Chapter 20- Is It Over

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Hey loves! Another update and yesss my school ended Wednesday 21st! I was crying lmao ik I love and hate school. Anyways I'm going to Anime con soon! I have so many other books to write like when will this book end! I need to take advantage of this summer XD Anyways I've entered all three of my books in the Watty's so please vote for my shitty books! The audio is Things we lost in the fire by Bastille and it's a great song. Anyways please vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Erza's POV:

We all watched in horror as Lucy froze, deflated as every feature was frozen, never moving. Natsu was on his knees, sobbing loudly as a fire circle was created around him. It grew and grew until it shrouded Natsu, his body hidden in the flaming fires. Ace cried out and ran past Natsu, stopping in front of another crystal, which held a young girl with long green hair. She looked peaceful and kind, about our age.

"It's her! It's Nova!" he cried as his touched the glass, banging on it as if his life depended on it. "It won't break it's no use. Plus opening the crystal might kill them." Amon cried happily, a smile cracking on his scarred face. I clenched my hands and faced the man, anger surging through my veins.

"You're dead."

Natsu's POV:

She's gone. I lost her and I couldn't save her. I broke the promise I made to Levy. The fire built around me and closed in on me, heightening my senses. Serpent like scales built on every inch of my skin until I was covered with scaly patches. My teeth grew sharper and longer and my muscles grew more define; I probably grew a good two inches as well. The wall of fire conceded into me as I turned to face the crowd of people watching me. Erza was already engaged in battle with Amon, however the door opened and a very furious Maya entered.

"BASTARDS! I'LL SHOW YOU HOW IT FEELS TO MESS WITH ME!" she hollered, clearly upset by the fact that I had previously knocked her unconscious. I smirked and spat to the right of me, her eyes widening with rage and curiosity, I was in my Dragon Force form.

"Come at me." I said as the woman growled. Erza was already outside with Amon. Celeste was near Lucy's frozen state, sobbing softly at the 'death' of her 'sister'. However I knew that she was still alive, she had to come, otherwise I'd have to go to her. And that would require me leaving this world..

"You'll pay you little brat!" she cried as she jumped at me, her claws outstretched. Seriously though, her rage was blinding her from thinking clearly. Her moves were sloppy and predictable. I clicked my tongue and dodged, grabbing her by her neck and kicking upward, a flame erupting in her face. She screeched and fell back a few paces, her face burnt. I still hadn't figured what kind of dragon she was, but she couldn't be more dangerous than Amon.

"Is that all you got?" I mocked, stepping towards her. I stood above her, smirking down onto her covered figure. However, her hand quickly gripped onto my foot and she jumped up, striking me in the stomach with her fist. I doubled over as the liquids inside me churned around. I stepped back and regarded her carefully. A realization sparked in my mind and I weakly smiled.

"You're a water dragon." I said plainly, earning a nod from the female. "Yes and quite convenient that more than fifty percent of your body if water, wouldn't you think?" she drawled, eyeing my body as if she could steal all the liquid right now. She was more dangerous than I thought. Fire vs water, eh? This would be quite fun!

Lucy's POV:

Everything was quiet. Is this how it is to be dead? No, I know I'm not dead, I've been frozen, preserved. I'm not dead, not yet. A pain blossomed in my chest, how was Natsu? What was he doing and for that matter, what was Gray, Wendy, Erza, Gajeel, Levy, how were they all doing? Did they know about me? About my magic and my preservation? A silver tear fell from my gray eyes that faded into the black scenery. I closed my eyes, can I die?

"No." a voice pressed. My eyes fluttered open and I looked ahead to see a familiar green haired girl. "Nova?" I called, uncertain if I was seeing things or not. She nodded and strode up to me, her eyes welcoming, but holding a depth of sadness and fear. I reciprocated the feeling through my own facial expressions as I held her hands.

"I'm sorry I failed you." I said sadly, tears dropping from my eyes as I looked to the ground, unable to face Nova. She squeezed my hands a little tighter and shook her head, "It's my fault. I should've told you about the Alma Muerta and everything when I had the chance. You might have been able to escape." she said nonchalantly, smiling at me through her glossy eyes. Her hand rubbed against my cheek, and I instantly melted into her warm hands, tears leaving me uncontrollably. I sunk to the floor, with Nova supporting me, hugging me as I screamed into her neck. Her soft hands gently stroked my hair as she whispered reassuring thoughts into my ears. What felt like a year centuries later, I had calmed down and let go of the girl, feeling guilty for soaking her shirt with my tears.

"Sorry." I said shyly and she shook her head while smiling, although I could tell that she was forcing her smile. "Is it true that we're going to die if let out of the crystal?" I questioned casually. She didn't nod or shake her head. Instead she sat thinking. "Well I think so, and since they plan on extracting the Alma Muerta from us, they're going to either have to take it by extracting the magic from the crystal, or make a medicine to help us live if they release us from the crystal" she said thoughtfully. "How long have you been here?" I asked dreadfully. She bit the inside of her cheek and averted her eyes, "Not exactly sure anymore." She answered truthfully and I nodded.

"So what now?" I asked. "We wait." She said. "For what?" I questioned confused. She looked surprised. "Well I'm not sure if it's true, but.." he hesitated. "But?" "Zeref is coming for us."

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now