Chapter 9 Part 2- Etioles?!

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Hey loves! I am so happy because two people have commenting comments about wanting me to update! Thank you guys I love you much! Also I know chapter 9 was short, I don't know why, but the full chapter wasn't published so I will now publish the rest of the chapter! As usual, your comments, votes and views are always appreciated! Please enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV: 

I cupped my throbbing head into my cupped hands and suppressed my screams, not willing to give in to the dragons. I had to get back to earth, but all I could think about was Natsu. Natsu Dragneel, what did I ever do to him? Foot steps echoed through the hallways and I glanced up to find a shadow at my the door entrance, his aura reaching me like a cold wind I wanted to push away so hard.

"Lucy Heartfilia, it seems you're awake." The cold voice boomed. The figure appeared in the sunlight and I squinted. He had long spiky blue hair and a black cloak on, causing shadows to cover his face, leaving only his long arms to be seen. His pale hands held dragon tattoos, and on second glance I understood what he was. He was that dragon that kidnapped, just as a human.The realization must have showed on my face, for the dragon man smirked and nodded in conformation. My eyes hardened and I clenched my fists, my breathing becoming aggressive, almost like I was hyperventilating. My eyes darkened and I felt that familiar heaviness in my chest, like becoming an eighty year old woman. 

"It's you." I spit, venom dripping from my voice. The dragon man watches my Alma Muerta advance from my body until the aura is seeping through the bed, covering me as I shake in rage, my eyes pin pointed at him in fury. He stole me from my home. He stole Fairy Tail from me, my future. I lift a shaking arm and pointed it to him. A light flashed at the tip of my finger and then a black laser shot out, missing the man's head by a few centimeters. The laser continued however, and collided with the wall holding the room, and the place where the wall was hit, exploded, laving a debris and dust flying around the air for refugee. My mouth gaped in awe and some of the aura retreated inside my body, stealing more of my magic. The dragon man grinned at me, as if this was his plan the whole time.

"I was never able to do that before.." I mumbled, the dragon man staring right at my hand that was now resting at my side, the shaking gone, now replaced with adrenaline, a sense of being at the top of the world. I had just gotten a sense of power, more power than I usually had. I was stronger, something I always wanted to happen had happened. I wasn't weak anymore. I smirked at the dragon man, but it was short lived. In a flash, he pounced on me, leaving me gasping in shock. The dragon man clutched my hand, and immediately the darkness left me, leaving me oddly disappointed. The dragon man reluctantly got off me and bitterly grinned at me. 

"What did you do?" I shrieked, all the anger and darkness from the Alma Muerta fading until it felt like it never existed. 

"I saved you. Use it too much and you will vanish." The dragon man retorted coolly. 

"Like Nova?" I blurted. Realizing I said, I gasped and cupped my mouth with my hands. The dragon man was now intrigued. I gulped and decided to go with the flow, might as well get as much information out of this one as possible before starting the so called 'friendship'. 

"How did you know her?" The dragon man asked, tilting his head to an angle which reminded me of Natsu, sending a new wave of pain through my broken heart. I avoided the man's question and went on with my questioning instead, provoking him. 

"Are you going to kill me like you killed her, eh you dragon?" I accused, and the dragon man raised his eyebrows in amusement and what seemed like anger. 

"First of all, call me Erin, and also Nova should be happy we didn't kill her, she was a hard bitch." Erin spat. I gave Erin a questioning face. He was lying, he had to be. What kind of nonsense was he spouting?"

"You're lying!" I cried and Erin huffed in what seemed to be annoyance. He advanced on me, and I backed back on the bed, earning a croak in protest. Erin grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed, earning a cry from me. He dragged me out the door and down the elaborate hallways that lived in this building. Where exactly was I again? Erin pulled me to a specific door that held a sign on it, the sign producing some words that read:

Do not enter without permission. How cliche was that? Erin banged the door and it creaked open as Erin pulled me in and threw me to the floor. I cried out as my face collided with the cold concrete. Then slowly I got up and face Erin who was standing opposite to me, guarding the door.

"Well, turn around Earthling." He breathed. I nodded but froze, what could be behind me? It scared me. But slowly enough for sure, I turned around and my entire body went stiff at the sight unfolding in front of me. It had to be a lie, an illusion, possibly a dream, but it was real.

Because in the corner of the room was a clear see through box, and inside that box was a floating human, that human none other than


Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now