Chapter 5- Lost memories

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Hey loves! MUST READ: First of all, the audio is not a plain music video but a short film by crunchyroll called Shelter, a magnificent beautiful piece of animation. It's only 6 minutes so I trust all of you will watch it. If you did please comment in the comments: "shelter". I personally loved this short film and so will you. Now I just hope they will make a longer movie adaptation or an anime adaptation!!! Enough now enjoy the chapter and don't forget to watch the video! ;)

Lunar chan,
The book girl


Lucy's POV:

I look around, taking in the sights that surround me. I was standing in a humongous yellow field filled with wheat plants, their stalks towering up till my waist. The sky above was a soft blue and the cool breeze rustled everywhere, creating a melodic whistling sound. I peered around once more. I was clearly enjoying the beauty of the scene, but why was I alone? Not like I give a shit though, I had been alone for a pretty long time after my mother has left this world. I remembered the sound that accompanied the whip as it came down with a painful crack on my tiny body. I remember the way my friend's smiles would turn into a snicker or a snarl as they taunted me, their words creating holes in my heart, holes that even Fairy Tail couldn't fill. I settled onto the lush wheat stalks and stared at the lumpy white white marshmallows that ruled the skies. Clouds.

"Lucy, is that you dear?" My eyes jerk open, eager to find the owner of that smooth calming voice. My eyes find their was to a pretty young woman, with brown hair and emerald green eyes, who seems to be no less than twenty three in age.

"Who are you?" I ask, my mouth gaped in awe as I stared at the beautiful lady. She gently chuckled and smiled at me, which painfully reminded me of my late mother. 

"I am Nova Celeste, love. In case you are curious, I have come to fill in the blank spaces in your memory." I blink and warily nod at her. Blank spaces? What does she mean? She nods back and starts her speech.

"Now where should I start?" She pauses and purses her lips. "Ah, yes from your childhood perhaps." First let me make one thing clear for you, dear. Rewind is no one other than Ace. They are the same person, just different names!" My eyes widen in surprise before I nod faster, hungry for more.

"Ace murdered your mother, and the mayor does have connections to this. In fact the mayor is no other than Ace's dad. The mayor had a crush on your mother, Layla. But alas, Layla loved Jude and they got married. The mayor wanted revenge and called forth his son, Ace to kill her. But there is one part of the story you are not aware of my love. Ace also murdered Jude, and left in his place, an impostor. That is why Jude started abusing you shortly after their deaths. He wasn't your real father!" 

I swallowed, trying to digest this information as I feebly nodded to Nova, signaling I was ready for more knowledge.     

"Shortly after Ace's return though, he told his father that he wanted you. You as in his maid, apparently he fell for you or some rubbish like that. His father agreed but by that time, you had run away from home and the duo weren't able to find your location. Until the recent grand magic games that is. They found out about you and decided it was time to take action by posting a job they knew you would take in order to full fill your rent." 

She then paused, signaling she knew that I was having an emotional Lucy breakdown, like WHAT THE ACTUAL FLIPSTERS #$%&#$% *insert more cursing* I sighed and glanced back at Nova, ready to ask my own questions. But when I peeked up, she was gone. Panic dominated my body and I stood up faster than the wind, causing my vision to momentarily blur. 

"Nova!" I cried out. But she was gone. I felt a little comfort though, I had a feeling she was coming back. 


"Luce, oh my god Lucy can you stop seducing the man?" I opened my eyes and looked around to find the muttering fool.

"Down here." I looked down and blushed all shades of red when I saw Natsu peering at me, his face portraying pain. I wonder why. Oh. His face was crammed into my breasts and my arms were hung around him loosely.

"Oops." And with that, I released him from my steel grasp. He sighed and scratched his head. I nervously giggled. 

"Hey, Luce?" He perked.

"Hmm?" I responded.

"Who's Nova Cheese? You were muttering her name a few minutes ago. I stared at him before bursting out in laughter. Then I found space near him on the bed and crouched down. I ran my hand through his spiky but soft hair and chuckled again.

"It's Nova Celeste dumbo. And anyways she is th-" I paused mid sentence. Should I tell him? Nah, he knew nothing about my background and this would just take more time, pus it would end in me in a pond of tears. Too much work.

"She was a past friend of mine, but she um she passed away a few years ago." I quickly fibbed, and wore a sad face. I heard a gasp from Natsu and he quickly pulled me into a bear hug. Yay! When he released me, he quickly pecked me on the forehead, a common gesture of ours and smiled at me. I quickly returned the casual gesture.

"By the way, where's Happy?" I asked. Natsu looked at me funny before averting his eyes and sighing. 

"H-He went to get food..."

"WHAT? THAT BASTARD KITTEN DARE GET THE HEAVENLY EXPERIENCE CALLED FOOD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION OR WITHOUT MY IN MY GLORIOUS PRESENCE? THAT RASCAL SHALL THY PAY IN THE HANDS OF THE UNFORGIVING HANDS OF THE GODDESS LUCY SAMA!" I hollered. Natsu covered his ears due to his sensitive hearing and jumped to my feet, looking like he was praying to me. I mean he should, everyone really should. I'm just to fabulous *hair flip*.

"L-Lucy sama, please space the idiot Happy, he's too naive. I will ensure he never commits such a crime again!" He pleads. I thinks hard and then shake my head two times, suggesting that I would spare the felion's life. Natsu grunts in victory and we stare at each other as our faces sketch a smile onto themselves and we burst out laughing at our traditional role play.

"We soooo nailed it this time didn't we?" I joke. Natsu cheerfully nods and we sit there for who knows how long, laughing at out stupidity. We stop when a knock brings itself to our door and we quirk our heads towards it, curious at what presented itself on the other side of the wall.

"Enter!" we both chanted at the same time, and the door cracked open to present a maid, a quite attractive one too. She had dark purple hair that rained till her thighs and electric blue eyes. She looked pretty damn similar to Ace, or Rewind or, you what I'm going to call him Ace.

"Masters, it's time you start out for your trek in the forest. Your cat friend is waiting outside the building." She purred in a rather seductive voice. She pin pointed her gaze to Natsu and licks her lips, causing Natsu and I to respond by raising our eye brows in amusement. No one, and I repeat no one was stealing my husbando.  

"Alright, thanks." I simply and we both get up and start for the door. The maid licks her lips and walks next to Natsu, earning a popping vein from me. We walk to the entrance where Happy is waiting, munching on some fish.

"You all ready?" I ask Natsu and Happy.


Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now