Chapter 10- Wake up!

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Hey loves! Here's another update, two updates in a day, yay! I hope you enjoy this! The song is radioactive x disturbia mashup nightcore. I have nothing else to say so please keep on commenting, voting and viewing my book! Here's a pretty long chapter for all of you! Thanks for the support and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl


Lucy's POV:

"Nova!" I screamed, pounding onto the glass box, desperately trying to wake her up like the prince and snow white, except for the part where I am so not kissing Nova. Erin laughed from behind me and I faced him, my face enraged.

"Let her out!" I screech,  and I stride over to Erin, continuing my banging, on his chest this time. I keep pounding and at some point I start sobbing to let her out. Erin finally snatched my arm and pushed me against a wall, using his left arm to pin both my arms above my head. I let out a sob as my head banged into the metal wall, the coldness seeping through my head. I stiffened as Erin leaned in close to my face, his warm breath reaching my cold, red face. I scoffed and turned my head towards Nova, who was peacefully floating in the box, unaware of the scene unfolding in front of her glass prison. 

"Let her out." I repeated, my fury reaching its limit, but still, I was too tired to awake Alma Muerta, it took too much out of me and I couldn't make an enemy out of the dragons, I couldn't fail Nova yet. Erin smirked and leaned even closer until I stopped breathing for if he stepped even an inch closer, our faces were going to touch in a way I did not want. He smirked at my fearful reaction and stood straighter, still holding my hands firmly. I let out the air I was holding in my mouth and started breathing normally once again. 

"We cannot release Nova Celeste." He said flatly, his eyes glossy with agitation.

"Why?" I sputtered, genuinely curious. Erin looked back at Nova and then back to me, his eyes skimming over my arm as if looking for any remnants of the aura. Then finally his eyes landed back on me and I raised my eyebrow at him impatiently.  

"If Nova is let out, she will die." Erin said coldly, his eyes implying that he wasn't lying. My eyes widened in fear and I shook my head, waiting for him to laugh evilly and say he was joking. But his eyes stayed the same, irritated and surely telling the truth. My mouth parted in fear because that only meant one thing..I was going to die also.

"The experimenting we did on her increased the rate of her time to die. She would've a little longer, but it wouldn't have made a difference. She still would have died. We preserved her in her last moments by sealing her in that crystal. She's still alive but if we unseal her, she might die that instant or in a day." He said, without pausing. I closed my eyes and tried to digest all the information Erin had just thrown at me. So I was destined to die too? Would I die soon?

"What about me?" I asked tentatively, afraid of his answer, but also eager to know about my own life span. Erin carefully nodded at me then opened his mouth to confirm his nod.

"You too will die, but you have much longer. We won't experiment on you, for we need a different way now. So stop using the Alma Muerta, you're just killing yourself." He paused for a moment, seeing if he missed anything.  

"Don't ask why you have the power because we don't know as well, all I will tell you is that we will have your power, to kill the humans. And you will just serve us, nothing you can do to stop us, eh? Got it?" Erin chanted slowly. I nodded by instinct, wanting to get this over, so I could hopefully meet Nova in my next dream and question her about all of this. Erin seemed satisfied, as he released my sore hands, causing me to rub them gleefully as red marks had burned themselves into my skin. Erin took my hand and dragged me through the halls back into my room, throwing me onto the soft bed. A cry escaped my mouth and Erin grinned victoriously before leaving me to myself. Why? Why me? Why did I have to get this curse?

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now