Chapter seven (Loui)

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Today was the day he'd been dreading all day yesterday. He heard knocking on his door but it wasn't Rose. It was Topaz. Her knocks were much louder and obnoxious. "What?" He called.
"Daddy said to get ready! Your girlfriend will be here soon!"
"Kay!" He sat up and groaned, remembering the night before and he moment he shared with Rose. He shook the thought away before he had a chance to get emotional.
He quickly got out of bed and got dressed in his best. As soon as he left the room, Jasper raced down the hall. "MR. FLUFFY COME BACK!" She called to a rabbit hopping around the floor with a slight limp. He groaned.
"What the hell Jasper another one?!" Jasper had been known to rescue injured animals from the wild and keep them inside. Luckily it was a bunny and not a wolf like last time. Topaz still had a scar.
Smoothing his attire, he walked in the opposite direction of his sister. Rose was nowhere to be seen. He wondered where she was until the doorbell rang, showing that someone was there. Rose would be there surely, and so would another woman. Loui groaned loudly. His father shuffled down the hall. "Louis, Violet's family, the Brooks, will be here for dinner tonight. Be on your best behavior, we can't afford to mess this up!"
"Yes father....."
"Good boy." He dragged his son to the door.
Lady Violet was a beautiful and tall woman, with brown wavy hair and a purple dress. She smiled softly when she saw Loui. "You must be Loui! How do you do?" She curtsied. Loui politely kissed the back of her hand.
"Very well. I hope the same goes for you?"
"Yes yes thank you for asking." She giggled slightly.
'At least she isn't a total bitch......' He noticed four other people with her. Three females and a male about his age. Violet noticed him staring at them.
"Oh! How rude of me! Louis, please meet my mother and siblings! And we couldn't forget the family maid!" Loui nodded at them and walked up to Violet's mother, kissing her hand as he did before.
"How do you do, madam?" He asked, Topaz giving him a thumbs up. The old woman laughed.
"Oh my! What a polite young man! And so handsome! He's perfect for Violet!" Loui smiled politely, even though those words made him cringe inside. He went up to Violet's sister, obviously younger, and kissed her hand. The small girl seemed nervous.
"Hello, young lady. How are you this fine day?"
"I-I'm fine......thank you....."
"Oh that's Penelope she doesn't speak much." Violet added. The next introduction to come was Violet's brother. He held out his hand to Loui.
"Matthew. Nice to meet you." Loui shook his hand.
"Louis. As to you." His gaze fell upon the last member of the company. The maid. The woman was a bit taller than Topaz with brown skin, black hair, and a red dot on her forehead. She spoke in a heavy Indian accent and seemed to stay close to Matthew.
"Nice to meet you sir." Instead of kissing her hand, Loui just nodded.
"As to you." Topaz looked so happy that her lessons were successful, Jasper had to calm her down with the bunny. The Kramers and the Brooks spoke with each other, leaving Loui and Violet on the side lines. Rose was still nowhere to be seen, as was the Indian maid.
"Louis may I speak to you in private for a brief moment? I know it may not be appropriate for us to be alone together, but I just need to get something across."
"Yes of course. The library is this way." He led her down the hall.
Once they were alone, Violet shut the door and turned to him. "Alright look..." she began, her kind and loving demeanor changing. She had a heavy New Jersey accent. "I'm not happy to be marrying you, nothing personal, and I'm sure you aren't neither...."
"No. I'm afraid not...." Loui answered, happy to drop the whole 'I actually give a shit,' act. Violet went on.
"I've got myself a secret relationship with a guy in town. A German guy. He's a blacksmith. Technically I was with him before you so it's not cheating on you. I'm sure you'll understand."
"I do. I'm actually in love with another woman and.....I was upset about the marriage." Violet smiled and held out her hand.
"Great than it's settled! Let's be friends. No kissing, no fucking and no having kids unless we're forced by our parents. Deal?" He shook her hand, smiling as well.
"Deal!" 'God it feels good to know she's cool with that......' he sighed with relief. Violet's facade returned.
"Well then let's get back to our kin. They'll be looking for us soon!"
"I agree...."

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