Chapter eight (Rose)

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     Rose was in the kitchen with Saanvi, the Indian maid. She watched as she skillfully added spices to a pot on the stove while she cut vegetables. "I've never seen a dish like that before......" Said Rose. "What do you call it...?"
"It's called curry. It's a traditional Indian dish. I wouldn't say it's mild but it has flavor." The tan woman looked at her. Rose crossed her arms.
"And your saying my cooking is tasteless?"
"I've never had it, to say so would be irrelevant." The maid stepped away from the pot. "Those carrot slices are uneven." She poured her curry into bowls. Rose scoffed and continued with the meal she was preparing.
     Once the food was served everyone ate in silence, besides Topaz who was talking to an obviously uncomfortable Penelope. Rose snuck glances at Loui the whole dinner and barely ate. Sitting next to Saanvi, she looked under the table for a brief moment to retrieve a fork that fell. She caught a glance of the Indian woman's hand on the knee of Matthew, Violet's older brother. She quickly sat back up. 'It looks like I can blackmail her later if I need to.....' she through to herself, shoving the thought away. 'I'm not that kind of person! Even if she said my cooking sucked.......I'm in love with my master as well.......' she shifted in her chair and saw Loui looking at her through the corner of her eye. She sighed and picked at her food.
     After the dreadfully awkward dinner, Mr. Kramer and Mrs. Brooks spoke about the wedding, agreeing that Loui would marry Violet tomorrow. Rose only knew this because she eavesdropped, something that she had a bad habit of doing. She quickly said goodbye to the Brooks and headed upstairs to the balcony.
     The sunset was beautiful. Over the trees in the yard you could see the tops of houses and buildings and the lights of Boston resting in the distance. She wanted to get out of the house and go farther than the yard but the Kramers wouldn't let her, claiming that it wasn't safe. Redcoats swarmed that area and so did their ships. Loui, being the rebel he was, and Topaz both swore against stepping near them. Topaz still snuck to meetings though. She was good at slipping through the cracks.
     Hearing footsteps behind her she turned, only to see Loui stepping onto the balcony. "Rose, there you are! I was looking for you."
"Oh? Why is that?" She tilted her head. He cleared his throat, the sun going down.
"I wanted to tell you something before Violet and I are wed...." he stepped next to her. Rose blushed.
"What would that be......?"
"It's something I've thought for a very long time and I can't keep it on my shoulders for much longer.....especially because I'm thinking about joining the revolution...." Rose's eyes widened.
"The revolution?!"
"Yes but that isn't important right now.....what's important is this...." he put one hand under her chin and pulled her gaze to his. His face was lit by the orange sunset, making Rose blush even more.
"Rose......I'm in love with you. I've loved you for three three whole years and I wish I could be with you. I-I understand if you don't feel the same......I wanted you to know before.....b-before....." Rose let out a tiny gasp and stared at him. She gently took his hand from under her chin and held it.
"Oh Loui....." They shared a moment of silence. "You're the only one I've ever loved........." she put the hand that wasn't occupied on the side of his face, smiling softly. Loui smiled back and started to lean in. She did the same. They kissed, their hearts thumping in unison.
      But alas, the kiss was short lived. They both pulled away when a dreadful BOOM irrupted through the now dark skies. Rose turned, seeing the city of Boston in flames. Loui's face turned grim.

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