Part - 28

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Hi Guys here I am with next part...I know you all are waiting and your curiosity is at I'm not gonna make you all wait more...!!!
I'm gonna mention my one reader that is @PatelSwasanholi... Thanks for liking it...!!!

Previous : Swasan talk Swara's realisation and RagLak cheap activities...!!!


Part - 28


Sanskaar(tells her) : Swara...I couldn't find driver...(thinks something and then tell her)so we can go in my car...come...

Swara(worriedly) : but Sanskaar what about driver...

Sanskaar(says while trying to make her understand) : Swara we will see him after wards...right now we have to reach hotel...

Swara(nodes) : yah let's go...

Both go and silently sit in car...Sanskaar was driving car...and stealing glances of Swara too who was looking outside...

Swara was feeling Sanskaar's guaze and was getting his attention...but suddenly she remembered something and stared to look here if she was finding something...

Suddenly she spot something and asks Sanskaar to stop the car...

Swara(shouts suddenly) : Sanskaar stop the car...

Sanskaar who was driving calmly becomes startled by her voice and abruptly apply the break...making both of them jerk...

Sanskaar(horrified) : what was that Swara...(scolding her)you can talk calmly tell me why you told me to stop car...

Swara(giving puppy look make Sanskaar's heart flutter) : sorry Sanskaar...and I stop car for that...

She points towards a direction...Sanskaar sees towards that direction and then looks Swara who was giving him puppy looks...while he gives he Impossible look...

But still both came down from car...and Swara literally drag Sanskaar inside shopping mall...
Yup it was a shopping  mall...😎😎😎


IN Shopping Mall

She drags Sanskaar towards men section and started to select clothes for him...making him confused as well as happy...

Confused as why she is selecting clothes for him and...happy as she cares for him this much that she is doing his shopping first...

Sanskaar(tries to stop him) : no need to select clothes for did your's ok..

Swara(sternly) : did I ask your opinion...

Sanskaar(nodes in no but still tries to interrupt him) : no but...

Swara(sternly) : then stand quiet...(hands him some t-shiry)Here take this and go and try...

Sanskaar(tries to deny) :  but Swara...

Swara(orders him strictly) : I said go Sanskaar...

Sanskaar sigh in defeat and go to  trail room...he wears those clothes which she has given him...and comes out from trail room where an impatient Swara was waiting for him...

As soon as she sees Sanskaar...she was totally flat on him...he was looking handsome in yellow t-shirt and white pant...

Sanskaar sees Swara and smirks seeing his effect on her...he moves towards her...and said in her ear huskily...making her shiver...

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