Chapter 13- Say What Now?

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Hey loves! It's been some time since I updated and from now onward the updates might be slower and take longer sorry, I suddenly got a life, lmao and because wattpad deleted this chapter so I had to retype it and i was pissed.! Also......THANKS FOR 2K VIEWS AND 150 VOTES! now please show the same support for Count Down >~<! I will be updating Count Down soon! This song is called This little girl and it is realyyyyy good! Please also follow my other account, emiko1029 and I write on that acc too, although there is more mature content on that acc! Anyways without further ado, please Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

"What you mean I have to die?" I asked slowly, fear possessing my body as I watched Erin, Celeste's grip on my dress becoming tighter. I pat the little girl and go back to focus my mind on the enemy in front of us. Erin snickered quietly.

"Nova vanished a few mere hours after she entered that form." Erin said confidently, and I did a double take while Celeste gasped. I noted to ask her about that later. I knew Erin was lying he had to be! Nova never told me about this! She vanished because of the experiments! Right?

"You're lying! You guys killed Nova! She knew nothing about this stuff!" I exclaimed, earning a grunt from Erin. The aura around me swished and grew, expressing my anger as my now black hair stood straight. Erin took a step forward and spoke once more.

"The bitch lied to you. She vanished while our experiments because she entered the Seal of Death mode. After an hour of destroying our palace with that devastating power, she glimmered and vanished. Who knows why she lied to you though." Erin said thoughtfully while scratching his chin as if he was thinking hard. I shook my head and fell to the floor, Celeste yelping, catching Erin's attention. His eyes turned into slits and he snarled.

"Celeste get your ass over here." He threatened and I eyes Celeste, who was gulping and cowering in fear.

"No, she's staying right here with me." I spat and Erin smirked. "Very well then, I'll have to walk over and get to work killing her, and you know, I just hate work." He said lowly and started to approach.

"Lucy sis, kill him. He abuses me, h-he killed my mother and now he'll kill me." She paused. "Please." Celeste begged. I stared in shock at her, a little girl pleading to kill her dad? And did she call me sis? But I cannot let her down, it's true he's going to kill Celeste if I don't kill him. Plus, I kind of want to try out these new powers while I can. While I'm alive.

"O-okay. Celeste, step back, please." I sigh as I groggily get up. I need to ask Nova about this, like she seriously just bitched out on me. Celeste silently obeyed and stood back as I confronted Erin, his eyebrows perked up in curiosity. I slumped into a stance and quickly chanted the first thing that came to mind:

"Dark Reaper: Soul Detection!" I cried as a simple dot of black flew into Erin from my body. Would that be enough? Erin stood still for a minute before he was thrown back into the wall, creating a cloud of dust, cowering the man's body. All that was heard was loud roars from the dragon. When the screaming ended, I tentatively took Celeste's little hand, mustered some courage and walked into the cloud of dust, as it settled down, a body was seen. I gasped and Celeste fell to the ground.

Erin had no eyes and his tongue and teeth were gouged out, his limbs scattered on the floor and his bones broken and deformed. Celeste inched closer to her father's dead body and silently sobbed.

"Celeste I'm so s-" I trailed off as Celeste raised a hand signaling me to stop. "It's okay sis, I wanted this." She spoke. My heart warmed at the mention of her calling me sis. I nodded and pulled her up. I was still stocked with all the dark power. Was this what this form could do? I hadn't used any power and I was fine! Suddenly I fell over, a throbbing entering my head. Celeste cried and padded over to me, but I hugged her, assuring her I was fine even though I wasn't. Did this signal that I was going to leave this world soon? I soberly got up and yanked Celeste from her father, out the room where I was met with a trio waiting for me.

Two dragon men and a dragon woman stared at me intently, analyzing my power from afar. Then the dragon woman stepped forward and spoke, "We'll be taking you to the lab honey." I growled and stepped back, readying another spell. But before I could, the throbbing entered once more and I fell to the ground unable to hold my feet up. Celeste was captured by one of the men, who held her tight, knocking her out with a feeble cry. The Dragon woman raced to me as so did the dragon men. The lady threw a anti magic net on me, and I stuck to it like a insect in a spider's web. I stopped struggling and fell, I was starting to see black and was too dizzy to move, my speech slurred. As my head made contact with the floor, the woman whispered something loud enough for me to hear,

"She has the same power of the now frozen Nova, eh?" A pause, then the male responded, "Yes, and she reeks which means she carries the remnant of Zeref. "Then he'll be coming for her."

And then I blacked out.

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now