Finale- I Love You

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Hey loves! This is the last chapter of the book! I feel kind of empty that this books is over but then again I can start another book so please do read my other books and stay tune for the second book! Anyways the audio is nightcore policeman and it's a really good song! Anyways as usual please vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

I panted heavily, looking up to Nova who was in the same condition as me. Zeref had used some random ass black magic spell on us, making it so that our normal magic was back to normal. My golden keys jiggled on my belt, a smile forming on my lips as I stared at my family. Damn I was fond of those spirit idiots!

"Now then! We should start the training!" Zeref said happily, a tick mark forming on my forehead as I clenched my eyes shut. "I'm tired! Can we take a break!"I cried as I slumped onto the ground. In a second, Zeref was crouched in front of me with a demon aura that sent visible shivers through my skin. Damn he reminded me of this manga I read where they have this demon student council president, Kaichou Wa Maid Sama I think... I raised my hands in surrender and crawled behind Nova.

"Okay I'm ready.." I said as I held onto Nova's legs for dear life. Zeref nodded and stood up, prompting Nova to pull me up. "Zeref released some magic into the face valley and immediately a humongous black tree erupted from the ground, leaving the both of us gaping at the sight before us. Zeref smirked; gee stop smirking dammit; and walked to us. "Destroy that tree with your Alma Muerta magic. It won't kill you this time, I placed a seal on you both to keep it under control, however if you both go into the Seal of Death form, it cannot be helped and you die." he said coldly and we both nodded. Nova went up first, concentrating on the tree she extended her hand and did a small battle cry and waited. A few seconds passed and nothing happened.

That's when it happened.

The tree's leaves all rattled off and a few branches fell to the ground as I stood there in amazement. "I see, your Alma Muerta is the dormant type, it doesn't show but the damage takes place." Zeref thought and I faced him. "There are too types, dormant and active. You most likely are active, the stronger type." Zeref said as he pushed me in front of the tree. I gulped and did the same as Nova, feeling the blackness well up inside me, I opened my eyes and glared at the tree, clenching my teeth; this was hard!

Suddenly, the tree blasted to pieces as my ray of black magic shot into it. I watched, mouth parted as the pieces rained down to the ground. I heard clapping and turned to see a surprised Nova and a smiling Zeref. I didn't feel good though, this was bad! A question randomly popped into my head and I turned to Zeref.

"I've been wondering for some time, but is there a greater form than the Seal of death?" I asked and Zeref tilted his head at me. I've given you too many answers don't you think. This is for you to figure out yourselves." Zeref said as he resumed talking some shit about our training routines. I was too focused on his answer though, he was hiding something. Nova turned and nodded at me slightly, she was thinking the same thing.

"I'll conjure something else for you guys to practice on now." He said, extending his arm, however I had a thought. "Can't we practice out magic on you?" I asked and Zeref stopped and looked at me funny. Nova looked confused as well and I shrugged. "Just a thought, I mean it shouldn't harm you, should it?" I asked and Zeref squinted his eyes. "Don't test me girl." He said through clenched teeth as a cold breeze swept through the valley. I felt sweat beads form and I gulped as Zeref conjured a huger tree, his black bangs covering his dark eyes.

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now