I decided to move past this and organize Lucy's rescue mission.

"It seems to find out where Lucy was taken, we must find Prudence and Ace." I said, my voice catching the attention of the other members. They all nodded, but Gray looked disheveled.

"How are we going to do that?" He asked, his shirt somewhere behind him on the floor as usual. I nodded and thought, how were we going to find them, they probably fled. Even if we found them, how were we supposed to get to the dragon's home?

"I think I can help you with that." A voice boomed.


Erza's POV:

I turned around, trying to find who the voice belonged to. The guild doors swung open, a man with familiar blue hair, a red mark on the right side of his face and brown eyes walking in. Murmuring and gasps from the rest of  the guild erupts, and I can't blame them, even I'm surprised.

"J-Jellal?" I ask quietly, trying to make sure it's him and not my imagination. Jellal stops a few inches from me and smiles at me, his warm brown orb filled with warmth and affection, different from before. I unknowingly return his gesture and pull him into me, nestling my face into his chest, wrapping my arms around his warm body. God I missed this idiot. The guild once more roared in gasps, especially Mira with her shipping obsession. Jellal went stiff, shocked at first but then he leaned how placing his chin on my head and hugged back, wrapping me with her cloak. How much I missed his embrace, his warmth, his touch, his smell, his everything. I could do this forever. 

"Hmmm." Natsu awkwardly scoffed from his spot on the ground, resulting in Jellal slowly pushing me away and turning me to face my smirking guild with my flushed face. "Anyways, I know how we can save Lucy Heartfilia." Jellal boomed, uncomfortable from the smirks and wiggling eyebrows being sent his way. The minute Lucy's name was mentioned, the playful aura in the guild was replaced by a serious one, Natsu getting up with a grim face; he really did care for her. "How?" I asked Jellal, once more turning to his side. Jellal smirked and snapped his fingers. Immediately two people, one woman and one man tied up side by side showed up on the floor next to Jellal, their expressions definitely not pleased. The man and the woman looked identical, both with dark purple hair and dark blue eyes. Natsu growled, stalking to them and grabbing them by the scruffs of their necks and pulling them, the people snarling at Natsu. Wait a minute, were they?

"Prudence and Ace I assume." Natsu spat at the two, his fists clenching. Ace smirked while Prudence pouted, "Ah Natsu it was so fun controlling you, such an easy target, and you were so cute too! Ah you should have seen the blonde's face when that random dragon came to take her, ahh so nice her screams.." Prudence mocked, Natsu's veins popping. I frowned and held Natsu's shoulder, calming him. Natsu sighed and the dropped the two, falling with a major 'thump'.

"Ow!" the fraternal twins cried. "Tell us what you know or else." I threatened, holding a sword to their necks. Ace freaked out while Prudence tsked. "Fine fine I'll spill. I murdered Lucy's parents since my dad liked her blah blah anyways then we replaced Lucy's dad with an impostor who abused Lucy. However Lucy ran away and joined you guys, and that's when I developed an interest on her. So naturally my dad let me have her, and so we created that fake mission knowing you two could come here. The mission said monster but I was the monster, attacking people while wearing a costume. It worked so it was fine. However when we separated you two, I was supposed to knock out Lucy and enslave her. Instead, the dragon attacked and knocked me out." A pause filed in as the guild took this all in. "We had nothing to do with the dragons but they probably took her to the dragon palace, Etioles." Ace concluded.  

I sat silently next to Jellal and stared at Ace, his guilty face. "You're hiding something." I said, pin pointing my gaze to the twins. Ace sighed. "You're too good Titania, fine." A pause once more. "Zeref created an extremely powerful magic like his own when he existed, except he then found out that after a few years, that magic kills you. That form of magic had another form, called the Seal of Death which changes the users looks and enhances their power. However when you unlock this form, you die in mere hours. Zeref abandoned this magic but by then he had already taught it to his friends, Anna Heartfilia, Lucy's ancestor. Because of this this magic was inherited by all Heartfilia's automatically, it was in their blood. There was a time where Anna's grandchild taught this magic to another child, spreading this magic to not only the Heartfilia's but to the Celeste family. A few months ago, Nova Celeste, on of the family member's awakened this power. This power is awakened by these two clans when in danger, or when their emotions take control. In Lucy's case when she first met me on the train when I had taken Happy out and Natsu was in his motion sickness, it first triggered. It automatically came out when she recognized me to be her mother's murder. Her power is triggered by her memories and emotions." We all nodded, telling him to go on. Instead Prudence finished the tale.

"Nova dated my brother and well one day they were attacked, as Ace was about to be defeated, Nova awakened her Seal Of Death form, and after beating the enemy she started vanishing; never seen again. However the same portal that opened when Lucy was taken opened in the sky, so we believe Nova as well is in Etioles unless she died first. That was why my brother took interest in Lucy, she was a Heartfilia and she was a wizard so we wanted to awaken her power." Prudence said, holding her brother's hand as he tsked when Nova's name came up. He really loved her. 

"I want to know more about this power, and why do the dragons need the users of this power?" I asked, Jellal smirking and Natsu snarling. Levy was writing this all in her notebook; it would be useful. Who knew being a Celeste or Heartfilia was so dangerous. Poor Lucy...

"Very well. The power is called Alma Muerta, and it's dark magic. It can turn into any element and it sucks the power of other's and give it to the user. I've heard form the legend but apparently the Seal Of Death can kill 100 at once with a glance, we don't know much of it." Prudence said looking down. I gasped, Lucy held that much power? "However since its dark magic and an experiment gone wrong, it had it's negatives too. If used too much, your life span decreases and if you enter the form as we know you die withing hours, hopefully that idiot Lucy hasn't entered the form yet. The dark magic also eats up at your real magic,to be honest we know nothing of this except from the ancient books we found and from watching Nova." Prudence added. "Why the dragons wanted the Alma Muerta, no one knows. Which is why we have to somehow get to Etioles." Ace pipped in making most the guild cry in agreement. We had gotten enough information, good for now. 

"Alright then, Levy, Erza and Jellal find a way into Etioles, Ace and Prudence will be accompanying us and the rest of you, get ready, we're getting out brat back!" Master yelled from his perch up at his office, he was listening? The guild cheered as everyone got to work. Hold on Lucy, we're coming for you!

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now