Part - 34

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Hi guys I'm back...!!!
As you all are demanding SwaSan this chapter is full of SwaSan enjoy...!!!


Previous : DP made MF embarrassed infront of guests...!!!


Part - 34

IN SwaSan Room

It was almost mid night...Sanskaar was  peacefully sleeping on couch...while sleep was far away from Swara's eyes...she tries harder to sleep but it was of no use...

She gets up from bed and goes towards Sanskaar...she shook his shoulder in order to wake him up from his sleep...

Sanskaar who was sleeping felt that someone is shaking him...he lazzily open his eyes and becomes tensed to see Swara standing beside his couch...

Sanskaar(sitting on couch worriedly) : Swara what are you doing here at this time...

Swara(hesitantly) : I...I'm not getting sleep...

Sanskaar(asks confusedly) : so what should I do???

Swara(playing with fingers) : I..I was thinking as we have acheieve a big

Sanskaar(arch his eyebrow) ; so????

Swara(says excitedly) : so why don't we go out to celeberate it...

Sanskaar immdiately gets the flashes of past celeberation drunken romance and that video...his eyes become wide in shock and he shouts...

Sanskaar(shouts shockingly) : way I'm hot gonna go out with you to celeberate...

Swara(tries to explain seeing his horrified expressions) : wait Sanskaar...we will not go to club this time...I...I just wanna go for a walk...please can we go...out...

Sanskaar(denies strictly) : no...and it's late...we will go go and sleep...

Swara(stubbornly) : no...I wanna go out now...please...pretty please...

She makes puppy faces...and at last Sanskaar melts seeing her those cute faces and smiles...

Sanskaar(melts seeing her puppy face and smiles) : ok...let's go...but no club ok...

Swara(smiles excitedly) : ok...

Both goes out from house and sit in car...and left for a long drive...but one person was seeing all this with red eyes and guess who...put dear Ragini...but what can she do😂😂😂😂😂 expect feeling jealous...


ON Road

Sanskaar was driving car and Swara...she was looking outside and talking happily...making Sanskaar smile...

Swara(smiles while heartedly) : you know I'm so happy...finally I'm near my destination...once my revenge is completed than I'll meet my Maa...Dida And will love them forever...I'll never leave them...

Sanskaar smiles listening to him...he was happy for he also wanted to say her I Love You as soon as possible...but he is waiting for right time...

Suddenly Swara see something and she shouts...


Making Sanskaar to apply break abruptly...he looks towards Swara with shocking expressions...

Sanskaar(shocking and worried) : what happened Swara...why you say me to stop car suddenly...

Swara in reply just point towards Panipuri stall...grinning widely making Sanskaar's mouth shape "O" 😮😮😮

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