Chapter 25- One At A Time

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Hello loves! Another update for you guys, and...*drum roll please* THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR 10K IM ACTUALLY CRYING I DON'T DESERVE THIS I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH WAH! So as promised, the amv will be in the following chapter I think. I really can't wait to show you guys! Please also go check out Count Down and the shitty Feel my lust than I wrote legit in like one day... the audio is House of memories, nightcore and it's a really good song please listen to it. This is a short chapter, sorry. As usual please vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Celeste's POV:

I stood, my eyes downcast as the others gawked around me. I looked at my new fairy tail mark as it glittered in the dim lights that decorated the gigantic guild hall. "Sorry, if you want I'll leave.." I said lowly, controlling my tears as I located the guild doors. However footsteps approached me and then two warm hands wrapped around me. I looked up to see a blue haired girl with blue eyes smiling down on me.

"Juvia thinks that you can stay. Anyone can join the guild, whatever past you have or whatever you are. Juvia is happy that you joined." she said, and but the way her eyes glimmered, I could tell that she herself had a dark past before she joined Fairy Tail. I smiled and hugged her back. "Thank you, Juvia one chan." I said blushing. She nodded and stood by me, looking at the others as if challenging them to say something to me. The tension in the room had vanished as they all smiled, introducing themselves to me. However Erza still wasn't that comfortable around me.

"I wish to know more about your powers." she stated simply and I felt frustration grow inside me. I know I could take out this girl if I tried, I was a dragon, only the dragon slayers could kill me. "Erza calm down." another blue headed boy said, holding her shoulder. "We cannot trust anyone her until she tells us everything, she's a dragon!" she cried and now I was really mad. All the events from today and yesterday pressed on me and I felt my blood boil. Could I never be accepted?

"I don't have to tell you anything." I said glaring at the red head and she glared back at me. "We cannot trust you then." she said and I was about to say something back when Juvia stepped in front of me, "Erza stop it! Juvia thinks she has been through a lot and needs some time and rest. She has to trust us as well if she wants to trust us with her secrets!" Juvia cried and Erza looked guilty. Damn, after Lucy Juvia sis was my second favorite. I murmured a thanks and she beamed down at me.

"Come now, Juvia will let you sleep at her house today." she said in a motherly tone and I eagerly nodded, walking out the guild with Juvia sis feeling quite happy. "We will get Lucy sis back, right?" I asked and Juvia squeezed my hand. "Juvia knows that Lucy san will come back."

Lucy's POV:

After washing up and wearing a new set of clothes, Nova and I guided ourselves through the big mansion until we found ourselves in the main hall. Where exactly were we?

"Can I ask where this mansion is?" I asked Zeref who looked at me and frowned. "That's classified Miss Heartfilia, why would I tell you?" he said and I dead panned. "I thought you were going to kill us." Nova butted in and I too looked to Zeref for an explanation. "Do you want to die?" he asked and we shook our heads vigorously. "Thought so, you guys have some control over your magic, more than the others of your family. I'll try training you and if it doesn't work I'll kill you and end the magic bloodline." we both sweat dropped.

"What if we don't want to be trained?" I asked and he glared at me.

"Then I kill you right now." 

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now