Chapter 19- Arrival

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Hey loves! It's Lunar Chan and yes I'm trying to update on a regular basis now;) school for me ends tomorrow so I'm really hyped! This books might be about thirty chapters if I'm lucky before we move into book two. But before book two there are now books I'm writing and wanting to release and I have a book on pause that I must finish ;(( anyways the song is Of the night by Bastille and it's vv good please listen to it. Without further ado please vote, comment and as usual, Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Natsu's POV:

"LET GO OF WENDY!" I hollered as I raced up to Amon, my hand dancing with fire and my face scrunched up in determination. Amon swiftly like a leaf, dodged my attack, throwing Wendy through the air as if she was a rag doll. My eyes softened a bit as Erza caught the young girl mid air, landing is a pose with her face full of rage.

"Well I let go of her, happy now?" He spat, smirking and waving his hand at us like he was telling us to move out of his way. I rubbed my mouth, where my teeth were sore from clenching. "Oh we haven't even started yet." I said lowly as I jumped in the air, a magic circle forming in front of me.

"ROAR OF THE FIRE DRAGON" I screamed as a hot cannon of fire bolted out from my mouth and in front of me. Amon stared at me in disbelief before smirking and leaving his hands out. The fire I emitted quickly vanished into his open hands.

"What?" I questioned, he didn't eat the fire but he absorbed it? "I didn't know you were a dragon slayer." He remarked as he looked around the rest of the group. "Who else here is a slayer?" He asked while smiling. "Like hell we'd tell you." Gray said, two veins popping out from his forehead.

"How did you absorb my fire?" I asked, stealing the focus from Gray. Amon regarded me quietly before smiling once more. "I'm a dragon, the dragon of absorption, I can absorb any element, any magic." Amon pronounced happily while waving his hands at us. "Only physical attacks work on me" he continued as he chuckled quietly. 

"Bastard" I mouthed stomping closer to his smug face. He smirked and readied himself for my attacks. I wiped the sweat beads forming in my forehead and smirked back. "What did you do to Lucy!" Celeste cried out, unaware of the tense situation. Amon immediately looked towards the little girl and smirked.

"Aw young Celeste you escaped it seems. Humph you would've made a splendid recruit like your father but alas, I'll have to send you to him after I deal with these brats." He said softly, laughing. "And for that Lucy you hold so dear, she's practically dead. She's a fighter I'll give her that, however no one can defeat the black magic created by Zeref himself." Amon said crudely. He didn't know that we knew all about the Alma Muerta.

"Enough talking!" Erza hollered as she ran past me and landed a firm kick to Amon's jaw, causing the dragon man to back up a few steps. He glared at the red head before staring up at the ceiling with a troubled expression. I felt it as well, a well of strong magic was heading this way.

"He's already here?" Amon cried out, surprised. "Who?" Prudence piped up, but Amon ignored her. He quickly looked back to us "It seems that we'll have to finish this battle later." And then he vanished, sprinting down the corridor. We all stood there for a few seconds before Erza cursed out loud.

"Who's coming and where did that bastard head off to?" Erza said loudly, pulling a strand of hair out. She faced us again, "Prudence, and Gray, take Wendy with you and track down the magic source. Natsu, Celeste, and Ace, you're with me. We're going after Amon." She said while glancing at all the members of our group. We all nodded and headed separate ways, different tasks in mind. However we all shared one goal, saving Lucy!

Lucy's POV:

I don't have much longer from what I'm gathering. They're finished with the crystal, and now they're getting me ready for crystallization by objecting me with needles, stealing my blood as well as allowing other liquids inside of me. I feel faint and my head is throbbing, I can't think straight and I feel dead already, my magic is gone. All that's left is the Alma muerta. I don't feel the connection with my spirits. Tears blossomed into my eyes at the thoughts of me not being a celestial spirit mage anymore. This is how I'd die? Frozen in a crystal?

The man named Amon was back and he was talking quietly with the lady named Maya. I tried listening but failed. Is this how Nova felt? I couldn't even fall asleep, if I fainted, I might not wake up again.

"Dear Lucy thank you for not dying on us, but it's time for your to be crystallized! Exciting right!" She dramatically said, her voice rich in sarcasm. I looked away and clenched my weak fists, I was too sick and pale to do anything. Hands reached around me and soon I can being carried to another hall, probably where Nova was residing at. I couldn't see anything, it was all a blur. Then heavy footsteps sounded from the hallway in front of us and a piercing scream filled the air.

"LUCY" a familiar voice called. But who was he? I looked up and saw a blur of pink and red and purple, where those hair colors? "Lucy sis!" Another small voice called. Who were they? I reached my hand out as if I could hold them, but instead a metal door closed on me and I was alone again with the Amon dude. There was screaming outside, was that Maya and those strangers?

"Have a nice sleep dear" Amon said chuckling as he threw me into a container. I looked around, there was another container next to me holding another young girl with bright green hair, she looked familiar as well. Who were these people? A liquid started pouring into the constrained as the roof of the crystal locked shut. Suddenly the door opened once more and a pink haired guy busted in, fear and savageness in his eyes. I stared some more and then my heart raced, and the realization clicked.

"NATSU" I cried from the case, banging on the hard transparent shell. Natsu ran up to me and placed his hand on the case. The other filtered in and attacked Amon who was smirking victoriously. I placed my hand on Natsu's as the liquid reached my mouth. I understood what was happening. I looked once more at my pink haired prince.

"I love you." I whispered and then scrunched up my face as the cold liquid filled to the top. My insides were freezing up and I softened my eyes a little.

This was my end.

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now