Chapter twenty-three (Loui)

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(A bit of a time skip here because the revolutionary war took a long time and I don't want to write about every part of it. Also sorry if the story isn't exactly historically accurate don't get mad at me •^•)
     Loui had stayed about six months at valley forge.  That would make his time in the army be at least a year. Many men had died from either starvation or illness. One of his close friends, Tobias, got sick and was bed ridden for some time but he finally pulled through. 
     He followed as the troops emptied out of the camp, weary yet eager. To his right he saw Tobias, his skin a sickly grey. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked.
"Fine." Tobias answered, coughing into his elbow. His voice reminded him of someone but he couldn't put his finger on who.
"You don't look fine....."
"Gee thanks....." he smirked at him the way Topaz, his sister, always would. His eyes widened a little when he realized who he was talking to. It seemed obvious now, the way he fought, spoke, and even acted. His grip on his musket tightened nervously. Topaz took a deep breath of spring air. "It's nice to not smell the cold for once...." she said, making her voice deeper.
"Sure is...." his tone had changed.
"Are you ok? You seem mad at me." She looked up at him. How could he not have noticed that there's no one on earth as short as his sister?
"As soon as we get the chance I'd like to speak with you in private..." he was seething with rage at his sister for putting herself in danger, but he used the thought of Rose, of their child, to calm himself down. Topaz nodded.
      While they walked, in silence now, Washington spoke. "Tonight we march to Yorktown." He began. "We can end this war, but it'll be close! Many of American and French troops will be gathered there." His words were followed up with a loud, "yes sir!" Loui had mildly regretted joining the revolution a while ago but he couldn't ever think it was foolish. He was a soldier now, and as much of a soldier as any other man in his troop. Hell even Topaz was a soldier now. He doubted he'd get a moment in private to talk to her, so that night while they marched he whispered to her so no one would hear.
"I know who you are." Topaz seemed to stiffen up.
"I see....." she answered, her voice hushed.
"Why did you come?"
"I had to! It's my country, and I have the right to fight for it just as much as any man!"
"I don't doubt that, but you put yourself in danger. You were sick. I don't want you to get hurt."
"So? I'm not going home and you can't make me. I want to finish what I've started!"
"Very well....but be careful...."
"I've always been careful. I've made it this far, Loui! I think I know what I'm doing...."

Revolution (I'm still working on it because yikes)Where stories live. Discover now