Chapter 3- I'm onto something!

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Hey loves! I'm on a role! I've updated each day for three days now and the chapter are pretty decent (I read through them) so I'm pretty happy. Today was a Friday thank god and I did nothing special, pretty normal day. We had play practice and our play director chewed us out by the time it ended. The audio is one of my my many 100 favorite songs haha *sweat drops* anyways time to write ;) Enjoy!

 Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

"Welcome Fairy Tail" he casually said with a hint of a snarl. I glanced at Natsu, he hadn't caught it. That dumb dense baka. I noted to self to investigate this guy. The way he looked at me...there was something wrong about it. Happy was biting a elephant sized chunk out of his piece of sardine as if someone else was going to steal it. I sighed and presented the mayor with a faint grin. 

"Yes, anything we should know before starting the mission?" I feebly managed. He thought for a minute before his plump face lit up like a light bulb and he nodded.

"The forest is where I believe you should check first, eh. The sighting and attacks have been there." I nodded.

"Why are the people even wandering into the forest? Don't they know it's dangerous?" Natsu pitched in. I nodded and eyed the mayor as a drop of sweat rained down his face. Natsu didn't notice as he was now busy fighting over who should get the last piece of sardine. I sighed and inwardly groaned. The mayor shot me a sympathetic smile. 

"The people of Spring Flake has some ancient traditions....rituals perhaps. They are conducted in the forest every month and we believe stopping these rituals for even a month will curse us with bad luck." I thought about this and nodded.

"Alright. We'll start the mission today if that's okay with you." The mayor shook his head and I raised my brow in confusion. 

"Tomorrow you may investigate at night time. Right now you must be tired, so please stay in our guest house this night. I will not be taking no as an answer." I opened my parched mouth, but closed it thinking of how I could investigate during that time. He smiled and clapped his hands, and the door opened; revealing a smiling maid who held her hand out towards us.

"Please let my maid escort you to your sleeping quarters." He spat in a silky voice. I nodded and started to drag Natsu and Happy out the room when I caught wind of the mayor sneaking in a smirk. I arched my brows in suspicion and sauntered out the room. At least one thing was clear.

The town of Spring Flake is definitely not normal.

The maid led us through a few marble hallways, which I quickly printed out like a map in my mind for future reference, or sneaking around. The maid led us to a golden hallway with a colossal platinum door blocking it. She smiled and spoke:

"This is you room. Please call me if any help is needed." She smiled again, flashing her white teeth at us. We nodded. The maid looked back at the door and gasped when she caught sight of three glasses of water idly sitting on a wooden table. She rushed over and strolled over to us with the tray in hand.

"Please forgive my rude behavior. Humbly accept this water to quench your thirst. Water from our mountains is said to be very holy and is healthy with herbs even thought you won't be able to taste them." She blew the words out at a rapid pace. Natsu and Happy gratefully snatched the glasses and started gulping the liquid down. I stood my ground, warily eyeing the glass. The maid caught hold of this and cautiously spoke some words.

"Miss, is something wrong? Has my my rude behavior disgusted you? I knew it, I'm a horrible person. I'm so sorry miss.." And with that the maid starting sobbing. I was taken back and glanced back to Happy to see him eyeing me with confusion. Natsu simply wore a mask of disgust and anger as he stared at me. I inwardly gasped and took the glass, and quicker than the speed of light, I gulped the water down. I handed the glass back to the maid and she looked pretty relived. She bowed and contently walked off. 

Natsu and Happy walked into the room without making eye contact with me. Oh boy. I walked into the room to find Natsu and Happy facing me, their faces portraying a hint of disgust. I flinched at the expressions I had never witnessed before.

"Lucy why would you be so rude to the lady? What did she ever do to you? You need to really loose that attitude of yours. Did you see how she was crying? Because of you. Members of Fairy Tail don't do that Lucy Heartfilia." He spat the words of and Happy sent a nod of approval to Natsu's words. I gasped and hardened my face, biting my lips. I debated on telling Natsu my observations, but decided not to, knowing the idiot he was. I sighed and looked him in the eyes.

"Natsu I would explain but your too dense. I'm tired and no I do not have an attitude. Let's sleep okay? We can talk later." I gently said so only he could hear. He sighed, letting some of the anger leave his system. Then he nodded and jumped into the bed, him and Happy falling asleep within two seconds, and yes I was counting; don't ask why. I contently pulled the sheets over them and looked back out into the hallway. The coast was clear. Huffing, I closed the heavy silver doors and tip toed into the main hallway, looking both ways like you would on a road, before crossing into the next hallways. Good thing I remember this whole building. Or else I would have been freaking lost by now!

I huffed and breathed in before slowly inhaling. I was ready.

"Let the night time expedition begin" I chuckled, and then I took my first steps.

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now