Chapter twenty seven (Rose)

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The house was quiet apart from William's crying. Rose could hear it from across the house. Jasper agreed to watch the small infant while Rose tidied up. Even if she was a mother, she was still a maid.
Everyone in the house knew that the revolution had ended. The Americans had won.
Violet had come to visit. She and Rose came up with an agreement to end the marriage. "Your master is the one who arranged it and he's six feet under at the moment." Said Violet, man-spreading on the couch.
"Please Lady Violet. Don't be so insensitive....." Squeaked Rose's quiet voice.
"Oh I'm sorry. I should've-....." Her words were cut off by a knock at the door. Rose stood.
"I will be right back." She gave a slight bow and exited the room, moseying over to the door. The knock came again, but stronger this time. With a slight sigh of annoyance, Rose pulled the door open.
It was raining outside and in the rain stood two soldiers. One of them was tall and had long black hair, and the other was the shortest person Rose had ever seen. Both looked solemn and their faces were somewhat plastered with dried blood. "Good evening, madam....." the tall one greeted, the way he spoke proving him French. "Is your master home at the moment?"
"No....I'm afraid Master Kramer passed a few months ago...." at this, the shorter one looked up.
"WHAT?!" Rose knew that voice anywhere, and the height just started to make sense.
"Lady Topaz! My god where have you been all this time?! We've been worried sick!"
"FATHER'S DEAD?!" She repeated. The taller Frenchman put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
"We bare unfortunate news......may we come inside?"
Rose led them down the hall and into the sitting room with Violet, who sat up and touched her knees together in the presence of men. "What's going on?"
"Please have a seat." Rose ignored her. The Frenchman sat down and Topaz sat uncomfortably close to him, their thighs touching. He didn't seem to mind.
"We came to your home today...not only to bring Topaz home...but also regarding Louis Kramer....." Rose's stomach knotted. She clasped the fabric of her dress.
"Y-yes...?" Her voice cracked, afraid for him to go on. Violet kinda tensed.
"Private Louis Kramer.....was pronounced dead yesterday morning....." the words hit her like an oncoming carriage. Violet's eyes widened. "I am so very sorry....." Topaz whimpered and started shaking. He hastily grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Rose stared at him.
"You're lying.....Loui's alive...." at this he shook his head slowly. She took a step backwards. She was too overcome by shock to cry or do anything. Topaz hiccuped.
"H-he told me to tell you t-that he loves you. Very much....." she squeaked. Rose nodded and stared at her feet.
Her worst nightmare was coming true. Loui was gone. William would grow up without a father. His crying still echoed the halls. Soon his mothers cries rang out as well. Rose collapsed to her knees and covered her face with trembling hands. She was so scared to go on without him, even being alone with him at war was terrifying. Topaz was crying as well but she had her friend to calm her down. Rose felt like she had no one.
    Hearing the noise, Jasper rushed into the room with William. "OH SHIT ROSE!" Without thinking, she thrusted William into the Frenchman's arms. "HOLD THIS!" He took him, having no experience with children whatsoever. Jasper kneeled by her friend.
     The crying went on for a while. Jasper was crying, Topaz was crying, William was crying, even Violet was crying. It was a shit show. Eventually, Rose regained her composure and stood, smoothing her dress. She cleared her throat. " did he......." she didn't want to finish her sentence.
"He was shot in the stomach.....Topaz found him first......"
"Oh my........"
"Louis was a very close friend of mine, though I only knew him for about a year. He really was an important puzzle piece to the Revolution...." The Frenchman stood. "I'm sorry.....I haven't properly introduced myself......It must be horrible to have a complete stranger come into your home and tell you of such wretched things......" he gave a deep bow, William clinging to his chest. "Captain Jacques Devoir at your service."
"Thank you......M-my name is Rose....." her eyes were glassy and her voice was distant. Jacques looked down at the infant.
"He looks just like he-"
"Yes...He's our son...he was born not even three months ago....." Rose took her son from him.
"I apologize I have no experience with children....." before Rose could answer, Violet added herself to the conversation.
"Where is is body? Do you know?"
"He's being held in Yorktown....his body will be sent to you in a matter of days, madam." Rose didn't like that word. Sent. It was like her darling Loui was a package. Nothing more than an object. She could sense the shakiness in Jacques voice, and she could tell he regretted wording it that way.
     Topaz slowly stood, wiping some tears and dried blood off her face. "Where is father buried....?"
"Out by the tree on the hill....." Jasper answered. Topaz darted out of the room and ran down the hall. Rose stared after her.
"Jasper would you go with her?"
"She's a soldier, madam." Jacques stated. "She's saved my life on many occasions. I assure you she'll be fine."

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