Part - 47

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Hi Guys...!!!
Long time no see...well I'm sorry but I'm angry on you all all just tell me to post ff...but you never ask about my health...well I was sick so that's why not able to post...!!!
So today I'm well that's why I'm posting...!!!
Lets start...!!!


Previous : Drama in Engagment party...!!!


Part - 47


As the doctor declares that Swara is pregnant...this news was not less than any shock to everyone...specially to Sanskaar...who was seeing Swara with wide eyes...

Swara was standing with the support of Samrat...looking down...tears were shinning in her big eyes...but still she was managing they couldnt slip from her eyes...

The doctor sees a person...and the person signs doctor to leave the smiles and left from there...leaving the party behind...

Soon the whole hall was filled with guest's voices who were taunting Swara...making her feel more sad and worried about her baby...

G1(disgustingly) : oh God...look this shameless girl...don't know whose baby she is having in her womb...

G2(shockingly) : what are you must be her first husband's child...

G3(taunting) : I don't think so...if it's her first husband's child than why she is marrying with (points towards Samrat)this man...

G2(mocking tone) : you are saying true...I think her husband must have come to know that she is not a good girl...that's why he is divorcing her...

G1(disgustingly) : yah...she is from start like this only...

G3(confused) : what do you mean...

G2(telss her everything) : don't know...first she was going to marry with her husband's younger brother...but than she vanished...And than suddenly came back and said she is Sanakaar's wife...and now she is marrying with this boy...don't know what is she planning...she is a characterless...

Sanskaar who was busy in his thoughts becomes angry listening to guest's talks...and roared angrily making everyone flinch...

Sanskaar(Roared) : ENOUGH...(warning)DONT YOU DARE TO UTTER ANYTHING ELSE...

G3(smirks) : why are you reacting like this...she is not your wife now...

Sanskaar(glares the guests) : that I'll decide whether she is my wife or not...(again warns)you just stay in your limits...

G2(trying to act smart) : what you think by shouting on can make us all quite...than you are wrong...we don't want this girl in our society...she is...

Sanskaar(throwing daggers say them like if he will kill them at any minute) : ENOUGH...I already have tolerated are our guests...that's why I'm talking politely....don't make issues of our personal lives...

G1(taunting) : we are not making any fact we are telling the truth only...and why are you this much concern...she has given divorce to you...than why are you defending her...

Sanskaar's blood was boiling in range...he walks towards Swara and pulls her towards holding her waist...making Swara shock and look at Sanskaar...while Samrat moves away from them their space...

Swara sees in Sanskaar's eyes which were showing anger...range...and love while Swara's eyes were showing...happiness and sadness both at a time...

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