Chapter seventeen and three quarters (You can obviously tell this one is Topaz)

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(I had to I'm sorry)
'He would marry me off that easy?! Geez!' Topaz thought to herself, straightening her coat. General Washington called every soldier to gather around him. Topaz stood next to her brother.
"The French have sent troops to New York, causing our army to increase tremendously. This good news doesn't take away the fact that many of our men lost their lives today....." he took off his hat. Topaz did the same, her fluffy, newly cut blonde hair stuck up with static faintly. George went on. "Tonight we ride for Manhattan. Keep your eyes peeled for the woods and be ready to shoot at a moments notice, men."
"Yes sir!" The crowd of soldiers boomed, and watching as the general climbed onto his horse and started to ride off. They marched after him, line by line.
'I guess when he said we he meant he.....' Topaz smirked. 'Same.' She glanced up at Loui marching next to her in silence. She didn't know if you were allowed to speak while marching unless you were spoken to by a commander so she kept her trap shut. "General Washington is gonna chew you up and spit you out soldier!" The man's words echoed through her head. 'I think I'll stay on his good side, thanks....' she thought.
After hours of walking, her feet started to get soar. She could tell Loui's feet hurt as well because he was walking funny. She dared not complain but she needed to rest. 'I didn't know I was this soft.......' she snapped out of feeling sorry for herself. 'Topaz, if you can stab adult men that are trained in battle and bigger than you, you can walk a few god damn miles to Manhattan.' She cracked her neck and continued marching next to her brother. She still felt weird about it saying the three quarters to her age, but she knew if she did, Loui would've found her out immediately. Instead of looking at Loui so often she decided to start glancing out at the countryside. The small army was marching through woods to keep themselves hidden, and red coats were fairly easy to see, but she still felt a little uneasy. It wasn't until she looked in front of her that she noticed how well she hid herself in her allies. She was practically face to face with a lower back. 'Curse you tiny legs......'
They marched through the night and through the early morning. The lights of Manhattan were visible in the misty morning air. Topaz felt a wave of relief sweep across her body. The sound of boots hitting grass and dirt was now the sound of boots hitting cobble. The small army marched through the streets to the port where French military ships were docking. French soldiers neatly poured out of the ship.
Unlike Topaz's squad, the French soldiers that came to aid them were trained to fight. They were all much taller than the American men she'd seen in her life, and God knew she was the shortest woman in America. They were strong looking too. Broad shouldered and ready to meet the British with the business ends of their bayonets, the French troop approached them. There were many French troops sent to them, like there were many American troops sent to Manhattan to meet with them. George Washington began talking to another general while his soldiers waited for the convention to end.
While her superior was speaking, a particular French soldier caught her eye, mostly because he was shorter than all the rest. Still he was tall, and young. Something else she could relate to. He had what seemed like black hair tied in a short pony tail sticking out of his hat. His green eyes were fixed on George talking to the French commander. 'I wonder if he speaks English.....' she stood on her tip toes to get a closer look at the young soldier.

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