Part - 9

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Hi Guys I'm so happy with your all response omg 70 votes in so so so happy....thank you so much for this much lovely response friends....
Ok so let's start....but before writing I want to dedicate this episode to my two special friends who always encourage me to post early today my fingers were paining but still I'm posting just because of them....I'll tell there name at enjoy reading friends.....!!!


Previous : Sanskaar supports Swara and Swasan romantic moment disturb by Laksh....!!!


Part - 9

IN SwaSan Room

Laksh was looking really anger seeing Swasan close proximity...if guaze could have burn someone then right now his guaze would have burnt Sanskaar alive....

Laksh(Gritting his teeth) : Sanskaar get aside,...I want to talk with Swara...and it's urgent...

Sanakaar(angry too) : (showing his finger angrily to Laksh)first of all Laksh it's not manners to go in some married couple room without knocking door....and secondly we are newly married couple we need privacy and.....thirdly not but the least I'm not moving from here  Laksh and about which thing you wanna can talk from here speak why are you here...,???

Laksh was now red with anger from head to toe listening to Sanskaar's tone filled with anger
He somehow composed himself and said

Laksh(tell angry and shouts) : look Sanskaar I'm not here to talk with you....I just want to talk with....SWARA THAT TOO move from my way....otherwise....

Sanskaar(becomes more angry listening to Laksh's treath) : otherwise what....tell me...look Laksh I'm warning you first and last time...(hugs Swara from side making Laksh more angry)Swara is my wife...MY just stay 5 inch away from you get that....and now say what you wanna say....and then just get out from here,....ok....

Laksh felt insulted and he sees Swara Sanskaar side hugging each other for last time and left the room angrily....

Swara was again suprise with  Sanskaar's protective nature......and confuse too....

Sanskaar turns towards her and sees her suprised expressions but didn't pay any heed...he goes towards couch and lay down closing his eyes...

Swara also goes to the bed and thinks about Sanskaaars behavior and sleeps thinking about him....

A new feeling was taking place in both of there hearts....they both were getting attracted towards each other like two poles of Magnate but still they both were unknown from their feelings....

Swara was fast asleep but not Sanskaar....he was guazung sleeping Swara and was thinking about his past life....

*******Flashback Starts*******

It was past 2 days since Swara was died...whole Boss Mention was silent...and why not....the girl whose giggles echoes in that house was no more....

Being not able to take that silence any more Shoba decide to leave Badi and go to Banarass....

She wanted to give a new atmosphere to Shomi....who was totally broken from her one and only daughter's death....

He health was detouring day by day and doctor has also said that change the atmosphere so she came out from trauma....

So that's why they took that decision....the day when both Shomi and Shoba were leaving Badi Shekar again confront Shomi and asks her to understand the situation that Ragini hadn't did any thing....

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