Part - 15

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Hi Guys sorry for late actually I was not getting any idea for revenge but I'm trying ok....if you all have any then suggest me...!!!


Previous : SwaSan unit for revenge Drama...!!!


Part - 15

IN SwaSan Room

Next Morning

Both were sleeping at there places just then Swara woke up from her sleep and see towards Sanskaar who was still asleep...

She gets down from bed and goes towards the washroom for freshen up....

After getting freshen up when she comes out she sees Sanskaar still sleeping...she goes towards him to wake him up

When she reached near him...she sees his face...which was having a innocent look...making him more handsome...she started to admire him unwillingly....

She jerked from her trance seeing Sanskaar opening his eyes....he sees Swara standing near him....

Sanskaar(asked her as she was standing near couch) : what are you doing here???

Swara(come to sense and fumbel) : ahh...I..I came here to wake you it was morning...and you was still sleeping...

Sanskaar : ok...

Sanskaar gets up and goes from there...and after taking his clothes he goes to washroom leaving a confused Swara behind....

Swara(Monolouge) : omg what was I about to do....why I always feel some kind of attraction from him...why I feel save with him...Swara consantrate on your revenge don't forget that...he is your enemy...but he also save my Maa And means he is not that bad...ufff I think I'll become mad...if I thought about this again...

She gets out from her dream land as soon as she heard door opening sound...And sees Sanskaar wearing a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans with wet hair looking handsome...she was again lost in his hotness...

Sanskaar truns around and sees her staring him...he was confused...seeing Swara lost...he calls her...and she came in senses and said yes...

Sanskaar(calls Swara) : Swara...Swara...

Swara(came to senses) : yes...why are you calling me...

Sanskaar(irriatated) : because you was not answering to my questions...

Swara(fumbels) : ohhh sorry...I..was ...just thinking how to trap Laksh... in our trap...

Sanskaar(casually) : you don't worry about that...I have thought all just be ready for your...part...

Swara(said similing evilly) : ok...but I also want to see that drama...

Sanskaar : but how can you go there as.....

Swara(mocking) : oh hello Mr Maheswari if you are forgotten then let me remind you that...I'm your Secretary too...and it's my revenge...I want to see the DP getting insulted infront of all...then only my heart will feel peace...

Sanskaar thinks for sometime and then said

Sanskaar(thinking some thing) : ok you can come with me...

Swara(sternly) : ok so let's go...


IN Lounge

Both SwaSan came down and seeing them whole family...becomes quite...and Swara started to observe Laksh who was staring at Swara shamelessly...

In order to make Laksh...more jealouse she holds Sanskaar's hand making him burn in jealously...and shocked Sanskaar...

He see towards Swara who sign him towards Laksh and in order to help Swara he also holds her hand...and smile...

Laksh and Ragini both were angry...on SwaSan...Laksh angrily left from there...and behind him Ragini too...

Seeing them going Swara also goes behind them informing Sanskaar


IN RagLak Room

Laksh was angrily throwing things here and there while Ragini was trying to stop him...but all in vain...

Laksh(angrily throwing things here and there) : I will not leave that Sanskaar how touch my Swara...I'll kill him...I...

Ragini(irritated listening to Swara's name from Laksh's mouth and said angrily) : Laksh please be calm...and about Swasan they are married...why can't you forget Swara....

Laksh truns angrily and slap Ragini hardly...making her shocked as well as angry...

Laksh(angrily holds her from arms making her winch in pain) : how dare you to say that...I should forgot Swara...she is Mine only MINE...if I can marry with you...only for Swara's sake then...I also can leave you for you get that...and next time don't interfere in my life...ok

Saying so he pushed her on the bed and leaves from there angrily...while Swara who was standing outside there room...when sees Laksh coming out....hide behind the wall...

When she make sure that no one is there she comes out and goes in RagLak Room...

She sees Ragini sitting in bed and crying...fingers prints were clearly visible on her face...for one second Swara feels bad seeing her in that state...

But then she remembers about her suffering her mother...and all the pain and claps her hand in air making Ragini attention...

Swara(claps her hand and said mockingly) : wow...what an amazing know Ragini...I have never seen such an amazing drama...not even in serials...I must both husband and wife can become good actors...

Ragini who was crying becomes angry seeing Swara and said

Ragini(angry seeing Swara) : what are you doing in my room...get lost from here...

Swara(evilly) : what's so hurry siso...ok let's make a challenge...I promise to you that I'll make you separate from all in this have don't so much to make them on your you will see how I'll make them against by one....and that only one month...and you know from whom I'll start....your dear Love...Laksh...hahaha

Ragini sees Swara shockingly and started her acting...

Ragini(trying to blackmail Swara emotionally) : what are you talking about Swara...why are you doing this...I know I did wrong but please don't do this to me...I'm sorry...please forgive me...please...

Swara who was laughing becomes quite seeing her pleading...she goes towards her and next moment was shocking...

She also give a tight slap to Ragini making her shocked...and Swara smirk seeing her shocked face

Swara(smirks evilly) : what do you think Mrs Laksh Maheswari...that I'll again become fool with your this innocent face...if you  think so...then you are these two years...I have learnt to see people real it's nearly make this Swara...fool again...

Ragini who was first shocked then smirk evilly...

Ragini(angrily) : Ohhh so my big sister had really become big...I must say that you finally got let me also challenge you...that I'll not let you take my Laksh that easily...if I can black mail him in name of you to marry with me...then i can also kill make my path clear...

Swara(smirks) : ok let's see who wins and who lose...

Saying so she left from there....leaving a  angry Ragini behind...

Swara goes in lounge  where Sanskaar was already present...seeing Swara fine he sighs in relief...and soon they both left from there towards there first destination...destination of Dp's Destruction....!!!


Next : DP insults Laksh and Swara using it as a opportunity...!!!


So here I'm ending my episode I hope you must have like it...!!!
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