Chapter 17- Family Forever

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Hello loves! First of all I just wanted to say, Thanks for 7k views ad like 300+ votes! But I'm still at 56 followers. I mean I left for a month and I came back and started crying! I was saving this update for the last day of my school but nope you guys deserve it, love ya'll ;-; please show my account some serious love. The video is choreography for Star boy by a famous guy on YouTube named Matt Steffanina, checkout his videos ;) Anyways Please show my books some support and love and as usual, vote, comment, and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Natsu's POV:

I looked around our vicinity, taking in the death smell that loosely hung in the air. "I wonder where we are." Erza questioned softly, her hand resting on her sword.

"I believe we are in the dragon palace." Prudence retorted, her own eyes searching the palace as her hand was tightly intertwined with her brother's. Wendy grunted something to Gray who nodded and straightened.

"Wendy can feel Lucy's magic. It's getting smaller though so we should hurry." he said coolly, making eye contact with each of the members. Happy nodded in agreement and flew ahead, turning sharp on the corner. A second later, the blue exceed came racing back, his eye wide with fear.

"The next hallway, it's it's all destroyed! Like some madman had put out their magic!" Happy silently screamed. We all shared looks before hurrying past the cat and turning the corner, a stink of death and blood heavily hanging here. It was clear someone was killed in the action. Ace stepped forward with Prudence, who surveyed the area. 

"This ain't no normal phenomena. It's the work of the Alma Muerta, Lucy." she finished with a nonchalant face. My eyes went wide and I stepped back. Lucy was this powerful? Did she kill someone? 

"H-hello?" a lone voice called from down the corridor, fear etched into the voice. All our heads turned, curious about the childish voice. Out of the shadows, a small girl came limping out, with gray pigtails and bloodshot red eyes. She was rubbing her wrists as if she had been tied up to something. Erza approached her boldly, and kneeled down to the scared figure.

"Who are you?" Erza asked calmly, trying not to frighten the child. The girl's face was already paler than it should've been, making her look ill. She gulped and looked toward the room down the corridor where the stink emitted from. I had a feeling she knew what was going on here. The girl stepped back and looked up when she froze. Her eyes trailed to Erza's guild mark and a realization made its way into her eyes. Suddenly the girl looked hopeful; did she know us?

"Y-You're friends of Lucy!" She cried and fell of the floor, as if all the while her instincts kept her on her feet. My fists clenched at Lucy's name and I carefully kneeled next to the child as well.

"What happened to her?" I asked cautiously and the girl store into my eyes. 

"I might as well tell you what happened since I met her then.." she continued. "Your name, though?" Erza interrupted and the girl covered her mouth. "Right, I'm Celeste, anyways.."

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now