Part - 29

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Hi Guys it's me again...
I was in no mood to write and update today...but as you all are angry on I thought to give a short update...sad yes in this update there is a small suprise..,for which you all are waiting from so here we go...I hope you will LOVE it...
This episode is dedicate to my sweet friends Pihusinha VartikaBansal8 Innocentsoul123 now you three become cute supporter HasiniReddy7 and most specially to ridhi_gupta after reading this you will give me flying kisses...!!!
So let's start...!!!


Previous : Suspence revealed and Sanskaar's POV...!!!


Part - 29

IN Hotel Room

After sometime Sanskaar came in room and see Swara getting ready to go somewhere...he was feeling very awkward thinking about his dream...he don't know how to talk to her...

Swara who was getting ready to go out...sees Sanskaar standing in some confusion and asks him...

Swara(confusedly) : Sanskaar...why are you standing there...???

Sanskaar(composed himself and talks normally) : nothing...I just...(change the topic and asks her)you are going somewhere...???

Swara(tells him about her plan) : oh yes actually...I told you about that Person so I'm going to see him...

Sanskaar(Monologue and worried for her) : if she goes alone then may be...that Goon whom Ragini has hired to kill Swara will attack on I can't let Swara go alone...(with concern)I'll also go with her...(talks to Swara)wait Swara...if you don't mind can I also come with you...

Swara(tries to deny him) : but Sanskaar...

Sanskaar(tries to convince her) : please Swara I'll be bored at I'll accompany you... in that way we can find him...more quickly...

Swara(thinks something and then smiles) : well you are right...ok go and wear your outside will be cold...I'm waiting here...

Sanskaar(smiles back) : just wait...I'll come in 5 minutes...

Saying so he left towards washroom...after about 5 minutes he came back...and they both left hotel to search that Person...



IN RagLak Room

Next morning Ragini open her eyes and was feeling proud on herself for her last night work(seducing her husband)...she covers herself and goes towards balcony...taking her mobile...

She calls to that Goon and inqires about Swara's death news...

Ragini : Hello

Goon : Hello madam G

Ragini(sternly asks) : I have call you to know about Swara's death...tell me is she dead???

Goon(smirking) : don't worry Madam G till now she would have been dead...

Ragini(confused and irritated) : what do you mean by till now...tell me clearly...

Goon(asks evilly) : Madam G have you ever heard...a person survived in snow storm of Shimla...

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