Chapter 23- Working It Out

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Hey loves! I know this will sound stupid, but I, your average twelve year old has been doing nothing more than binge watching anime and Disney movies, like why am I not fat? The audio is nightcore version of Swalla, it's an okay song but please don't watch the video for it, you will be blinded...Anyways, we're so close to 10k, can't wait to post the amv! As usual, vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl


Lucy's POV:

All quiet. Everything was gray, black and white as usual. Nova sat next to me, and even though she was at least ten years older than me, it was like we were high school best friends. Every now and then, the conversation would get depressing and we would succumb to ourselves, trying to see what we did wrong. By now I had lost hope that any miracle would happen; it truly was hopeless. I was grateful that the crew had tried to rescue me, but in the end it didn't help. I closed my eyes and turned my head aside, if only we could die. I didn't want to be used for the human's destruction, but what could we do.

"Lucy stop thinking about it, we can't help what has been done." Nova whispered to me and I nodded. These past few days, or however long I've been here, Nova and I became sister like, we could know what each other was thinking just from looking at the way our eyes shone, our noses twitched, or how our lips quirked. It was also quite clear that we each had a man in mind, as the first few hours of each day were used on how much we loved our man and teasing each other about it.

However I could never be with Natsu again. All I could hope is that he can be happy with someone else, perhaps Lisanna? She had a quite obvious crush on Natsu even though no one shipped it and Natsu still didn't know. Lisanna was my good friend, however if it came to it, I would fight for Natsu any day. 

"Okay, so anything to talk about?" I chirped at Nova. Being positive was the only thing keeping us going right now, we could just sit and sulk for the rest of however long we'd be here, but I had to be there for Nova. She had already had her torture time, she was by herself, loneliness. I touched her shoulder gently and smiled at her, as she reciprocated. How long we'd be stuck here was not known, but as long as we were here, we wouldn't act like dead people.

"So anyways I-" I gasped as my body started burning, you couldn't see the flames, but they were inside of me, making me curl up again Nova, who, conveniently was experiencing the same pain. I rolled to a side as sweat slithered down my face, dripping onto the white grass that we've been living on. My body suddenly was glowing a bright blue, as was Nova's, but her eyes were widened and her hands clutched her mouth.

"Ace's mag-magic.." she cried and I looked at her confused. I remembered Ace, but how did this have anything to do with him? We were still caught in the lab in Etioles! My body was shining and started vanishing, slowly. I slithered to Nova and held her hand.

"Are we dying?" she asked and I didn't respond. We probably were. I squeezed her hand tighter and waited for death to wash over me like a distant memory, a rogue wave. My eyes closed and blackness once more took over. 

So much for love  

Nova's POV:

"Miss Nova Celeste, I suggest you wake up dear, oh you too Miss Lucy Heartfilia!" A voice chirped happily. I groggily fluttered my eyes open and looked around. Lucy was awakening next to me, her blonde locks framing her adorable, but confused face. I sucked in my breath and got up as well, however tears blossomed in my eyes and I cried.

"I-I'm on E-Earth again?" I cried, tears involuntarily spilling. I never though I'd once more be given the chance to roam earth with my two feet. Lucy pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. I was about to hug her back when a scoff interrupted us. We both looked up and instantly regretted it.

"Z-Zeref?" Lucy cried, realization pouring into her dark brown orbs. That's when it hit me and the questions began shooting me. "Wait what happened to the Alma Muerta? Why aren't we dead, and why do I feel all my magic as well as the Alma Muerta? Didn't the Alma Muerta eat my normal magic, and wait how did we get out of the crystal?" I continuously asked, panting at the end for breath. Zeref wore an amused expression as he tilted his head back and laughed deeply.

"One at a time sweet heart." he drawled and I visibly cringed to the fact that he endeared me. "But to answer your questions, you aren't in the crystal because I broke it using my magic and healed you using a very rare magic that is able to heal any sickness or disease. The Alma Muerta has been controlled, however your normal magic will take some time to regrow, you haven't lost it, but it must manifest so for now the Alma Muerta is the only magic you posses. Try not to use it, I don't want to have to heal you again, just wait for your normal magic to grow back." he said tiredly. Lucy and I nodded.

"Oh and some additional info, I've kidnapped you both." he said and then he vanished, leaving us alone in the locked room. I looked to Lucy who looked equally confused. "Why did he take us?" she asked and I shrugged. 

"The only thing I know is that we have to get out of here." I said, and we both knew that I was right. 

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now