Part - 18

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Hi Guys I'm happy that you all like my previous part and you all supporting...thank you all so let's start...


Previous : SwaSan Drunken Romance....!!!


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Part - 18


Both SwaSan were kissing widely...Swara's hands were in Sanskaar's shoulders for support and Sanskaar's were on her tiny waist pulling her more towards him...

Soon both broke the kiss and were breathing heavily...

Swara(smiles childishly) : are an...amazing kisser...

Sanskaar(with twinkling eyes asks her) : Really...???

Swara(smiling) : Yes...

Both of there desires were now reaching to peak...they want with our any single chance...Sanskaar again  pulls her and they both again started to  kiss each other...

Swara was feeling Sanskaar's touch was making her crazy...

Both were kissing hungrily each other...soon both broke apart...and Sanskaar nuzzles his nose in her cheek making her shiver...

Sanskaar gently bite on her left cheek making her mourn in pleasure...

Swara(mourn in pain) : ahhh...Sanskaar....

She pushed Sanskaar  slightly and said confusingly...

Swara(confused) : What are you doing Hero???

Sanskaar(Innocently) : I'm doing what a Heroin...

Swara(keeps her finger on her chin and tap as she is thinking) : What Do you mean???

Sanskaar(childishly explains) : Hehe...Buddhu(Idiot)...don't you know after kiss what Hero do with heroin...

Swara(asks confusingly) : hmm what he do???

Sanskaar(with wide eyes) : Don't you see films...

Swara(happily) : yes I see films...but in films Hero only kiss Heroin...and then they...(clapping like child)live happily ever after...

Sanskaar(slaps her head) : hmm...which type of movies do you see...

Swara(happily) : I..I like Hindi know...I love SRK...he is my favourite Hero...

Sanskaar(Said forming his mouth in shape O) : Ohhh...that's why you don't...don't know what happened...after kiss...

Swara(Said Childishly) : Ok...we do one show me what...happened after kiss...we will do that...

Sanskaar(says while moving his hands) : ok...wait I' you...

He pulls Swara in his embrace and circles his arms around her tiny waist...making Swara shiver...

Sanskaar(asks her Childishly) : place your hands around my neck...

Swara(nodes innocently) ; ok

She place her hands on her shoulders...making Sanskaar disappointed...

Sanskaar(explains her) : Not like this this...

He left her waist and intangel her both hands fingers around his neck...
He again placed her hands on her tiny waist...

Sanskaar(happily) : Now Perfect...let's start...

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