Part - 27

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Hi Guys here I am with next let's start without any delay...!!!


Previous : SwaSan Hot Romance...!!!


Part - 27


It was a shining bright Morning...Sanskaar was sleeping pecafully with a smile after last night...Suddenly Sun rays fall on him...making him to move in his sleep...

He moves to other side...and tries to hide his face in someone's chest...but when he didn't find someone on the other side...he slowly open his eyes...and sees surroundings...

Just then he spots Swara standing near window...looking out... he removes the duvet from himself and suddenly feel cold...he sees he was half naked...he sees his shirt at a side and wear it...he smiles seeing her and moves towards her

Due to last night...his head was still a little when he stands up...he stumbles a little....

Swara who was standing near window heard some voice and turns around to find Sanskaar holding his head...and trying to walk...

She immdiately rushed to him...and supports him...he sees him with a guaze full of Love...she makes him sit on Haye...and gives him a glass of water...and makes him drink that too...

After drinking water...there was a silence for some time...both were silent...don't know what to say...Sanskaar was feeling like on cloud ninth after last night but Swara...what she was feeling...

Sanskaar observes Swara's silence and thinks may be she is not happy what happened last in order to cheer her up...he thought to talk...
But before he could start talking Swara herself asks him something...

Swara(I'm normal tone looking outside) : Sanskaar why you come Shimla???

Sanskaar who was not expecting this question...was totally shocked how to react...he thinks may be she needs time to adjust with the things...

Sanskaar(Monoluge) : why she is not talking about last night...may be she needs some time...After all what she did for me last night...I don't think I can ever thank her...she has sacrificed her Dignity for me...and I know for a woman Her Dignity is the most precious thing...I know Swara you need time...(smiles)and I'm ready to give you that...after all I can do this much for you...after last night I came to know how much you care for me...I think you care for me much more than I do for you...(sees Swar a who busy staring outside)I know you have feelings for me but you are not understanding about Them...but don't worry I'll give you time...I'm so lucky to have you in my life...

After a moment of silence...he started to explain her about how he heard Ragini's evil plan and how he came here...

Sanskaar(in normal tone explain all incidents) : umm...Swara actually...yesterday when I was going to get ready I heard Ragini talking with someone...first I didn't pay  any heed...but when I heard her taking your name I got to know that something is fishy...and decide to heard all her talks...that's how I got to know that she has hired a Goon to kill you...she also warns that Goon that it should look like an accident so that no body can doubt on her...(sees her and smiles)I was so much worried after listening to all this...I tried to call you..,but when you didn't lift my calls...I just...just couldn't think about I directly came see you...

Swara(now her head down and said in disheartened tone) : I never knew Ragini can stoop so low...

Sanskaar(tells her thinking something deeply) : she is much more than your thinking can't even imagine about that... I have seen her and observe her I know her more than you...

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