Chapter twenty (Loui)

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      "I'm thinking of a number.....between one and ten."
"Seven!" Tobias blurted. The Frenchman shook his head. "Eight?"
"Guess again, mon ami."
"It's four."
"DAMN IT!" Loui sat on a log in valley forge, watching the two talk. They entertained him.
"Care to play again?"
"I'm not good at guessing!" He whined. Jacques laughed. Loui laughed as well.
"Looks like you two are getting along well."
"Yep." They answered in unison and glared at each other. Loui stretched, thinking about Rose again. He always kept her in the back of his mind.
"You guys have ladies waiting for you?"
"Sadly no." Jacques answered.
"Nope!" Tobias, more commonly known as Toby, shook his head. "Do you?"
"I do. Her name is Rose."
"That's a pretty name!" Toby grinned.
"I also have two sisters. Jasper and Topaz."
"They're gemstones?" Jacques tilted his head.
"My mother loved precious stones so she named them after gems." He straightened his hat. Jacques took his off. Tobias gasped.
"It took off its hat!"
"Shut up." The two started to friendly bicker again.
     Loui looked around the camp. It was getting colder each day and everyone seemed to be in a constant state of pessimism except for his two friends. The sky was gray. 'I wonder what Rose is doing right now.....' he thought. 'I wonder if she misses me.....' he stretched and stood up, deciding to take a short walk. All around, men were coughing. Horses could occasionally be seen nibbling the grass around the camp. Piles of dung could also be found sprinkled about. It wasn't exactly the greatest camp but it was a camp. Loui leaned on a tent post.
     After feeling a tap on his shoulder he turned to see a soldier about his age. "Louis Kramer?"
"Yeah...what is it?" He crossed his arms.
"General Washington requested to see you." The soldier wandered off. Loui felt a little nervous and went to find Washington's tent. It wasn't as far as he thought.
     He gently opened the door. "General Washington sir." He stepped inside. Washington was sitting at a small desk.
"Yes, what is it?"
"You wanted to see me, sir."
"Ah yes. We've received a letter from a Miss Rose Tyler. Do you know and Rose Tyler, soldier?"
"I do, sir."
"Well the letter she sent was to me but in it she told me to tell you some important news. We don't get letters from civilians very often so this is rarity."
"What, did she say sir?"
"She told me to tell you that she's expecting a baby, soldier."
"S-she's pregnant, sir?!" 'HOLY MOTHER!'
"Yes. That is all. Congratulations."
"Yes sir, thank you sir!" He saluted and left the tent, grinning. 'OH MY GOD!!!!' He bounced a little, giggling to himself. He trotted back to Tobias and Jacques. "Guys!"
"What? We're talking about ferns."
"Ferns are nice." Tobias smiled.
"I'm going to be a father!"
"OHOHOHOHO!" Jacques stood up. Tobias did the same and stood next to him. "Congratulations!"
"Thanks! I hope I survive the war so I can meet the little sucker!"
"You probably will! You're a great fighter and you have Jacques and I to watch your ass!"
"I'd be dead without you two. I really do think of you two as good friends..."
"We return the gesture, Loui." Jacques said and put his hand on the taller male's shoulder.
"We got your back!" Tobias grinned.

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