Chapter 6- Answers please!

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Hey loves! I hope you all watched the short movie called Shelter which is located on YouTube, it's only six minutes! I have updated five days in a row, I'm so fab XD. Anyways, here's the update you haven't been waiting for because my book only has like 40 views :'(, but I still love all of you for reading my crappy book of shit. Haha two updates in a day, I'm awesome. The audiois a song called Shape of you and I love it so listen to it. WARNING: NALU MOMENT WILL BE TAKING PLACE!! Moving on, please enjoy!  

 Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

Natsu, Happy and I ventured deeper into the forest, looking for any clues that would help with the mystery at hand. Apparently the monster would come out at every night at midnight, exactly 11:00 pm- 1:00 am,and I had the stupid honor of going nocturnal. How wonderful. Natsu must have heard my groans and grunts for her smirked and Happy chuckled. An anime vein popped onto my clean skin and I slapped the heck out of Happy, sending him flying into a tree.

"KYAAA I'M SORRY LUCE!" Natsu hollered while holding a quite dazed Happy. A growl escaped my mouth and I tried to suppress my laughter. Didn't exactly work. I let my mouth open and my laughter sung itself out of its containment. In the end, I was holding my stomach with tears sprouting in my eyes. Their faces were pretty much p r i c e l e s s. Natsu growled and playfully tackled me while Happy cheered Natsu on in our mini wrestling session. 

"No fair Lucy, you can't just trick me like that! I'm mad and now you're going to get your punishment!" He said in a light voice and finished his sentence with a pout. 

"Oh. My. God. Natsu. Dragneel. Do not pout, only I look good doing that.You look like a damn gay. Like if you wanted to be gay, you should've said so, I would've bought you a maid suit." I said, teasing him as anger flushed his face.

"Oh, you think I'm gay? What should I do to prove I'm not hm?" He asked in a menacing tone.

"Aye, you should kiss her!" Happy cheered from somewhere in the air, probably fleeing from his soon to happen butt kicking from me. What kind of retarded idea was that? Still, a little part of me wished he would kiss me, even though he would't. A little pink flushed onto my cheeks and I warily looked back to Natsu.

"You asked for it." He muttered, and then he crashed his lips onto mine. It wasn't long. Just a peck on the lips. Then he stared into my now widened eyes and smirked.

"Don't think of me in a wrong way Luce, but that did show you I'm not gay right?" I slightly nodded, still surprised and he untangled himself from my grasp. I shook my head and decided to confront him about this later, and pushed the thought to the back of my mind, while allowing him to pull me up as Happy descended from the trees. The smirk on his face clearly wrote out that he saw the scene too.   

"Your execution has been scheduled with Erza" I mouthed and he paled from blue to white.

"Luce, do you hear something?" I looked at Natsu, but my eyes were lead towards his plump round lips.

Oh my hot. Go kiss him again Lucy. He's all yours. Ensure he will be your husbando. Be his waifu. Those lips tho. Kiss them. Oh my god...hawt asf....

Oh My God. My inner Lucy was acting up again. I quickly dealt with the problem by slapping myself, creating a loud but short sound, and resulting a confused Natsu and Happy and a red cheek.

"Luce, is something wrong?" I looked at Natsu's eyes this time and smiled, while nodding. He warily eyes me but all in all we move on.

snap crack whoosh thump

"Natsu what the hell was that?" I mumble, my voice filled with fear. When the question results in no answer, I turn to ask again.

"Natsu are you de-" I pause and my blood runs cold. Natsu and Happy are gone. Now I enter panic mode. I start screaming their names, but it's to no avail.

"Hush Lucy, you're being too loud hon." I turn to find a man sitting on a tree. A man with familiar dark purple hair and blue eyes that glimmer in the dark. Ace. Shit why was he here.

"What do you want Ace?" I mumble out loud. His eyes register confusion and then he looks pretty damn impressed. 

"So you've figured out my real name? Let me guess, Nova told you?" He asked. What he knew Nova?

"I also know that the mayor made you murder both my parents, and that the mayor is your dad." I hollered at him. His face was priceless, but it hardened once again. His face took on a dark face I've never seen.

"Oh dear, now that you know that, I don't think we can let you go hon." I try to ignore the shiver his words cause and move onto my next question.

"You're the so called monster aren't you" I asked, it all made sense. He scared the shit out of people using him damn magic. Ace nodded, looking quite proud.

"I'm so happy my queen isn't a dumb ass." Queen? What the fuck? You know what, moving on!

"How do you know Nova?" I asked, my brown orbs willed with curiosity. He smirked, but looked up away from me, his eyes portraying a hint of betrayal and angst too. He could feel after ruining a child's life? Well he surely didn't deserve to.

"She...was my fiance." He muttered softly, but loud enough for me to take in. My eyes widened in alarm. No wonder she knew all their family secrets. 

"Did she die?" I asked gently, determined to get answers out of him. He looked up at me, and I silently gasped at the way he looked so vulnerable. So sad. In need of help.

"One day she just vanished." I noticed tears stream down his now tired looking face. Shit. He was crying. Was I supposed to comfort this man who cold bloodily killed my parents just cause of some random petty romance issue? Well I wasn't. 

"You know, I've said to much already. I think it's time I take you into my hold. Now play nice, and surrender or I'll have to seriously hurt you hon." he says and a filthy smirk plays onto his face. Oh hell no. 

"I'm not going down without a fight bro." I say calmly and Ace smiles as he jumps off his perch onto the grass with a minimal thump. I have to say though, he's scaring the shit out of me. I focus onto his magic, but I can't figure out what it is. Then an idea pops into my head. What I used that dark aura thingy?

"Alright boy, get ready!" I mutter while sending him a smirk. Then I close my eyes and the sounds of his boots crunching the fallen leaves vanishes. I focus on the day my mother dissipated from this world. The day she was brutally stabbed, and my father was replaced. I feel a sudden discomfort, and smirk. It's the darkness. My chest feels heavier and I feel at least ten years older. I'm can feel a new magic power surge into me and refresh all over in a unique way. I don't feel any celestial magic and I feel quite empty. Doesn't matter. All that matters right now is getting rid of this guy, right? Right.

I open my eyes to see Ace frozen in place, his eyes glued on the black glow emitting from my body. His face pales and he gulps, and slowly he takes a step back. I smirk and step towards him.

"What's wrong? All big talk but I guess it's not the real thing." I pause. "Now let me try my new power on you, eh dear?" I sputter, slurring my words. He shakes his no and takes a stand in the soil.

"Stop.." He mutters. I smirk.

"Why should I?" I coax. He looks at my eyes, fear bursting through him, his face as pale as snow. He might as well be the male version of Snow White.

"It's because...that magic made Nova vanish."

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now