Part - 25

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Hi Guys I'm so sorry for late...
But I have my own works to here we go...!!!


Prvious : Swara informs Sanskaar about her Shimla visit...!!!


Part - 25

Although Sanskaar has given permission to Swara for Shimla Trip...but he don't know why he was feeling restless...he don't know why...but he was feeling like Swara has a danger...but being helpless in front of Swara's stubborn nature he difmt said anything...

Swara was packing her laugage...she also want some time...that's why she choose to go after their recent intimate moments she was so much confused about her feeling for HIM...and was having no strength to face she choose to go far from she can understand her inner feelings...

After packing her language she goes out to drink some water...


IN Kitchen

Swara was drinking water....and thinking about her next move...just then she feels a hug from back...making her feel uncomfortable...

She broke the hug and guess's that idiot Laksh...he grins widely while Swara just have a fake smile and take two steps back from order to built up distance between them...

Swara(angry from inside but says calmly) : what was that Laksh...?

Laksh(says casually and grins widely) : what...I just hug my would be it bad...(tries to go near her)

Swara(with fake smile) : look Laksh we are at home...and if someone sees us...they may get doubt on us...(shows him hand and signs him to stop there)so please maintain a little distance...

Laksh(dissappointed) : yah ok...Swara did you see today...(asks excitedly like a fool)I did what exactly you told me...soon I'll get my share in property then we will get married...I'm so happy...

Swara(smiles evilly) : yah I see...and I'm so glad...hmmm Laksh...I'm going out of town due to some work I was thinking till I came back why don't you complete this mess about property...

Laksh(asks) : wait..where are you going...and why...

Swara(explain some lame excuse) : it's...that...I have some know I'm Sanskaar's PA so I have to maintain his meetings that's why I'm going...

Laksh(angrily) : that bloody sansk...

Swara(shouts angrily) : Laksh...(composed herself and with a fake smile)I mean we are in kitchen...we will talk later..ok now I have to go...

Laksh(sighs) ; ok...

Swara hurridly leave from she know if she stays there one more second she may...broke that Laksh's mouth from which he was speaking I'll about HER SANSKAAR...

Soon Laksh too left from there...but both SwaLak failed to notice a third person who has listen all talks...and that's none other than Ragini...

It was time for Swara's flight and she left from home to air port...both Swasan were feeling restless...when they were getting apart at air port...but still they brushed there negative thoughts...and concentrate on there mission...



Ragini is talking with a Man and giving him rupees and picture...

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