Chapter 4- Night time expedition!

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Hello loves! This is chapter four and I have been publishing decent chapters everyday so I'm pretty happy with myself ;) Today is Saturday and I have a dentist appointment to change my braces colors. I think I'll go for blue and orange (romantic reasons). The audio is Wonderland by Natalia kills and if you've noticed all the audios I upload are nightcore. Nightcore for laifu. I might update again today, idk. Enough with this nonsense, let's get onto the story! Enjoy! ;) 

 Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


Lucy's POV:

I looked around as I took my first steps in the new hallways. The coldness surrounded me, making me wish I had brought my furry jacket along. I held onto the platinum rails on the sides of the walls, sliding myself along the suffocating halls. I stopped when I reached my destination: The mayor's office. I peeked inside and noticed that the mayor wasn't seated in his normal chair. I breathed out and slowly creaked the door open, then tip toed inside. I closed the door behind me, and squealed that I had just completed part one of the mission! I darkly chuckled and walked over to his wooden table, placing a cold hand on it. I quickly searched the table, and my eyes locked onto a black box. 

His phone.

I snatched the box and unlocked it, thanking the man for not including a password. I smirked as I reached the calling dial. I found the contacts he was talking with and my gaze turned upside down when I noticed the last five people he had called were a man named Ace. Who the hell was Ace? I sighed and scratched my head. Another mystery, how wonderful. 

tap tap tap tap

I flipped my head with my eyes widened like a bee's nest as the tapping of someone's shoes directed its way to the door. Shit. I looked side to side, searching for a hiding spot. Nothing. Then an idea popped into my mind. I quickly huffed and puffed as I led myself under the mayor's desk. I settled under the wood and buckled my arms over my knees, pulling myself closer to me. I could feel my hot pumped breath searing onto my cold body. I suck my breath in as the door creaks open. I hear the person muttering something incoherent, and I press my ear into the wood, straining to hear the person's words.

"Shit where the heck is my phone? Mother of a bolcrane." the man mumbles. Bingo. I smirk as the mayor frantically searches for his phone. The huffing stops and the door creaks open again. The mayor pauses and awkwardly shuffles as another man walks in the room. 

"Ace" he mumbles wholeheartedly. My eyes widen, and I debate if I should take a quick peek outside the desk to see who this Ace is.

All I hear is shuffling and then a bag being banged against the desk. Ace hasn't spoken one word. I hear the mayor mutter a thank you and then the Ace guy taps himself out the door. The mayor's breathing slows down and then the noise is completely gone. I peek my head out the desk and grin at the fact that there is no one in the room. Part two of the mission: Complete!

I decided it was time to get back to my room, so I tip toed out and hurried down the everlasting gold hallways, back to out room. I creak the door open and shut and turn around to find myself face to face with Natsu.  


"Hey Natsu, you couldn't sleep either." I joke nervously. Nasty growls and his eyes trace down to the phone in my hand. He raises a brow and looks back up at me, confusion and a hint of betrayal plastered on his face. Part three of the mission: Fail.

"Lucy, what are you holding?" Baths mutters softly so he doesn't wake happy up, but loud enough for me to physically flinch. Oh boy I'm so dead.

"Oh this in its just a phone that's all. Doesn't matter I had to make an urgent call." I fibbed. Baths groaned and squinted at me, making me pretty uncomfortable.

"And where did you go Lucy Heartfilia?" Nastu spat at me.

"To the main office to find a phone, duh." I chuckled and tried to avert my eyes.

"So then why are you still holding the phone?" Nastu asked, his voice trembling with rage. That's it. I decided to spill.

"Fine then Natsu Dragneel you leave me no choice. Sit down and be open minded for once." He nodded and sat next to the dozing Happy. I then explained the situation about Rewind, the mayor and Ace to him. Nastu nodded the whole way through, his eyes widening at the Ace and Rewind parts. When I finished I sighed and looked him in the eyes.

"Well?" I inquired.

"I still can't believe you became a ninja without me!" Nastu whined. An anime vein popped on my forehead. Exactly why I didn't tell Natsu about these things. That rock headed idiot.

"Natsu, moving on." He nodded vigorously and his eyes drifted somewhere else. Then steam began pouring out of his head. Shit, he was over thinking. I sighed and walked up to him, and then quite happily punched him out cold. I chuckled and tucked him in bed. That idiot, he would start steaming whenever he thought too much. His body might have grown but surely not his head!

I sat in the edge of the bed and tentatively entered the phone. I searched a full hour before grunting in frustration. No where on the phone did it clue me in on who the hell Ace was. I decided to call it a night and plunged the phone under the pillow. Then surrendering to the night, I tucked myself into bed next to Natsu and Happy and started thinking about Rewind.

I didn't even notice as the darkness washed over me like a cool breeze and sleep dominated my body.

Fairy tail: Don't Let go -(1st book of the Chasing Stars series)✔️Where stories live. Discover now