Part - 3

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Hi Guys its me again I know I have already update the part but what to do My one of frnd is requesting me to post and in unable to deny her so here we go and I'm also clearing some confusions...


Previous : Swara's new identity....!!!



As usual all were doing breakfast and Sanskaar was also present there in her suit with totally arrogant look on his face

As all were busy just than Sujhata starts her useless talks again making Sanskaar angry and frustrated

Sujhat ; Sanskaar I have seen a very pretty girl for know she is.....

Before she completed further Sanskaar who was eating his break fast angry throws spoon in plate and gets up

Sanskaar : Enough Mom how many times I have to tell you that I don't want to marry with anyone....and I don't want to hear more on this topic....I'm leaving for office bye

He leaves from there angrily making Sujhata sad and everyone amused too....while Ragini who was seeing all this thinks why Sanskaar doesn't want to marry as now he has completed his revenge than why he is so much frustrated.....



Sanskaar stops his car in front of a beautiful house it was not that much big it was just a simple medium house with garden in both sides looking simply beautiful.....

He gets down from his car and started to walk in....he reached near door and rings the bell

Door opens and there stood a woman in his late sixties....Sanskaar smiles seeing that lady and she also returns smile,...

Sanskaar started to walk towards a room followed by that lady he reached to that room and see a woman in his mud forties laying on bed lifless....

He becomes teary eyes and goes towards that woman....she was looking pale and fragile.....many machines were attached with a body and she was sleeping in a long slumber....

Sanskaar holds that lady's hand and started to cry while the woman standing behind her also becomes teary eyed and places her hand on his shoulder to make her calm....

Sanskaar talks with the woman for some time and than left from there for his office....

It was his daily routine to visit this house but who were they....well I'll explain just wait....



First of all I want to say that Sanskaar has not merged his business with Maheswaries and he is still working alone....

IN Sanskaar's Cabin

Sanskaar was lost in his thoughts which were fly occupied by non other than Swara....
Tears were clearly visible in his eyes and  the pain too

Sanskaar's POV

I'm Sanskaar Maheswari the owner of Karna Industries....I made this industry to destroy DP and his family but what I did....

I destroyed an innocent life....I destroyed a person who was full of life....just because of me Swara's whole family destroyed....

She did so much hard work to unit her Mom Dad and due to my one mistake not mistake my one son destroyed her whole world....

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