Chapter twenty six (Loui)

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     Loui wouldn't have ever pictured his death like this. Bloody on the battlefield. He expected to be old and warm in his bed with Rose and his sisters by his side. But no. His life was fading from him here and now.
     The booms of cannons and the screeching of Topaz sounded in the air, but it sounded distant and vague. His vision was burry and for the first time, he had stopped to notice the clouds. How beautiful they were. White a fluffy masses in the sky. How they reminded him of kittens or sheep. He wanted to let this warmth take over him.
     A sudden thought came to him and the consideration of letting himself die faded. It was his child. And Rose. They were crying next to Topaz and Jasper and his father. The child would grow up with no father. All the pain of the bullet came flooding back to him as if it left.
     The pain in his stomach was unbearable and the blood was thick and hot. He felt hands on his shoulders and back, one pair larger than the other. The noises of war sounded more clear now, including the French prayers being muttered and Topaz's wailing. Jacques was carrying him and Topaz was trying desperately to help. He moved his arm as he was brought into a tent. "Someone get a scalpel!" Cried a doctor. "And a tourniquet!" Someone started to remove his shirt. "There's fabric in the wound!" He heard another doctor say.
     It didn't take long before he started to feel dizzy. He could feel himself slipping away. It hurt as the doctors tried desperately to fix him. He felt Topaz grab his hand. She was shaking like a leaf. "T-Topaz...." he croaked.
"L-Loui!" Hot tears ran down her cheeks. Jacques was sitting next to her, holding his hat to his chest solemnly. Topaz sounded noticeably feminine, not trying anymore. The war was over.
"D-did we win....?" He asked with a sliver of hope. He wanted his death not to be in vein.
"Yes brother....we did...." she pet his cheek, her voice wavering.
"W-will you do something for me.....?"
"Y-yes! Anything!" She choked on a sob. Jacques snuck one arm around her. With closer examination, Loui noticed he was crying too.
"Tell Rose I love her.....please...."
"Y-you can tell her yourself! You're going to live!" She trembled. Loui shook his head. The doctors were still trying their best. He looked at Jacques.
"Mon ami....." he smirked slightly. Jacques hiccuped.
"Yes, my friend....." His voice was a quiet whisper.
"Take care of Topie for me.....she needs someone like you in her life....." Topaz didn't object to this like she would have if she was herself at the moment. Jacques nodded.
"I will....."
"Thank you......" he closed his eyes for a minute. For an hour. For more than an hour.

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