Chapter 15- We're coming Lucy!

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Hey loves! How are ya'll? Sadly my spring break ends in two days but I've read 40 watt pad stories and watched 10 animes so I feel accomplished hehe. I'm trying to get back in the groove of writing and I must say this book is ending soon but that's fine because this is a series, there will be a sequel hopefully after I finish writing all my other draft books I have hehe. The audio is Moana because who didn't love that movie? Anyways without further ado please show some love and support to my other books and as usual vote, comment and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Levy's POV:

Erza, Mirajane and I huddled around Jellal on a separate table trying to figure out how we would get to Etioles. Natsu and the rest of the guild was getting ready, training and some searching through the library for anything that would help. Ace and Prudence still sat up, though Prudence was asleep, her head tilted onto Ace's shoulder; her brother looking back at her making sure she was fine and then smiling gently. I had to say they really loved each other, they were good siblings.

"Guys I found something!" Laki's voice brought me from my thoughts and Laki handed over a book about Dragons. I wore my reading glasses which allowed me to skim through books, analyzing its content, and then I flipped through the book. My eyes landed on a page marked as 'Etioles for humans' as Erza's nervous eyes made contact with mine. I smiled. "I think we found something." I exhaled as I placed the book on the counter. 

"Loke!" Jellal's voice called out, surprised. I myself looked up in shock to find Loke, his face flushed in pain. We all rushed to him as he fell to the floor. Wendy immediately started healing him while we crowded around him, worry plastered on all our faces; if something happened to him, what happened to Lucy?

"Loke what's wrong?" Natsu asked, concern laced in his voice as he broke the silence. Prudence had woken as the twins were watching Loke, curiosity on their faces as well. "Lucy has a contract with us, until she dies we are not free from her contract. When Lucy is injured we pain a little but it's fine. But I'm here to ask you to save Lucy, please!" Loke cried. "What happened Loke?" We all cried in unison. "I only know this pain because of Karen but the only time a spirit is put under this kind of pain is when.....their owner is dying!"

Lucy's POV:

I looked around, everything was white. Was I dead? Was this what it was like to be dead? It was peaceful I wouldn't lie, but it was lonely for sure. 

"Lu-Lucy?" a familiar called out. My face formed a frown as I faced Nova. Nova stood, her long green hair flowing as her eyes were swimming with guilt and worry. Good she should be guilty.

"Why did you lie to me about, about like everything?!" I cried out in anger, pulling hair from both sides of my hair. Nova cracked and fell to the floor, her face stuffed in her hands. "I-I'm so sorry! I wanted to save you, if you befriended them they might have let you off the leash! I thought telling you about your powers was useless!" she pleaded. "Well that was stupid. Why didn't you tell me you were alive?" I spat, feeling a little guilty. She was trying to save me?

"Because you'd try to save me, but then the dragons would make an enemy out of you. It doesn't matter now, you're going to die unless they preserve you like they did to me." Nova said, half talking to herself as she was self evaluating the situation. I whined and looked away. "So this is a dream; I'm not dead?" I asked and Nova nodded. 

"Lucy." she said seriously, meeting my eyes with hers. "The dark magic you posses was an experiment created by Zeref but after he noticed it killed you he threw the magic away, but by then he had taught it to Layla Heartfilia, your ancestor. It ran in your family's blood and now you've awakened it, and yes it also runs in my family so don't ask." I nodded and gulped as she continued. "Anyways, Zeref might be back to claim you and end you, to make sure his magic doesn't spread anymore, he might take us both but I doubt that since I might die if they release me from the crystal. You have to fight him if you live when he comes." I nodded as her words. Zeref? Me fighting him? HELP!

"I must go now, you have to wake up. Fight Lucy. Fight" Nova said gently but fiercely. "NOVA WAIT!" I cried, but she was gone and I was free falling in the endless white.   

Dragon Woman's POV:

"Amon, Nick, the girl is dying, she'll be dead in a few hours, maybe days seeing how strong she's fighting." I said in a monotone. This Lucy was actually fighting the magic, it was amazing but she wouldn't be able to keep it up. She was going to die unless she ended up preserved like Nova. Nick nodded. 

"Have you disposed of Erin?" I asked and he nodded. Such a waste of a good recruit, then again we were never able to see how the Seal Of Death worked, that girl could've killed us. 

"He is not going to happy with this. If both users of the Alma Muerta die then how will their bloodline continue? The magic will die, we have to find a way to revive them." Amon said quietly and I nodded in agreement. "Before Zeref arrives." Nick added and I looked at the window. Would the boos approve of this?

"Let Lucy go!" Celeste cried from the corner as she was tied up, sitting next to the door. Amon smirked as Nick simply ignored her. I huffed. "You're being annoying, traitor." I spat as I picked her up and with a whoosh, threw her out the room, locking it. Celeste yelped but it didn't matter; she would die like her father once the boss came to know about it. I walked back to Lucy and tied her to the board. 

"For now we will preserve her and get back up, Zeref is arriving, when we battle him off and receive the antidote by the boos we can resurrect Lucy and restart our experiments." I said harshly and the men nodded. The faster we stole the girl's power the faster we could proceed with the boss's plans. This girl was the key, the key that would unlock the door that led to the demise of the human kind.

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now