Chapter 11- Mission Time...

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Hey loves! It's been a few days since I last updated so I decided to stop being a couch potato and to update once more! I'm happy to say that I have reached more than 700 views! Thank you so much for that! There is no audio today for I wanted the pic above to be there instead. The picture above is a pic of one of the new characters that will be introduced. Thank you for the support and please enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

I opened my weary eyes, my insides hoping that this was all another nightmare and that I was going to wake up in my normal bed, snuggling with Natsu like how its supposed to be. But no,  instead I was greeted with the same velvet bed, same dark walls and chains that hugged my arms and feet. I searched around for any sign of water, my thirst exceeding its limits. I need water now. Instead, I heard a single thump from the far side of the room, and my eyes automatically swung to the end of the room, fear and eagerness curled into my brown orbs.

"Oops." A single word was heard from the side of the room. Yet I couldn't see the figure so I squinted my eyes as if we were playing hide and seek. I could tell by the sound of the voice that it was a lady, possibly a girl. At least it wasn't Erin. The figure danced in the shadows, unwilling to show itself, and finally I sighed and sunk back down onto the bed, clearly discouraged. I think I was slowly going into depression as well. 

"Um, are you thirsty? Because I was sent to bring you water." The female called. My head jerked that way once more at the mention of water. My eyes like a barbarian and my head took on a life of its own as I rapidly nodded my head, up and down. The figure grunted and slowly stepped into the light, the shadows vanishing. I sucked in my breath as the figure emerged from her hiding spot.

The figure was a girl, maybe around eight or nine years old. She had shoulder length curly gray hair, with cream colored skin. Her face was decorated with red rosy lips and big honey orange eyes in which mischievousness danced in. She was wearing a long black dress that was attached to two black long sleeves. It was also covered by her black tights that she wore underneath. Her neck held a black fluffy choker and she had black flats on. Her medium sized nails were painted peach. All in all, for a girl of her age, she was beyond pretty, she was gorgeous.

(A/N): The picture of the 'figure' is up top on the top of the page. The pic of the gray haired girl except she might look younger in the story since she is only nine.. so ya >~<

The girl walked over to me and brought with her a short pint sized transparent water glass. She hesitantly held it to my drying lips and I gratefully gulped it down, the water vanishing in less than two seconds. The girl now had amusement written on her face and I pouted while averting my eyes.

"Oi, What's you name?" I asked, dying to make small talk with someone after a few hours of loneliness. The girl seemed surprised at first, but her shoulders sagged down and she sat next to me on the bed, a gesture that spread warmth through my heart.She was trying to get close to me!  

"I'm Celeste Santorini." She said smoothly, her voice nothing compared to her smile she sent my way. My heart ached to hug her, to sob about my problems but I couldn't trust her yet. I didn't know if I'd ever be able to trust again after the incident with Natsu and Prudence. I closed my eyes and sighed. Celeste seemed to sense the sad aura around me, as she moved closer inch by inch and hugged me. I gasped as her warm arms tangled around my waist and she buried her head in my chest, the simple gesture making my heat blossom in warmth all over again.

"I'm sorry for how they're treating you...I want to help you. Really. Erin dad, and I'm sorry he did to you." Celeste cried, her grip tightening as my face twisted in pain and love for this child who knew still nothing, yet held a delicate but big heart. I managed to hug her back around the chains and laid my head on hers, breathing in her blueberry scent, rich but soothing. She was nothing like her father for sure, but she could help me. I broke the hug and looked her in the eyes, tears brimming in both our eyes.

"I think only you can help me Celeste." I whispered and she nodded in response. The deal was done, I was breaking out and Celeste was coming with me. Celeste sat down next do me and huffed while working on the chains that held me in place like a dog. Why was this happening so fast? Could I really trust the gray haired beauty that was setting me free? I had to. She was my last string of hope handed to me and the sympathy in her eyes was real, I could tell. I know I can trust Celeste, I had to. A small clicking sound echoed the room and my eyes perked to Celeste's spot on the floor.She was looking back at me and nodded, determination blazing in her little orange eyes.

"Let's go um-" She trailed off and I giggled. She didn't know my name!

"It's Lucy!" I whispered and Celeste nodded eagerly, her gray curls bouncing in excitement. We both stood up, and headed towards the door, eagerly marching out to freedom. Nothing was going to stop us now, and I still had to find out about Nova, I hadn't had any dreams lately so I decided to make my own path, I wasn't going to befriend them, I would pry the secrets out of them until they spilled. I was a princess here, not to be messed with. I scoffed and walked out the door holding Celeste's small hand. I was on top of the world at this moment.

"Not so fast." 

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now