Chapter 26- Starting Anew

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Hey loves! Another update! THANKS FOR ALL THE VIEWS T-T this book will probably end in another two or three chapters since I have to get the second book arranged and all. I also have to finish Count down and have so many books I want to write >_< Anyways please show some love to my books and vote for me in the Watty's! As usual, vote, comment and Enjoy! 

Lunar chan,
The book girl


Nova's POV:

My heart faltered as Zeref shot Lucy a deathly glare suggesting that he wasn't joking. "Uh she was joking, we'd love to be trained under you!" I exclaimed, elbowing Lucy causing her to bend over. I looked over to the bent over girl, "Right Lucy?" I asked. Did she get stupid in the crystal or something? She looked at me funny and frowned, "Actually I wanted to-" I elbowed her again and she crumpled to the floor.I glanced at Zeref and smiled, "She agreed." Zeref weirdly looked at me and signaled us to sit and eat. With much difficulty I dragged Lucy to the seat and dropped her, nervously spooning food into our plates.

"Did you have to use physical contact?" she moaned and I deadpanned, "Shut up and eat sweetie." I said sarcastically and watched her eyes the food carefully. "It's not poisoned" Zeref called and Lucy nodded, nervously shoving a spoon of the noodles into her mouth. Her face blossomed into delight and she looked at me happily. "It's really good Nova!" she said as she quickly gulped it down, taking more from the center bowl. Zeref chuckled and watched, I don't think he can eat.

"I didn't know you can cook!" I exclaimed after trying the delicious dish myself, eating every noodle, taking some more as well. He smiled. "I have slaves in this mansion who help." he said happily and I sweat dropped; slaves? I nodded and finished my meal, silently thanking the black haired man who observed us carefully.

"Your training starts tomorrow. You are now free to tour the palace. Try to leave and you will die and painful slow death. Meet me here tomorrow at 5 in the morning. Bye." he said and walked into a dark hallway leaving us alone. Lucy looked at me and flashed an evil smile, mischievousness dancing in her eyes. "Oh no.." I cried.

"We should totally try to leave!" she said and I crumpled to the floor. Seriously when did she get this dumb? What happened to her! 

Gray's POV:

I walked behind Juvia and Celeste, careful to make sure they didn't see me. I wasn't stalking her, I was just silently following her without her knowing. I didn't trust Celeste and wasn't sure what to think of her powers. There was so much we didn't know about her and I didn't want to take chances and loose Juvia. 

"Sis can I ask you something?" I heard the kiddo say and listened harder, determined to hear their conversation. "Ask away dear!" Juvia happily said and Celeste smiled. "Why aren't you scared of me?" she questioned and Juvia looked up to the starry sky. Then she looked back at the young girl and smiled. "Because Juvia has had a rough past and knows how it feels to not be accepted. Juvia can tell that you're a good heart so Juvia will always stand by you." she said and Celeste hugged her, prompting Juvia to return it.I felt my own heart thump, Juvia would be a good mother. 

I silently shook my head, emptying my mind of the thoughts I have having and focused on the two females. They had reached Juvia's place so I couldn't follow. I silently prayed that Juvia would be fine and retraced my steps back to my place.

"Were you stalking Juvia?" a red head asked and I surprisingly looked up, surprise etched onto my features. Had Erza followed me? No use in lying now. "Yes, I don't trust Celeste yet. She hasn't proved herself to us." I said and Erza showed no response. "I agree but Juvia can handle herself. I think you had another reason of following her." She said and smiled to herself. I looked away, trying to hide my evident blush and sighed.

"Okay maybe I do care, she's my comrade!" I said flustered as I heard Erza softly chuckle. "I know you like her. Confess. I got to go now, Jellal invited me to his place." she said, hugged me, and ran the other way, her red hair swaying in the wind. I thought about her words and sighed slowly. Maybe I would confess; no I wouldn't. I clicked my tongue and walked the other way back home, wanting to sleep on the matter.

Lucy's POV:

Ninja Nova and I, Ninja Lu ran down the hallways as we sneakily looked for entrance. Who knew being a ninja was so fun! I thought it was stupid when Natsu and Happy did it but nope, it's fun! I stopped and thought. Why am I acting so different? The answer was clear; I knew I was going to die either way and I wanted to make the most of it. I didn't want to control my powers, Zeref would use me so I would kill myself. If I refused training, Zeref would kill me. If we escaped now, Zeref would kill me. Fairy Tail wasn't coming for me. 

"Why did you stop moving?" Nova said, breaking through my train of thoughts. I stared and blinked a few times before smiling, "Nothing, let's go." I said smiling slyly before continuing the death walk. 

I almost reached the door when a booming voice echoed through the hallway. "WHAT DO YOU GIRLS THINK YOUR DOING?" Zeref hollered and I visibly deflated while Nova cringed. We both shakily turned around while smiling, hands waving at the approaching man, who seemed very mad. 

"We were just g-going for a w-walk! You know sunshine, fresh air, yea!" Nova exclaimed and I tried not to laugh despite the situation. Zeref squinted at us and smirked. "To your rooms, come tomorrow fro the training." He said and pointed at the stair case. We smiled and sprinted to our rooms like there was no tomorrow.

"Good night!" I hollered and heard a deep chuckle.

Damn, he's scary.  

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now