Part - 13

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Hi Guys here I'm with next part of what's my fault......if I seriously say then I have no mood to write ffs now a days but still I'm posting....!!!


Previous : SwaSan in pub and Sanskaar tells Swara about her Mother and Dida....!!!


Part - 13

OutSide the House

Swara was crying standing near car....her back was towards house....Sanskaar who came there to see Swara....becomes sad seeing her crying....

He slowly kept his hand in her shoulder and Swara truns around,....she sees Sanskaar with teary eyes and then started to cry hugging him

First he was shocked as Swara hugged him....then he also respond to hug and started to consol her....he just keep patting on her back to make her calm...

After about 15 minutes Swara realise her position and broke the hug...her face was wet with tears....Sanskaar gives his handicraft to her....

Sanskaar(giving Handicraft) : wipe your tears...

Swara takes handicraft and wipe tears from her face but there were still some....Sanskaar sign her to wipe from there but she didn't understand....

At last he goes near her and wipe her tears which were under her eyes....both looks in each other's eyes and were lost for some time....

They came to senses as Swara broke the eyelook....and walks a little far from him...there was complete silence for some time....which was broken by Sanskaar

Sanskaar(trying to consol her) : I are you feeling now..,and I'm....

Swara(shouts angrily) : No....No you don't fact nobody can understand....(crying miserably)just...just because of in deep sleep....just because of you....(she walks towards him and holds his coller in her fits)why why you came in my life....why you destroyed my life....why you did this with me....why.....??? Tell me Dammit What's My Fault in a this...tell me....(continuously shooking him)

She was already crying....and asking all these question with this much loud voice make her energy drenched....she slowly sat in his feets and was crying....while tears were also in Sanskaar's eyes....making him feel guilty....

He sat down on his toes and sees Swara crying and totally broken....his heart felt a pang in it....but he himself didn't know why...he felt that....

Sanskaar(guilty) : I'm sorry Swara....I know...I know I did wrong with you....but...I also want to take revenge from DP and Laksh...due to whom my....(choking voice)my Kavita died....they killed my Kavita...they killed.....

Swara(Angrily) : ENOUGH Sanskaar....ok I get it you wanted to take revenge from Laksh and DP....but what was my fault in all this....(point towards herself)did I'm the one who killed your Kavita....tell me....why you mingeled my character...(holds his coller)tell why you give me drugs...tell me why you did this with were having enemity with Laksh right....than why you used me....(crying)why you hurt me....due to you...just because of you...I heard taunts from society...I tired to live but...people didn't let me Mother she always hear taunts from people due to me....My so cold Grandmother....she always taunts my mother due to Bengali....always but after that hotel incident....she daily taunts my mother due to me....tell me what wrong I did with you...tell me (angrily shouting and crying)WHAT'S MY FAULT in all this tell me...tell me...My sister Ragini....whom I trusted more than My self....also was with you....she played her dirty tricks with your help on me....she also did bad with said you under stand me Maheswari....there is no one in this world who can understand my one....

She was crying and Sanskaar was helpless as he can't consol her....he was feeling more guilty now,...for hurting a innocent his so cold revenge....

He was lost in his thoughts....just then he realised the Swara is holding her head....her head was spining due to excess of crying....he immdiately holds her before she falls in ground....

Sanskaar(worried & patting her cheek) : Swara....Swara...what happened....please open your eyes...Swara....!!!!

He become panics...He lifts her in his arms and takes her towards the hospital....


IN Hospital

Sanskaar was walking restlessly infront of Swara's wards where doctor was examining her from past half an hour making Sanskaar more worried with each passing minute....

Just than door opens and doctor came out....seeing douctor Sanskaar rush towards him and started to ask question about Swara's health...

Sanskaar(worried) : how is she now???Tell me doctor is she fine....tell me why are you silent....

Doctor : Relax Mr Maheswari she is's just that she takes that's why she just take good care of her....

Sanskaar(relaxes) : thank you doctor....when can I take her home....!!!

Doctor : she is perfectly fine Mr can take her now but she is's your choice of you want to can wait till her consiousness....or you can take her now....

Sanskaar : I'm taking her home it's quite late doctor so...thanks you once again...

Doctor ; my pleasure

Sanskaar goes inside the wards and sees Swara sleeping like a baby but with a pale face....he remembers when he first time saw her in Badi....her face was full of glow and naughtiness and now she is lying here with a pale face....

He carefully lifts her in his arms and started to move towards there car....he gently make her sit in car and drive towards home



On reaching MM he sees Swara who was still sleeping....he gets down from car and lifts her in his arms and started to move inside....

As it was Sunday so everyone was at home and doing there lunch at table....Laksh was the first who saw them and becomes angry seeing Swara in Sanskaar's arms😜😜😜

Sanskaar sees towards all who were looking at him with questioning eyes....but he didn't give any damn to them and straightly moved towards there room....


IN SwaSan Room

Sanskaar enters in room with Swara in his arms and gently makes her lay on bed without any disturbance....

He sits beside Swara and sees her face....he started to observe her face feather unwillingly....

He keep his hand on her for head which moves on her cheek....he caress them slightly....and at last his hand reach on her red lips....he was having a urge to kiss those lips unconditionally.....

And without thinking further and slowly placed his rough lips on her pink lips and kiss her softly....after about 5 minutes he broke the kiss.... that's when he realise what he had done...

He immdiately stands from bed and goes from there to washroom to take a cold shower....he was still suprised on his act....


Next : New Planning , New Companion and New Feelings....!!!


Finally I wrote it....ok so here I'm stopping.... if you are liking my story
I know guys it was boring but still give me your response....of you want next sooner....
A humble request please vote for me in "New Author Awards"
Thank you....!!!

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